Reviews for Running Recalcitrant
Guest chapter 1 . 12/18/2017
I know it's been a very long time since you published this fanfic but I just have to say that I like your portrayal of Loki's character. Even though he's a hypocrite, stubborn and prideful, it's fun to see how he gets to Odin and everyone else, and uses those traits as resilience. Plus his actions are just fun, since he's not really on a particular side, it's like he's just completely himself which all good characters usually struggle with because they don't want any dark traits to take over. Your writing style is great! I hope you still write because it's very intriguing and doesn't go dull at amy point! :-)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13/2017
I like it
firedrakegirl chapter 1 . 8/27/2016
This was beautiful. And I totally picture Loki sitting on the bed in the hotel room, surrounded by duct tape creations.
cubedcoffeecake chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
In a horrible, heartbreaking way...
I think you wrote all this stuff extremely well. The torture must have been very hard. And the way you handled Thanos is, to me, the best I've seen. Seriously; this is as good a post-Avengers plot as TDW!
Again, I'm really glad I read this story.
LokittyFrostClan chapter 1 . 5/17/2015

Much more so than Silence is Golden, but I like it all the same. Loki seems more of his darker self in this story.

The part with Tom Hiddleston? Perfect.

Actually, this was perfect. Some writing flaws here and there, but doesn't obstruct from the meaning of the writing.

Well done!
elegant.malice chapter 1 . 4/17/2015
Yep, a trickster god on the rampage, realistic relationship between him and his brother and duct tape. Lots of it. Solid job here, well done.

(Signing a Midgardian name as Tom Hiddleton? Now that is pure gold.)
Loki'd chapter 1 . 10/28/2014
This is amazing...I'm gonna have to reread the duct tape one again! :)
The Wolf You Fear chapter 1 . 10/10/2014
Awesome. I wish I had Loki magic because then I'd take over the world and you would all kneel and You were made to be ruled and MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA
DragonsDeadAndDancing chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
Blood Eagle. Ouch. Ouuuch. I read about it in a book once and was so shocked people really did this. Which myth was this?
Again very good, a few typos but nothing bad.
frutistickers chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
Your brilliant writing has once again kept me up late into the night and early into the morning. Wonderful piece. It made me want to cry, laugh, and rip Odin's face off piece by piece, so well done. Now I'm sure I could say more were I in full command of my faculties, but as such I will say that I hope you never ever EVER stop writing. You are a truly talented person, and I am so grateful that your willing to share your masterpieces with the world (and with me :)).
Ikol Ichigorath chapter 1 . 3/27/2014
Headcanon be cool!
I'll just go and read the sequel.
Renne Michaels chapter 1 . 3/5/2014
Excellently good! But you knew that. ;D Thanks for posting.
Anonymous chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
I didn't think your duct tape story could get better. It did.
Just Another Marvel Fangirl chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
Hm... This one was more depressing, but I think my favorite part was when Odin was like "WHY DID YOU HELP HIM ESCAPE YOU LITTLE S***!" and Thor was like, "I helped him test his new bifrost! *angelic smile*"

And the part with the random Midgardian girls and somehow incoperating Tom in was pretty awesome too. XD

Anyway, here are the typos I found:

'Apparently the titan thought he could defeat and kill Loki *though* the means of such a relic.'
'Though' needs to be made 'through'.

'(And, though he'd never say aloud, also to bother Heimdall about Loki. […])'
This would be smoother if you wrote: '[...] though he'd never say *it* aloud, [...]'

'[…] the only reason he ignore his fractured shins […]'
Simply enough, you forgot the 'd' at the end of 'ignored'.

And that's it! Great job, Sis!
Zephyr169 chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
I LOVED it! - Oh my gosh you're such an amazing writer. -
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