Reviews for Taisetsu na Hito (Important Person)
Guest chapter 17 . 5/22
hahahaha really punching scenes are funny lol never expected an end with a punch hahahha
BerryCurls23 chapter 17 . 7/12/2019
It was a great story! But wolfram's character being viewed as a pathetic and weak person was a bit much. The forced cross-dressing always annoys me because if someone looks uncomfortable with the idea you shouldn't force them to wear it just to make yourself happy.. but over is was a pretty good story.
Kina stellar chapter 17 . 3/27/2016
The story is really cute. Thanks! But i feel that the ending part is lacking. Haha.. Just my opinion though so don't worry about it.
YukiOwO chapter 17 . 2/24/2016
Aweee so cute !
Nickesha chapter 17 . 12/6/2015
I love reading this story
mypastnobodybussiness chapter 17 . 4/9/2015
Loving it :)
Dominant yuuri and fragile wolfram? Who cpul resist?
Hiyoshi Ren chapter 10 . 3/15/2015
How sweet of you, Yuri, to double Conrad's work.
Sawyer Fan chapter 17 . 2/9/2015
LOL! Looks like Wolfram is back to his punching again!

Congrats for finishing the story, and thanks for a great read!
Fighterlover112 chapter 17 . 2/4/2015
Wait I'm confused is this the last chapter? If so it was so damn adorable! If its not pleeease continue it
XxXAdishoXxX chapter 17 . 2/4/2015
Awesome chapter :):):)!
Miss Ai Naz chapter 17 . 2/4/2015
Ooooo you have no idea how long I've been waiting to read the continuation of this! But wait you said last chapter?! Waaaait a minute, it can't be! That's not a very happy ending. Noooo... I wanna read something very touching for the ending..uhuhuk...
anonymousfanfictiongeek chapter 16 . 12/23/2014
I LOOOOOVE this fic it's sfhjdd#fjjjjlkmjh da feels!
RyuVonBielefeld chapter 16 . 12/20/2014
This is good! Romantic Yuuri and tsundere wolfram is just perfect. *thumbs up*
Keep updating, author-san. I sacrificed my sleep time just to read this fic. *sweat drop*
Kaesar16 chapter 5 . 12/14/2014
I try to read this story, but I stopped at chapter five. I just couldn't take how much you made Wolfram so pathetic. I know that he is in love with Yuri, but that doesn't mean he kiss his ass if Yuri ask. I just can't read stories so unrealistic; in love or not, I would be piss and sad if someone call me disgusting because of my sexuality, even more so from the person I am in love with.

So, yeah, you a good writer, it just, I couldn't take the utter bullshit. I love Yuri and Wolfram, just when Wolfram is not so pathetic and Yuri not so easily forgiven. I am understand Yuri's cultural differences and that Wolfram shouldn't try to force his love, but really?
LouiseUchiha chapter 11 . 12/14/2014
They will go to earth! !
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