Reviews for Rabbit Heart
starfeatherhp chapter 32 . 8/13/2017
I missed your story, I came back again.

An anti-rabbit barricade in the Slytherin dungeon! It’s thrilling and another thought, funny, remembering Selen’s barricade. I love this kind of chaos.
Anti-apparition charms and insta (nt?)-grow-garlic, clever!

James had candy stash. I remember my sibling did the similar thing in her younger days.

Most of mysteries were cleared by Wren’s thought. I’ve enjoyed your story and I’m happy to manage to reach to this chapter. Still I have fun to solve Dillon’s secret and I'm eager to know how Wren and Albus find a way out with help from Neville or Harry or Smeed (? He is still mysterious…)

Finally Rose found Wren’s crush on Albus! You captured these teenagers’ mind very well. I remembered my those days, we also used to search the girl or the boy we had a crush on in school photos displayed on a notice board like a school excursion, or summer camp.

I like you let Wren’s Bunny be not evil one. I’m glad Albus was encouraged by James and his mother’s word “It’s what you do” and didn’t give up following and supporting Wren.

I also enjoyed their exchange of holding Bunny each other in frront of McGonagall.

I’m relieved when Mcgonagall snapped out of the bad condition after sipping her tea for a while.

Full of adventure, your plot, the bond between Wren and bunny, all are marvelous!

One more mysterious thing happens. People who have no souls waiting out there? I hope Wren and Albus will find a way out.

Oh, wha… Harry was there? But he has no soul? So intriguing. Oh, no, Neville was too late for rescuing his daughter? Smeed attacked McGonagall? What a twist and turn!
starfeatherhp chapter 31 . 6/2/2017
Hi, Pix! Finally I could came back to your storoy. This chapter is great to read! I was so thrilled at many scenes you set. I'm a little relieved to know McGonagall was not contaminated completely.

It's good for Wren that her father started doing action about Dillon and the other Ravenclaws plus sontaminated professors and Hogwarts staffs. I hope it's not too late.

Readers including me had been holding breath caring the relationship between Wren and Albus, Rose and Scorp, then you gave us bright future for the two pairings. It's a very promising turn. I like it.

So many adventures as usual, that's why I like your story. I hope Wren's group and her dad will find a way to rescue everyone, including even a young bad boy,Dillon.

starfeatherhp chapter 30 . 1/8/2017
Hi, Pixi. It's been a while since I stopped by last time. I'm happy to be back to this story again. I enjoyed this chapter very much. I couldn't stop reading it.

I had expected that Rose would be saved sooner after the attack in the previous chapter. The scene began with chaos. Most of the prefects and teachers were contaminated by the rodents controlled by Dillon. James was so thick around his school crisis. I chuckled at his behaviour, he wouldn't let go the map to Albus. He was so obsessed with it. :D It was lucky his brother had Harry's ability to face the difficult situation. I felt a new dream team was going to be formed. Albus, Wren, Rose, James, Scorpius and Callie, Lori. And Wren knows how to break Dillon's power, tea!

It's no good Madam Pince gave in to Dillon's power and oh no, our McGonagall was contaminated, too? Great chapter!
starfeatherhp chapter 26 . 8/12/2016
Hi, Pix! I finally came back after a long time.
It's fun to read Rose's true feeling towards Scorpius. Oh, was she attacked, too? I hope Scorp will rescue her soon.

Woa...Gran got herself back. She has her style. Your depictions about her is marvelous! I guess Wren will miss her, but she gave her enough advice how to fight with Dillon and Smeed and the Council are on Wren's side, there's no worry.

I'm amazed by your work to reveal the way to solve the problem (at mystery) in the latter part of the whole story. Mine is haphazard. I learnt a lot from your story.

I think you forgot to insert the break line before Scorp's thought with the sentence, "Scorpius couldn't believe that he was holding a Potter family secret right in his own hands."

Ha ha ha, I like the plot Scorp quickly Scourgified himself being afraid of airborne contagions after he read Muggle spy books Rose had lent him.

What a close! If Scorp hadn't had the map, Dillon's monster bunny would have sucked her blood deadly.

I'll be back again. :)
starfeatherhp chapter 25 . 6/9/2016
I really love the idea that Harry's study has so many protection spells, that the Potter brothers can do magic outside of Hogwarts. I ask you more to write about Harry and his sons. I like it. :)

The scene that Albus tried to help Wren to gain her magical skills, is sweet. Painting practice in the air is beautifully written. So many bandages Albus had. It reminded me of the scary incident. I hope he wouldn't have such hardships anymore.

Oh, you save the sweetest moment in the next chapter. Albus got jealous of Wren and Nate, which is just like Harry who did the same reaction against Ginny and Dean in his school days.

Poor Albus. His frustration was well described in his quarrel with James. Sometimes it's interesting that not a few authors set Scoripus as his best friend who understands him very well.

Lol at Scorpius' chin. I remembered my child took some kinds of picutres, like his opened mouth zoomed in, etc. Wren was also jealous of Serena who got well along with Scorpius.

Finally Wren knew the truth. I wished Wren's father, Neville would help her and find a clue to solve all troubles in which she was stuck, but oh I didn't expect this at all. Strong Gran came back to her!
steffy potter chapter 27 . 1/4/2015
Pleaseee gooo on! love the mystery! hope you had happy holidays with your family and friends! wish you a happy new year
Inkfire chapter 27 . 12/8/2014
Very nice! Indeed I was wondering how Hannah's reaction would be, and from Gran's attitude, I expected something along those lines… how unsettling for Wren to see the adults around her all business-like and treating her like she didn't have to worry and things were well in hand, she ought only to do as she was told—when for so long she'd been used to struggling on alone through this, it felt so huge and terrifying to her and she just craved more reassurance. It all felt so frightening to her, the atmosphere still dark and ominous with the anxiety colouring her every perception—the Portkey's discomfort, the wailing of the wind, everything. I laughed at Wren struggling to decipher the writing in Smeed's seal ;) LOVED Scorpius' harshness, now that Rose had been hurt he was buzzing with rage and it was a rather shocking change, how protective! But his aggressivity made Wren feel even more terrible, accused and guilty at the thought that it had been Bunny hurting Rose and she'd never considered that such a thing might happen…

I also loved, once more, the fact that Wren eventually got around to telling people about the situation, and how people reacted positively and wanted to help and support her, when for so long she'd been locked away in fear and silence and entirely convinced that everyone would think her to be a freak. Callie was lovely, caring about Bunny and his return at the beginning, being alarmed and then understanding about the Gran situation, listening to Wren and going out of her way to help. The "people are eventually learning about things and it's a LOT TO TAKE IN!" theme was nicely handled, smoothly exposed, with just enough "that story is huge wow wow wow" factor and enough of people just taking it in their stride and reacting quickly, so that the story would keep a smooth rhythm. I had more feels about Scorpius actually being serious, visibly shaken and pretty intense for once. :) Out with the immaturity! ;) His uncertainty about whether or not she'd actually want to see him was cute too. And I was side-eyeing all your little mentions of the Hogsmeade trip, wondering what exactly you're setting up for us, with Ford and all. I also liked Callie all but shoving Wren away, and how surreal it felt for the latter to just leave, just leave things in the hands of other people and not think she had to take care of everything on her own…

I like the little bits you added about Wren's uncertainty about her photographs, too—and Albus, of course. ;) Nate's advice was quite nice. The description of his uncle's place was very beautiful and bizarre, a bit out of the world and eerie. Nate's uncle being a vampire, I love that twist and the way you brought it in! :D Quite curious how things will turn out now ;) Thanks for the chapter—lovely work!
Inkfire chapter 26 . 12/7/2014
Fascinating chapter! Rose/Scorpius took over the limelight here when it came to teenage antics. XD You do so much of this and in such a typically teenage way, it's a wonder you manage to keep it up given how much it annoys you! But eventually those cute idiots might also be going somewhere! ;) You don't do much better than rescue from a vampire rabbit to move things right along. I liked the way you portrayed Rose's state of intense frustration, her complaining about the bad tutoring session in which everybody had been below her level or else caring more about romance, her having found that things were miles from being as simple as she had naively imagined when it came to boys, and all the tension, misery, attraction and tangled emotions she felt about Scorpius. Poor girlie, life is hard. XD I liked the fact that she was going to apologize, but instead of Scorpius, she found herself facing Ian, looking creepy as hell… ;) As for Scorpius' part, his fascination with the Marauders' Map was fun, I liked his girl-related frustrations, and his POV about the Rose situation, how he just couldn't resist teasing her again and again, addicted to that dynamic of theirs, but her slap had shaken him and left him feeling pretty lost about where they stood. Loved his panic when he found Rose crumpled on the ground, the "WTF?!" factor of the vampire rabbit, and most of all the memories of Draco's stories and that little mention of the elves and how he ought to treat them right :D Great you put that there!

The interactions between Gran and Wren were all very interesting. I liked how weird it felt, and how Gran took control of the situation all business-like, as though she hadn't been so unwell and completely gone for ages… The conversation between Smeed and Augusta was great, I love that epic old lady, so commanding. It was also interesting to see how Wren could see much more clearly what Smeed was really like now—he wasn't bothering to hide who he was anymore—and the pull as well, all the stronger when Augusta gave her the amulet. And the confrontation between Gran and Wren was also very good—after all this time and how much she'd struggled, it seemed like the ground was dropping from beneath her feet, like none of it was being acknowledged at all and now Gran was off without much of a further explanation. Like it would be better that she remove herself immediately, when Wren felt so unsettled and like she needed a reassuring presence. There was so much emotional baggage they had yet to tackle, but now wasn't the time—and Gran already let Wren know how much she'd valued the girl's presence and efforts… She'd have to make do with that. But yes, so unsettling!
Inkfire chapter 25 . 11/6/2014
Lovely chapter! I liked the contrast between Wren's anxiety as she was waiting for Albus and how much better he managed to make her feel—his defending her magical achievements like criticizing her was hurtful to him was very cute. Also, muffin cuteness. I liked Albus' advice to Wren about focusing on the point of the spell, not the name, and how much easier and more effective it became when she managed to get into the right frame of mind—not just thinking "blue", but picturing the exact shade of blue… Their tracing patterns together was another really sweet moment, with the ease and fun that were so clear in the atmosphere, and the attraction buzzing between them too, building and building. Except that all that business with Bunny and Dillon had Wren's perceptions completely all over the place and the need she felt completely freaked her out as just another abnormal thing, instead of being recognized as something harmless and good :( AND THEN THE NATE MISUNDERSTANDING. Albus' awkward, hurt attitude was perfectly depicted, with that edge that was almost sarcastic in a "yeah, what was I thinking?" kind of way. So sad. Seriously, teens, get on with it!

And Albus didn't leave in a mindset to be messed around, so things got tough with James XD I liked the way you depicted the duel, and Lori in the middle. The action was very nicely done, with the curse that kept bouncing back and forth between them until Albus grew tired and deflected it, except it hit Lori. The state of said girl was really hilarious, made me wonder about what was up with her and the Divination book too ;) And I liked the dialogue with Scorpius. Yes, better back down, Scorp.

Wren's anxiety just never ends, poor thing. I liked the bit with Serena, that was very interesting—that girl intrigued me, the misunderstanding about what her pictures were that made Wren feel so completely awkward and embarrassed, and her getting fixated on exploring close-ups of creative/unexpected body parts and angles, and using the boys to achieve that. It was very interesting and showed the layers of the girl beneath the surface—like the fact that she showed interest in Wren's lens and pictures and acted very friendly with her, whereas Wren was too self-conscious to open up and had a bit of a preconceived idea about her besides. The final part was really excellent—the shock of the first photograph, very nicely delivered, then fastforward to Wren's shaky arrival at the Inn, with all the pictures that showed her all that had been going on and made it all so obvious. Loved her walking up to Smeed, needing to just *do something* already and stop being in denial, despite how reckless it might seem, then the way you portrayed the pull, how frightening the idea of it was, though the feeling itself wasn't frightening at all. And Gran's return on the stage! :D Wow, such a surprise, I just loved that! Really sudden and coming just at the right time, perfect. Wren's reactions too. Can't wait to see how she will play in the story!

Just one little typo I spotted: "What do you think they’ll if they catch you" :)
DaughteroftheOneTrueKing chapter 1 . 11/6/2014
I'm glad that you rewrote a chapter. I did feel something was missing when I read last year. Don't hit your desk though.
stefy potter chapter 25 . 11/4/2014
This gets me thinking... mmm.. smead is a theard?And gran?
Inkfire chapter 24 . 10/13/2014
The plot is picking up so much, I'm excited about that. I really liked Wren's awful realization about Bunny, after she'd spotted the drop of blood, her anxiously looking at her very visible veins, realizing what it was all about and protecting herself by keeping Bunny firmly away and filling herself with tea. Rose cracked me up during the breakfast scene, as usual. She's so cutely obnoxious. I liked the blatant gap between their concerns, Wren being too distracted and frankly caring little about her antics with Scorpius (I smirked at the way Rose actually hadn't even sat at the proper place to ensure she wouldn't be *able* to look at him) and Wren's warnings about the rabbits seeming to go in one ear and out the other for Rose. I liked the way different parts were connected and all the foreshadowing, Hannah's request because Smeed had taken some time off, the pull Wren felt being due to Dillon's presence. And I loved the cute Wren/Albus, her suddenly thinking he might ask her to Hogsmeade and being overwhelmed with emotions, although she technically couldn't go—then her disappointment and immediately thinking she'd just been fooling herself when he offered Charms help instead. THOSE TEENS NEVER GET ANYWHERE! I love them.

I liked the dropped-by details like Summers doing a decent class for once or the parchments being tricked—little plot things that come together later on, as I mentioned (though the Summers one was mostly quite funny ;)). Charles and the other enthralled boys were really heavily creepy, that effect was quite nice ;) I really enjoyed the way you portrayed Wren's uneasy feelings and intuitions, and Nate being clever and putting everything together. Those two made for a very nice team. Their interaction was also lovely, just a pleasant and relaxed friends dynamic, except I get that strange feeling Albus might suspect they are more than friends… extra teen drama? ;) Nate supporting Albus/Wren and offering the meeting with his uncle only if she didn't have a date was so sweet. And I like the added insight about families doubting Hogwarts' security—quite right too ;P

I enjoyed the part with Burns and Smeed, the tracking, the drunk villager who'd seen Dillon, despite his wild story, and their finding the rabbit with the traces of magic and making their deductions. Loved the using the bat for the message—Smeed's part about failing to describe it properly and "literary nonsense" was just hilarious ;) As for Dillon, his excitement and mounting frustration were very nicely conveyed. This boy is always halfway between really creepy and really moving. Loved his disappointment about his "friends", and Wren… and the group of students allowing him an occasion of sneaking a rabbit into the castle. Rose! ;)

Very nice overall—as always! Just a few typos and details: "She’d pried him off of" without a pronoun after "of", "Don’t’" with two apostrophes, "Laying on its side" (lying?) and "How can this be?" which was in the middle of all the narrative in past tense, might be something you meant to do for special effect? Idk, it struck me as odd. I was also wondering about "[the dog] gave a pleasurable grunt" since it's the dog feeling the pleasure—but you used "pleased" after that with the purposeful repetition, so idk. Also, FF ate the line break that separated Dillon's part from the rest.
FredMischiefmanagedGeorge chapter 24 . 10/10/2014
I hope Albus doesn't get, enthralled, was it? Yea, if was, that.
I hope Smeed and Burns can get to Hogwarts quickly though. I can already see a bunch of (enthralled) students walking around like zombies. At least, that's what I picture them as.
Anyway, I can't wait for the next update, and sorry I haven't reviewed in awhile!
Inkfire chapter 23 . 10/8/2014
Very nice chapter! I liked the way you portrayed Wren's overwhelming anxiety, once more, the way all the visions and impressions from Bunny affected her, the terrors from every shadow and every noise—and the anger it caused her that the connection had her freaking out that way. Also liked her frustration regarding Albus, and how she was even more sensitive and touchy about it because she was already on edge and furious because of Bunny and just wouldn't stand having extra negativity projected her way. I giggled at Summers' odd antics, Wren not minding the mud or the wet (you're SO gonna get your fill, girl…) and Albus' self-consciousness about the picture of his father and him. Wren biting back a teasing remark about preferring pictures of his backside, and her wanting to frame the picture so his face would show better, were also hilarious and cute.

Wren's anxiety at the thought of performing magic before someone outside the classroom was also nicely portrayed, as well as the act of casting the spell itself. The rabbits they found were sure nasty little beasts, the tiny-and-supposedly-cute-but-really-intimidating effect worked quite well—especially when there wasn't just one anymore, but a whole group of them and Wren completely freaked out with the terror coming from Bunny hitting her again. However, the connection to Bunny also proved pretty valuable as she instinctively knew what to do to get rid of the things… The dialogue with Albus was nicely handled, with his questions and her astonishment when she realized he actually believed her and didn't think she was crazy. Yay, communication is happening XD

I like how odd, distant and unhelpful Summers always seems, how bad he looked too—keep wondering when shit is going to hit the fan and the teens will actually realize what's going on with the likes of him and Madame Pince. Wren and Albus communicating a bit and talking about their feelings was great, the hugging too ;) And Wren being so self-conscious about how vulnerable she felt around him and being sure he didn't feel the same way as she did at all, naturally. Oh Wren ;P And Albus knows her well, and could tell especially how she usually was around animals ;) That was cute.

Oh, that's clever, using the arm bands regarding the rabbit bite—quite the scare for poor Wren! I like the fact that in the end, she resisted Bunny wanting to connect with her and the oblivion from that link, but wanted to remain in control and figure things out. Nice last line!

A few typos: "He mumbled something else incoherent." (incoherently…?), "Itʼs eyes popped open.", "Augamenti" and "The Fat Lady let out sharp snort".
Inkfire chapter 22 . 9/22/2014
Ohhhh, very nice chapter :) I like how the rabbit action frames the chapter, opens and closes, but most of it is nice teenage action. In both beginning and ending, the sense of fear and danger were really powerful, with Wren's connection with Bunny being so difficult for her to deal with, although he was also warning her against danger. And *he* was in danger himself, being so oddly quiet for a while, then suddenly throwing all those alarming images at Wren…

I really enjoyed Wren's connection with Nate, their chatting about her friends, photography, debating vampire rights and how they ought to be handled differently. It was sweet that Wren could open up to Nate about her feelings for Albus—great she's talking about things, for once, and goes to show she's comfortable with him and trusts him. It's kind of sweet that Nate on Wren's side and Scorpius on Albus' are pushing them to act, too ;)

I chuckled at the outburst between Scorpius and Rose in class, quite nicely portrayed. Also enjoyed McGonagall's reaction, Wren automatically taking pictures, and her trying not to be mad at Rose although their group plans had just been ruined. It was nice to see the boy side and the girl side of the argument after all that big drama, with Scorpius sulking unhappily as they sneaked into the kitchen with Albus, and Rose staying cooped up in her dorm with her girlfriends, completely distressed. I also liked Albus' nervousness and edginess and his feeling like nothing was going right this year. Also laughed at Albus being all worried und unhappy about getting detention, he's so like Wren. I also liked how unsettled he was by Wren and Rose acting so unlike themselves, and Scorpius and Wren both picking up on it… and of course it made Wren feel even worse…

The girl talk in the dormitory was pretty sweet, good to see Rose open up, lol. It took a big thing like that to make her swallow her pride and admit to her feelings. Her lines were pretty hilarious. A BAD RASH :D But all the while Wren was feeling more and more unwell, with the awful visions from Bunny getting more and more intense. Like I mentioned before, that was pretty striking—very good ending :)

Just a few details: you had a repetition on the first line with "Clear", and "hurry up" had two quotation marks before it. I was a bit unsure at first about the sentence "she should probably know better that ignoring things just made them worse", but I'm not a native so it probably works fine… ;)
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