Thank you, lovely Alan1Clone for the review! I try my best at these things.

I've got plenty of plans for this Fanfic and I hope you guys stick around for all of my ideas to develop.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own TRON:Legacy nor any of it's characters. Disney does. Of course it does.

Chapter 2

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?" he demanded.

Sam's stare bore into Quorra's eyes as he pleadingly tried to convey that she can't say a word about the truth. After a few seconds, she nodded minutely. Sam let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and his frame slumped as though defeated.

"Okay fine, Alan. You want the story?" he said as he led the other two towards the couch, "then you'll have hour story WITHOUT distractions." His eyes flitted to Quorra's and she discreetly nodded back.

Quorra and Alan sat down on the couch, the older man looking expectantly at Sam who paced back and forth in front of them.

Sam sighed, ran his hand through his hair, and looked up at Alan. "Okay, where do you want me to start?"

"How about," Alan said, leaning closer with his elbows on his knees, "you start with where you've been these past six hours, who the hell is she," he waved towards Quorra's direction, "and how the hell she knows that name?"

"Slow down there, old man. One question at a time," Sam smiled, but Alan's glare shuttered his humor away, "Right."

"First question, then," he began, clasping his hands together in front of him. Sam winced at the loudness of the sound. "After I arrived at the Arcade, I went inside and rummaged around until I found Dad's old office. From there, I found a bunch of his plans for ENCOM and TRON."

"Let me stop you right there," Alan intruded, "We search every nook and cranny for his office and you're telling me that you just stumbled across it! How is that possible?"

"Intuition. Or, you guys didn't search hard enough," Sam casually replied, "It doesn't really matter how; I just did. Anyways, I stayed for about two hours, pouring over his work, and I guess I was too focused to hear my phone ringing, or the arcade's music was too loud. I don't know. I just didn't hear it ring. What was the next question?"

"The girl," Alan replied, his eyes narrowed in skepticism. Quorra bristled at the tone of his voice.

"Right, Quorra," Sam emphasized. "So, after going through Dad's old stuff, I felt kinda, no, really sentimental. I mean, he was onto so much. Like, he even had plans for Wi-Fi in '85! It was just so amazing and overwhelming that I had to get away from it all. I felt like I was tainting his genius or something by being there."

Alan chuckled a little, a bit wistful.

"It was just too much emotion, man," Sam continued, "I practically stumbled back onto the old Ducati and got myself into the nearest nightclub. That's where I met her. I was sitting at one of the tables when Quorra here showed up. We ended up talking about lots 'cuz we seemed to have so many of the same interests. I guess I let slip about Dad's plans. She seemed to be a total fan of his work. I guess I also mentioned your Username to her too, so she thinks you're Alan-One, now." Sam scratched the back of his head in a seemingly sheepish manner.

After a heavy moment of silence, Alan said, "Fine I believe you." Sam let out a relieved breath. "But, riddle me this, how did that pager end up messaging me even though it's been disconnected for twenty years, and why is she, Quorra, here?"

"Uh… I guess the pager was set up so the message would send twenty years later or something, but I didn't see a pager in his office, so I dunno," Sam hoped that he would buy the excuse, but he had the other question to deal with. "And, um…" He pondered frantically, What should I say about Quorra? That she's my girlfriend? No, Alan would have known about her by now. Definitely not a one-night stand. Why am I even thinking about that?! Uh…

"I'm homeless."

Both men turned to her in shock.

"What?" they said in unison.

Quorra glanced at Sam to trust her on this one and Sam held his tongue, preparing to give his part of the excuse.

"I-I saw Sam at the nightclub and immediately knew that he was Sam Flynn, son of the Cre – I mean Kevin Flynn. I've heard about his generosity to people who deserve kindness and the yearly pranks on the ENCOM headquarters, so I approached him, requesting for a job and a place to temporarily stay."

"Right," Sam cut in, controlling the topic again, "and after a good deal of talk, I found that she is very skilled in computers, intelligent beyond belief, has photographic memory, and treats programs like they're people, making sure she can save them unless it's impossible. I said that she was hired if I could convince the CEO, which is you. As for living quarters, I said that she could stay with me for a while as she worked up a steady income and promised her I wasn't a creep."

Sam and Quorra stared at Alan in apprehension, waiting for his response. The growing glow of the morning's sunlight shined in, making Alan seem younger yet even more tired and stressed at the same time. The silence was slowly overlapped by the city's noise.

Alan sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose, and got up. He looked wearily between the two younger adults and finally said something. "I feel like I'm being cajoled into believing a bunch of trash," he began, "But all right. Since you supposedly promised her a job, I'll assess her. But next time you run off and disappear again, please tell me and tell why." The look of hurt radiated out Alan's eyes and Sam couldn't help but feel the anguish he must have felt when he lost his best friend and almost lost him.

Just before Alan left the garage, Sam called out, "Alan, wait."

Alan paused long enough to receive a full hug from behind. He froze at the contact.

"Man, I'm so sorry," Sam said, his voice slightly obscured by Alan's trench coat. He hadn't done this touchy-feely thing in a long time; he sort of missed it. "How about," Sam started to say, searching for anything that could possibly brighten Alan's mood, "I become ENCOM's chairman?"

Alan relaxed into the hug and turned a little to ruffle Sam's hair like he did when Sam was twelve. "Quit joking. I know you hate executive power more than anything," He humored.

But when Alan met his eyes, they were nothing but serious. "No. I mean it. I want to become ENCOM's chairman."

The hug was becoming a desperate vice trapping Alan, forcing him to give an answer.

"Who are you and what have you done with Sam Flynn?" he mused out loud. The embrace became firmer. "All right, all right. I'll look into it."

Sam finally released him and sent him off with a cheery "I'll see you tomorrow then!"

What has this world come to? Alan thought, shaking his head. He got into his car and drove out to ENCOM's headquarters, steeling himself for the stepping of toes and breaking of dreams.

End Chapter 2

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! The next one will be coming up shortly later today, hopefully.

Remember to R&R!
