Reviews for Every Song You Hear Seems to Say
Guest chapter 1 . 9/6/2014
No matter how u cut it - Itachi, Sasuke, Shisui, Itachi and Sasuke, Shisui x Itachi - all of them need more joy, functional relationships and happy endings, and this is perfect :)
(Disown Itachi? He's better off without the rest anyway. LOL) (and...LOL at Sasuke melting down his spare key. It is SO what he would do.)
Everyone even manages to sound like themselves, which is no small feat considering how Uchiha can equal angst in canon.
Thanks for sharing, this was a joy to read! :)
TWO FACED TROLL chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
hahaha lol!
i just love the way you write sasuke, it makes me love him, even when he's being so restricted and distant in the manga these days, though its understandable, he should be ashamed of himself a little, anyway, great(as usual)one-shot, I love how funny and humourous you are! D
onlipstick chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
I just love this verse so so much. There just isn't enough fics out there with Sasuke's POV and actual 'happy' fic. This pairing has enough angst to last a lifetime, I need more 'Itashi as happy couple' fics and you filled that need.
treavellergirl chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
It almost is as if joy is deadly for the Uchiha as a whole when in big company At least that is the thing that comes to mind after reading the alcohol ban (maybe they had too much fun then and the result was less then pleasant when sober again?)