Reviews for Dirty Job
OGduofangirl chapter 21 . 10/13/2019
Bittersweet and lovely. Thanks for an amazing story!
Angel Ran chapter 21 . 4/29/2019
Well, just dove into reading this story finally, and have been consumed with reading it for the entire day! Er, and night... o_O Thank you again for sharing your wonderful work with us. I started with such hope that things would work out and be alright, that somehow Duo and Heero could be together, but the closer it got to the end, the more I began to dread and fear that that would not be the case. I read the last three chapters with my heart in my throat, beating like crazy! My heart aches for Heero, and for Duo as well. Somehow we can see in the end that Duo will be alright though, but the same's not true for Heero :'( To say the poor guy must be crushed is an understatement... maybe beyond repair. Maybe I'm just too hopeful that things will always work out! I'm glad that Gerry at least wasn't harmed during the heist, I started to really worry about him too - your ability to make sympathetic original characters is amazing, and you played my heartstrings like a pro! Anyways, I will work to get over the tragic ending, which knowing the heist couldn't possibly go off without a hitch, I should have seen coming haha but I guess like Duo, I was left wishing that the dream would never have to end. I'm sure so many of Heero's words will go on to haunt Duo. I wonder now if this is one of the stories many people want a sequel for based on your comments about your sequel poll? I could see how no sequel could erase the traumatic events that have gone on here, even though as a lover of the romantic bond between Duo and Heero, I still wish it could be so and somehow they could live happily ever after. Guess it's just hard for me to accept Heero's heartbreak and not have any balm for his devastated feelings, and his devastated life. Perhaps I have read one too many stories with happy endings? I'm an escapist at heart maybe ;) er, also I should know better than to post a rambling review at 5:30 in the morning but felt the need to get a bit of this off my shoulders! ;) thanks again for your phenomenal writing! Very grateful for all that you do. ~S
violetYuy chapter 21 . 4/9/2019
I’m kinda late. I know you would probably have so many reviewers/ readers going crazy with the ending. It isn’t easy to make a not so happy ending as this and i believe you try to placate us by telling us a bit of the planned epilogue and letus wonder. I’ve re-read this a few times a long the way of waiting for the finished chapter. Thank you for sharing and finishing this fiction. Honestly, the biggest part in me really wanted to see Heero happy. Duo had his reasons. Maybe, just a little maybe, you’d console us with an epilogue *winks*? Heh. Just to let you know that someone is still reading this fic all the way from Asia. Kudos
Guest chapter 21 . 4/9/2019
That was so sad but so good.
SilentReader chapter 21 . 2/27/2019
I'm not sure whether or not I want to scream in frustration, cry at the immense loss, or get really mad that it left off like that. I really wanted them to work out. I wanted Angelica to go home, but I guess karma creeps up on us all. I'm so bummed at the fact that all Hero wanted was someone to love him and he instead lost a fucking toe. I hate that you stuck to realistic consequences but I would have greatly appreciated being led into a world of hot 1x2 loving on a tropical island far away. Great job on the story. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It made me happy and cut me really deep. Please, don't ever stop writing.
Guest chapter 21 . 2/23/2019
Ouch. I loved your story. I was hoping for them to end up together. The ending broke my heart. Poor Heero. Ouch. I loved it and even if slow in updates it was magnificent. Please don't feel bad. I am grateful you finished it. I've read even unfinished mangas that stay that way... And the authors are paid. Of course it's understandable if you are doing it dor fun and not getting paid at all. Thank you for the lovely story. In my mind it was Heero who was looking for him and decided to forgive him.
maxwell02 chapter 21 . 2/23/2019
Thank you so much for finishing this wonderful story. Although it was incredibly sad, I love that you left us with some hope. It’s so hard to finish a story like this so thank you again and congratulations!
jj chapter 21 . 2/21/2019
I've been following this story since the very beginning and I've got used to have it around all these years. It looks so weird seeing it ending. When Heero said that all Duo needed to do was just ask for the money, that really got me. It gave me so many strong feelings. Thank you for sharing this story!
dothwhilstmachina chapter 21 . 2/17/2019
Thank you for all your hard work on this story, ExecutiveShrimp! I can only imagine the sheer amount of work that went into it. I want you to know that I've had this in my favorites list for quite a long time and I've loved being along for the ride.

Never feel bad for taking time for yourself! You're an amazing writer and I know I don't mind the wait.
Wu the Stoic chapter 21 . 2/9/2019
*Falls to your feet in a crumpled mass of tears and wailing* I can't believe this is over, but what a wonderful fic. *Hugs your feet tightly* Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Redrogue12 chapter 1 . 2/6/2019
I fell in love and was heartbroken with this one. I’m torn between wanting to know what happened to Heero after Duo left but not wanting to go through the emotional trauma.

Hoping to read more from you.
1x2Recommendations chapter 21 . 2/6/2019
Ugh I dont know how to feel. I mean its definitely realistic. I'm mean who would want to spend any time with someone who played you for a fool and betrayed you. Still I'm bummed out about this ending. When I was reading it I kept asking my self why doesn't Duo just tell Heero what's going on when they were out of town so they could come up with some plan to get Duo out of this trouble. I guess that wasnt your vision though. So I'm left sad but I'm glad you finished it. Fingers crossed that other unfinished gems will be finished as well. Hopefully with better ending though. Who said this fandom was dead?!
SFA chapter 21 . 2/4/2019
Yay! I'm not too late this time!

I love this story and the ending as it is now for so many reasons I don't even know where to start. To me it feels so real and natural, and I honestly believe this was the best possible outcome for the situation Duo placed himself in. I know that dark, bittersweet, endings aren't normally your preferred wheelhouse, but this was just so visceral and gut-wrenchingly perfect.

I also agree with the decision to not include the epilogue as personally I feel it would have detracted from the poignancy of the ending as it is now.

On a more technical note, knowing this is the unbeta'd version of the chapter, I did notice a shift from past to present tense around the climax when Heero shot The Bear that was a bit jarring for me before it switched back to past tense. I believe it was written that way to give a guideline of the feeling you were looking for and that you probably intended to change it to past tense in beta. I would also like to once again offer that if you ever are looking for a second set of eyes to beta your works I am always willing to help so feel free to drop me a pm or email.

Looking forward to more amazing works from you in the future,
CaseyCuervo chapter 21 . 2/4/2019
Very happy to have a conclusion to this story. All admit, I'm a little bummed that Heero lost a toe. I don't like my fav to get hurt like that. But over all it's a good, reasonable ending to a tragic story.

I hope the inspiration bug bites you so we, your fans, can read "Grounded", but if's been a fun ride with you and I'll be coming back for fun in the future.

best wishes,
Kittyjuneic chapter 21 . 2/3/2019
I have loved every minute of reading this story! You did a phenomenal job and I love your writing style. I did really like the ending and how he went to go raise Elias. Like several others I imagine Gerry coming at the end, because he has believed in Duo the whole time. I also want to thank you for the perfect timing of the ending! Yesterday (the second) was my 25th birthday and I was so excited to see the ending come out right before I went to bed! J.J. was pretty much as I expected him to be, and I'm glad Duo was finally able to let go of him. I do feel bad for Heero, I hope he is able to heal from this whole thing, as well as Duo. I had a feeling he would have just given him the money if he'd asked. Just shows how important communication is. Again, thank you and I look forward to future writings of yours!
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