Reviews for Teaching Star to Read
rainbowspring chapter 3 . 2/13/2016
This is such an adorable story...I'm getting so many positive feels from this! I ship your version of RobStar so hard! I actually wondered too if Starfire can read English or just speak it, since it's something that doesn't come up. I'll have to keep reading to see what happens next!:D
Tree-Command-Amber chapter 12 . 1/24/2015
tyoung114 chapter 12 . 12/9/2014
This was amazing! I really hope you update soon...
Montydragon chapter 12 . 8/10/2014 Just, wow. I haven't read such a good RobStar in months. The characters aren't acting strange, it's a reasonable plot and it's breathtakingly smart. The few grammar errors that could be found were lost in the sea of the story's quality. I really can't add much except how brilliant it is, and that you might be able to give Julesfire a run for her money with this.

Also, I seriously like the cover.
Hala chapter 12 . 6/23/2014
First fic!? That amazing! You have talent!
Aspire Away chapter 12 . 6/18/2014
It's a very DETAILED theory. It makes absolute sense too! Don't worry; I know you're not the only obsessive compulsive freak :D Well done on this ending! I couldn't ask for better.
lunae57 chapter 12 . 6/2/2014
That was great! Thank you for finishing it, I have been awaiting the ending for a long time :) A very happy one indeed, though I feel slightly incomplete cause Robin still didn't show her his eyes yet. Arg. Sequel? Haha :)
I'll keep my eye out for future fics by you! Keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/27/2014
Oooooh :3
VigilanteCharlie317 chapter 11 . 5/28/2014
For Teen Titan/True Teen Titan,
in truth I did intend for more of Robin's personal information to come out in the letter. It's there, I assure you, but the narration is only covering bits and pieces of the letter that Star is reading on the whole. There was more to the letter that would have made it on here, but like I mention in my note in 12, a lot of my plot and dialogue notes for the entire fic have gone missing (my computer is a six year old piece of shit that always goes haywire). Thanks a bunch for the constructive criticism, this will definitely be edited when I get around to updating, what with chapter one having been written eight months ago :D

Thank you so much everyone else who is reviewing!
Teen Titan chapter 11 . 5/26/2014
Hey! It's me. I forgot the name I originally used to review you back at chapter 4 but I was Teen Titan something.I mentioned how awkward chapters 1-4 were akward when Star was first learning to read? If you don't remember...oh well. But didn't Robin put more personal stuff in the letter? Like his past, feelings, and why he wears the mask? I was just wondering, I really wish the series gave more info on his background. You know what I hate most? In that episode of season 5 where Ding Dong Daddy took that briefcase, right when he shows the Titans what's inside, it ends! God I had a fit and kept complaining to my brother about how unfair that was. Sheesh, as if the creators weren't bad enough.
True Teen Titan chapter 4 . 5/26/2014
Oh my gosh these past few chapters have had such awkward moments! I mean, to ME it's awkward to be teaching someone the ABCs thats not a kid. I would be having awkward moment attacks every ten seconds!
H. Mae chapter 12 . 5/27/2014
Ohhh glob this made me smile like an idiot. Im a little disappointed that he didnt remove his mask but its understandable. All in all good job at it. X3 it'll b great to read some more from you.
ashmarieeliza chapter 1 . 5/26/2014
Soooo well written! I really loved the thought and details you put into the story. It seemed realistic too that he wouldn't show her his eyes yet. Also loved how accurate her dialogue and speech was. Great work!
Little-Princess7 chapter 12 . 5/26/2014
Aaaaw sweet happy ending!
I loved how you didn't give them immediate intimacy, i really doubt Robin would take off his mask on his first day with Starfire.
Write more stories as good as this!
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