Reviews for Stars and Stripes For Never
decoris chapter 5 . 4/3/2016
AUTHOR WHY HAVE YOU ABANDONED US. THIS IS SUCH A GOOD FIC NOOOO. For real, I dig this shit up and the plot was starting to thicken. You can't just leave us hanging! Please continue ;-;
StrawberryAvalanche007 chapter 5 . 1/21/2016
This is so cute! I just had to stop reading because I was crying. You should continue it!
ArkieR chapter 5 . 9/3/2015
Oh my gosh, this is fantastic! I've actually played with a similar idea before myself. (Only in that version it's America that gets transported to a world where the British Empire never fell… and America itself/himself is dead D:)
Anyway! I (and so many others) would be overjoyed if you could continue this in any way!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/20/2015
This is really really awesome! I like this story A LOT, its really, really good! :)
Guest chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
Where's canada
licorice chapter 5 . 7/11/2014
Noooooo! This was a good fanfic! You left me with a cliffhanger...

I hope you'll update. I want to know exactly what Ameri- I mean, Alfred was hiding from England. How did the latter get into this mess? I'll be on the edge of my seat!
LeTish chapter 5 . 6/13/2014
The idea of an alternative universe in which the revolution has had a different outcome is not new. However this is by far the best fic with this plot I've read.
You have good writing style and how the characters are.
I like espescially how you didn't make England the lovesick man and make him confess right after America's confession etc. That old story.
Keep writing, I'm definitely following this :D
GeritaPrincess77 chapter 5 . 5/5/2014
So gooood! Never stop writing. 3
Qwerty Kirby 2.0 chapter 5 . 4/18/2014
Ghosty! XD You're so awesome at writing. I'm jelly. (Yes, I re-made a FF account JUST to tell you that!) I love this story. Update soon, please! I know you're just watching Supernatural! :)
Anon chapter 5 . 4/7/2014
Oh wow this is pretty good! I like how you've written Iggy and Alfred. They're both really spot on! I really liked the drunk Alfred scene. Though it nearly broke my heart. I can't wait to see how it all ties together! Looking forward to the next chapter! (:
Hi chapter 5 . 4/7/2014
So good! I'm addicted. Oh I hope England does the right thing :)
dozefallsdownthestairs chapter 5 . 4/6/2014
Yay! I love your updates. I can't wait for more of this story, and I really enjoyed this chapter. Hahaha, I know what you mean about life being crazy. Exams are killing me. Hope you figure it all out and stuff! :) Great writing as usual.
ForestFireSong chapter 5 . 4/6/2014
I adore this. The idea of an alternate timeline where history is different is just so intriguing. And you've done it so well, with England starting out thinking things are so much better but realizing they're actually not.
wabby109 chapter 1 . 4/6/2014
Yes! Yes! Yes! I love this right now! :D
Zeplerfer chapter 4 . 3/22/2014
Ah, this is amazing! The drunk scene was fantastic and I love how you've written Alfred. You've really captured what colony!America would be like if he grew up... including his massive crush on England. I feel so badly for Alfred. Poor boy probably thinks England isn't interested at all given the way England keeps pushing him away, when Arthur is just super confused about his feelings. When will they learn? :3

Thank you for the lovely story, I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
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