Reviews for Sacrifices
blackdyingrosegothgirl chapter 9 . 5/5/2013
i luv this story
starfire1994 chapter 9 . 9/28/2012
I know its been awhile since u updated last, but please continue.
I love it and i wanna know more
InuYoukaiKagome chapter 1 . 7/4/2011
I know its really old and you POSSIBLY have given up on the story but can you PLEASE just right the next chapter at LEAST! im begging you because i LOVE storys with Kagome turnin hanyou!, please keep going!
SilverKitten420 chapter 9 . 3/21/2008

I hope you write the next chapter up soon, I do like your story, as is, so there's no need to change what's been done, but you can change what your plans are for what's to come. -

As long as you finish it I'm good, then I'll start reading your other stories -.
Taeniaea chapter 9 . 3/20/2008
Great Story!
ladyecco chapter 9 . 3/19/2008
what ever you do dont stop writeing. i love SACRIFICE the way it is Way TO GO! yeah!
BoredGirl17 chapter 3 . 3/19/2008
WOW its good.n.n.
rageoffire chapter 8 . 3/9/2008
i swear if you dont finish this story i will find the biggest bowl of ramen and throw it at you lol. no seriously i just started reading this story today and was seriously dissapointed that your not sure if youre going to finish it. i think you are a talented writer and would really like to see this story end
Inu loves kagome chapter 6 . 5/22/2007
update u havent for 3 YEARS!

#$%&**$ &$*!
darkmousey-15 chapter 6 . 1/23/2006
omg, i love your story! it's so cool!
HopelesslyEscaflowne chapter 6 . 10/25/2005
This is a good fic but it hasn't been updated since May 19th, 2004! Please tell me you didn't abandon this fic as it has a good plot and it actually felt like it was going to turn into quite the adventure for Inuyasha and Kagome.

You said most of your fics are on but when I went there to search for you you didn't exist nor did any of your stories. Did you just suddenly up and vanish? Will you be comming back to this story? If you've posted it someplace else could you please send me an e-mail and let me know? Thanks in advance and I hope we all hear from you soon and that you update soon!
Green Animelover chapter 6 . 10/12/2005
yay! please update soon...
dinkus minkus chapter 6 . 7/13/2005
Cliffy. Hn. So...what about "The Spirit of Tetsusaiga."
Johnnyjosh chapter 6 . 3/30/2005
Dude! Lovin it! Update soon hon.

ShiroNeko316 chapter 6 . 3/4/2005
I love IT! Okay, why have you not updated sense like last year! You left us with I cliffy! Brat!
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