Reviews for QED
heartbreakerninja chapter 1 . 11/7/2017
This just begs the question then...where does Danny stand in this then? if Masters is a monster by creation and not by works alone...what does that make Danny?
abandonedaccount47 chapter 1 . 11/6/2016
Oh man, that's going to come back to bite him.
Auua Ytjoml chapter 1 . 9/11/2016
So in this AU the ghosts aren't dead humans I'm assuming? Or at least they're human imprints without the soul? Because I'm sure Crawley and the Angels would have noticed before this if as many people as are in the ghost zone weren't showing up on their lists.
Girl-of-Action chapter 1 . 1/29/2016
Hm... If it came down to a one on one fight, Vlad without a doubt would win on my opinion. However, if Crowley takes his hordes of demons with him... Vlad would eventually fail.

Good one shot! Thanks for writing.
GhostAnn chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
Vlad got out of that but... I have a feeling all he did was piss off the king of hell. I have a feeling Vlad might be a little bit distracted after that little conversation.
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
Disappointed in Crowley, to tell the truth.

Great with Crowley and Vlad. Love how Crowley found everything - ALMOST - about him. He's got connections!
lumutness chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
aaand... this story bring us a whole new question about Daniel Fenton, the (still) only other halfa besides Vladdie.
secretwhovianpony chapter 1 . 5/7/2014
Vlad, Vlad, Vlad. Don't you know? It doesn't matter how powerful you think you are, you never, ever piss off the king of hell. You just went from the frying pan into the fire. Crowley is not going to let you get away with this. And besides. If you get beat by a 14, 15 year old on a semi-regular basis, what makes you think you can take on Lord Satan himself?

Awesome job on the story! I haven't actually watched "Supernatural" myself, but this was a really good job.
Slenderbrine chapter 1 . 3/9/2014
:0 Wow. So, if Danny can beat up Vlad and Vlad can beat up Crowley, does this mean that Danny can beat the crap out of Crowley?
truephan chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
I thoroughly enjoyed this story, sapphire! Your banter between Vlad and Crowley was delicious!

I agree that I really don't think that Vlad could outmatch Lucifer, but since the physics of the DP world IS it's own, why not? It made a delicious scene, at least.

And, ahem, you believe in purgatory? Interesting, because so do I! I'm curious why you brought the subject up. Do you think that that is where Vlad would end up? Why? Just curious.

Anyhow, this was very entertaining! Kudos!

Ansa88 chapter 1 . 2/5/2014

oooooh wait a moment. *grins*
i want to make a story about that-the physics never being consistent.
what if they're purposely inconsistent cuz the ghosts get tired of the rules and keep changing them! :D
well, one.
two advantages:
a) ticks off the observants when they discover they can't float anymore.
b) keeps stragglers away as they re-learn how to fly for a while and everything else
c) lessens the war for a little bit
say, about every week. *grins*
it doesn't affect danny or vlad cuz they're half human, and ground in human physics, so their science applies to them, but the ghosts of the ghost zone is a different story.
oh yes. *grins*
can you help meeee? (like, what's inconsistent about the physics, and when, and how?)

but elsewise, amazing. :) i love how it's all suspenseful and vlad is trying to get an answer out and then he goes ahead and plays his cards accordingly and it's all mind games and figuring stuff out and i could eat this stuff forever it's amazing. :)
MsFrizzle chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
As you said in your AN that you stretched things a bit but who cares? It is so delightful to see Crowley and Vlad interact because they are both such evil, conniving, snobbishly sophisticated, powerful creatures.

I quite enjoyed this crossover and couldn't help chuckling at the essential point. Crowley would start to wonder why Vlad wasn't already in his books.
RandomCitizen chapter 1 . 1/10/2014
Hahaha, everything was so tense! :P

It's like how when Batman first fights someone he loses until he comes back with more info and beats them.

Not that I'm comparing the King of Hell to Batman mind you. :l
Athina Dark-Angel of Death chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
but this means Danny doesn't get to go to heaven because there is no monster heaven
foxglove66 chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
This is such a good story! It would be so funny to see Crowleys reaction once he got away from Vlad. You're a great writer, both Vlad and Crowley's character were spot on. I really enjoyed this story!
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