Reviews for Finding The Light
ImSoCooliPissIceCubes chapter 11 . 6/6
I'd love to see this one continued. It's one of my favorites on this site!
Guest chapter 12 . 5/20
After years and because quarantine I am here reading fanfic and found this story. It's a good story but Arizona somthimes acted like a bitch and there is some chapters absolutely unnecessary that let all very, very boring. However is good.
Nat9107 chapter 12 . 3/11
God, I love this story! Amazingly written with humor, romance and dramma. And as the last sentence of the last chapter would do as the end I see I am not the only one that would love to see at least one more chapter to see a glimpse in their future. Maybe it's worth to consider to give all us, funs,just one more chapter? Pretty please
livrose01 chapter 13 . 1/3/2019
This story was so beautifully written, absolutely loved it
Givemerizzles chapter 12 . 10/19/2018
oh my god I absolutely love this story it is so beautifully written it's just amazingly well done
rkmp chapter 12 . 9/10/2018
good story i like it !
AZCapshaw chapter 2 . 8/8/2018
This story is super cute! But can I just say that my favorite thing is that you said you have the attention span of a door, because me too.
Fliflops chapter 1 . 7/12/2018
I just found this story and loved it, hopefully, one day you’ll finish it, it’s an awesome one and well written!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
Just found this story today, and couldn't stop reading it.

This was wonderful! I loved this couple. Arizona's pain and insecurities and foul moods and romance and triumphs were so real. And then there was Callie, seductive and supportive and frustrated and vulnerable and angry and nuturing. I love that Callie never played any games with Arizona, always building up her ego and reminding Arizona that she was all Callie would ever want.

This was just a beautiful love story. Well done.
LegendRobbins chapter 3 . 4/4/2017
Ok what will it take for you to give us more of this story? Just say it and i will do it
Guest chapter 12 . 3/10/2017
Please finish this story it's to good to not get finished
BarracudaBrown chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
Arwh I really wanted this to continue, such a good story!
Guest chapter 12 . 9/6/2016
Update! Please! I just came across this and it was years ago but I really need the "glimpses into their future". I'm so in love with this story!
Alicia chapter 4 . 8/13/2016
this actually made me cry because I reflected on how I'm so alone and this story is my aspiration for a relationship.
LegendRobbins chapter 1 . 7/31/2016
So i know that this was post millions of years ago but i need to say that i read this story like ten times and i dont get tired of it i just LOVE it. U did an amazing job with it, thank u!
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