Reviews for The Bloody Ashikabi
Tylol40 chapter 35 . 6/29
Nice summary I am glad that even if you didn’t finish your story traditionally you still cared enough to give it an ending
Sir Anger chapter 18 . 6/20
Why are you making them stop Harry from being who he is and forcing morals on hin
Sir Anger chapter 16 . 6/20
Why did you have to add a guy to the harem wtf
Sir Anger chapter 13 . 6/20
Why is he becoming a mercenary...
Sir Anger chapter 6 . 6/19
Why do you care about people saying how you’re making him too powerful? He’s weak as hell he can barely apperate gets shots and somehow alarmist dies from a single bullet in the shoulder? How is that powerful he’s weak as hell
Sir Anger chapter 2 . 6/19
What’s wrong with making him unique? So what if he’s cheated you doing this is ruining the tory
fanficnewbee chapter 21 . 6/18
Am so sad to see Harry lose the lavender streaks in his hair, why were they "lost" from his image?
fanficnewbee chapter 11 . 6/17
Have just come across this story and I have to admit, though it has given me some small intense migraines in frustration over not understanding somethings, and having to Google the crap out of the info to become somewhat informed, of character background/overall info about the manga to be able to follow character growth and so on that I am saddened that I'm almost halfway through it and no more updates seem to be planned for it, please rethink about returning and finishing the story, either way thank-you for what you've already shared with us.
pdes chapter 32 . 6/15
Well, you certainly know how to write Dumbledore as a contemptable piece of shit...
LordNemesis chapter 35 . 6/9
Ok great story wished it was keeped going and of course a part two where they got to the sekirel homeworld only to find out trouble is there. and Harry needs to fix it
AnimeGoji91 chapter 32 . 5/20
Dumbledore is a bigger Fucking Asshole and Fucking Gay Bastard who do his shit jobs and Harry got the balls to still up to and he will take down that old bastard and end him too!
HairyLimey chapter 35 . 5/10
I for one absolutely love this story and truly hope that you will one day return to it when that spark as you call it returns.
HairyLimey chapter 1 . 5/3
Now this looks very interesting very interesting indeed.
Rhyn3 chapter 35 . 4/25
this sounds like it would have been great, but I am glad you didn't try to force yourself to write it despite your frustrations, as it would have tarnished what you had already written. I look forward to reading whatever else you may write! (or have already written)
Nohbody chapter 35 . 4/12
I’ll miss reading this story. It was quite enjoyable, though I wish Rin hadn’t had to die. Maybe a Deus ex Machina from the ship could have revived her in the future, but we’ll never know. I look forward to reading more of your stories (already read the others that were posted).

Thank you for an entertaining story!
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