Reviews for Frostbitten Scars
Susan chapter 18 . 7/10
Aww, you are back! And with another great chapter! I am so happy that Anna was able to help Elsa. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Brightness Davar chapter 18 . 7/9
Brightness Davar chapter 17 . 6/14
So... This is brilliant. Very sad and very heavy but brilliant. Thank you for writing this, for sharing your journey through Elsa's. I hope you get time to finish this, but I'm pretty sure that people will stay devoted even if it takes 6 nore years to write. Looking forward to seeing how this ends
Wolf heart 22 chapter 17 . 3/21
Please update.
readerratherwriter chapter 17 . 2/10
WOW WHAT?! Oh heck no! I need an update ASAP because I CANNOT handle this level of drama!
SooooooOooooOoOooooOooO good!
Guest chapter 15 . 1/15
Your writing is amazing, I love this story. Looking forward to the next chapter!
LieutBrook chapter 15 . 12/16/2019
Just finished re-reading the story to catch up on what I've forgotten over the past years, and may I say it's still an amazingly written story! I still love it to this day lmao. I'm excited to see where you take this and what you come up with :D
Saamon-sama chapter 15 . 12/12/2019
Yay for being spoiled!
Saamon-sama chapter 14 . 12/10/2019
I don't know you, but I'm super proud of you, and i eagerly await your next update!
Guest chapter 14 . 12/10/2019
Oh no... Hans will ended up being the bad guy again :(
I kinda hope this will be different
Anon chapter 13 . 6/19/2019
New reader here, I'm so glad I caught this story! It's really impressive to me that you've come back and updated again despite so many life changes. You're inspiring me to go back and work on my own abandoned fic! :)

Your writing is very heartfelt, I can feel the emotion you're pouring into it. Very enjoyable.

Hoping to get more angst and more heartache! I'm interested to see where you go with the plot. If I had any request it would be a continued focus on the sisters, perhaps isolating them with each other. I feel like the true strength of Frozen is Anna and Elsa"s relationship, and having the men butt their heads in takes away from that a little bit. (I don't mean Elsanna, just familial reliance.) Hans in particular is leaning towards OOC enough that he feels like an OC.

Thanks again, keep up the good work! I hope you enjoyed your traveling it sounded like an incredible series of journies.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/11/2019
Pleaseee update more often. THIS IS GREAT!
Lisi chapter 12 . 3/21/2019
God dammit! Just finish the story! I keep coming back hoping the story is finished and the suspense is killing me here!
Guest chapter 12 . 11/22/2018
God this is do hurt to read. I feel what Elsa's feel and did.
I cried right now. Literally crying. Mom Dad, i'm so sorry...
Lisi chapter 9 . 11/13/2018
This is so amazing! Please please please PLEASE continue!
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