Hello everyone! I'm back again with another story only this time it is going to be multi chaptered! Excited? Me too!

Before we get started I just want to give a shout out to those who have reviewed my other Teen Wolf one-shots (you know who you are!). Thank you so much for your wonderful reviews! They are what make me happy to give you guys more to read :)

So here is a summary: Au- "I'm going to rip the witches' throat out with my teeth when I get a hold of her," Derek thought a he balanced a newly transformed toddler Stiles against his hip. Sterek!

So again, this is all me and all mistakes are my own and I apologize. (not really a strong point of mine).

I hope you all enjoy and look forward to hearing what you think :)

Inner Child


I'm going to rip the witches' throat out with my teeth when I get a hold of her, Derek thought viciously. He growled around his fangs, a low and threatening sound. He stopped immediately when an unhappy gurgling was heard and looked down to where he had Stiles balanced on his hip.

Only Stiles wasn't the dorky, adorable (he was so going to hell) seventeen boy but instead was now a toddler. He was swimming in his t-shirt which Derek had wrapped around him to keep him warm while the rest of the pack had searched for the witch who had disappeared after her spell hit Stiles.

Derek growled lowly again.

The witch, who had been brought to his attention by Chris Argent (of all the people in Beacon Hills), had been causing mischief around town for two days now and they had finally gotten a chance at her. She was tricky though and now Stiles was a toddler, babbling noises to his little hearts content.

His heart rate was steady and he seemed perfectly calm to be in the woods in the middle of the night with a werewolf. At this though, Derek let his fangs sink back into his gums and his hair receded back into his usual style. He looked at Stiles who have him toothy smile.

Derek, much to his reluctance, thought he was adorable. He had only just allowed himself to admit to himself that he felt something for the seventeen year old and now he was a toddler.

Footsteps thudded against the forest floor and Derek turned, shielding Stiles from view and scanned the surrounding, ready to bolt if need be. He didn't have too. Erica, Boyd, Isaac and Scott had returned, along with Lydia, Jackson and Allison.

"She's gone," Isaac said. "Poof. Vanished."

Derek glared at the blonde and he immediately obeyed his alpha by quieting down.

"We scouted the area," Erica added. She shifted from foot to foot. "We couldn't get a scent at all."

Derek growled low in his throat, it rumbling through his chest. Stiles fussed at the noise and Derek quickly stopped.

"Stiles?" Scott frowned. His nostrils flared as he sniffed the air.

"He got hit," Derek huffed and turned his body just enough so that they could get a glimpse of Stiles before shielding him again. He knew Stiles would be embarrassed when he returned (and he would because Derek would be damned if let his mate (and boy was that a kick to nuts) stay like this).

"He's…Oh," Allison breathed, eyes widening.

"Well," Lydia said, her lips pursed. "This is going to be fun."

"His dad is going to kill me," Scott whined.

"His dad isn't going to know," Derek growled. Because seriously the Sheriff wouldn't hesitate to throw his ass back in jail. "I'm going to take him to Deaton while the rest of you start planning to find the witch." To make his message hit home his eyes flickered to red.

They nodded and started heading back towards the cars. Lydia scooped up the rest of Stiles' clothes and walked along side Derek. "Where is he going to stay in the mean time?" she asked.

"With me," Derek said bluntly.

She rose an eyebrow. "Do you know how to take care of a toddler? Do you even know how to take care of Stiles?"

Derek growled at her and sulked when she didn't flinch. "He'll be safe with me."

"But do you-"

"I'll. Keep. Him. Safe," Derek growled.

Confusingly, she smiled.

They reached the cars and the pack quickly got into their respective cars and took off with their orders. Derek moved to his black Camero and opened the passenger door. He folded the front seat down and placed Stiles in the back. He was still small, but since Derek had no car seat, he had to make do with strapping the seat belt around him. He quickly slid behind the wheel and took off in the direction of the animal clinic.

He kept glancing between the road and Stiles in the back seat. The young toddler was happily munching on the seat belt, his little legs bouncing on his leather seats.

"That's disgusting," Derek told him as he watched drool slid down his seat belt.

Stiles just gave him a big smile in response.

It didn't take them long to reach the clinic and Derek was out of the car, scooping Stiles into his arms and striding into the building. The door was open and Derek went straight to the back room.

Deaton turned at his entrance and rose an eyebrow. "Derek, this is a late visit."

"We have a problem," Derek said and he gently set Stiles down on the steel table. Stiles fussed at the cool touch and he whined. The sound made Derek's heart clench and he gently rubbed his back. He kept his smirk hidden when Stiles settled at his touch.

"Who is this?" Deaton asked, placing both hands on the table and looking at the toddler.

"Stiles," Derek growled. "He got hit by the witches spell."

"Oh dear," Deaton said. He gently smoothed Stiles hair down. At his touch, Stiles looked up and gave him a smile before going back to playing with the shirt he was wrapped in.

"Can you change him back?" Derek demanded to know.

Deaton shook his head. "Only the witch can turn him back."

Slowly, Derek's claws came out with his anger. "She won't turn him back willingly."

"No," Deaton agreed. "But, if you kill her, her magic will fade out and Stiles should return to normal."

"And if he doesn't?" Derek demanded.

Silence met his question.

Deaton smiled at Stiles and caught his attention. "Stiles. Do you know who I am?"

Stiles frowned and looked between Derek and Deaton. "No."

"Do you know Derek?" Deaton asked.

Derek's heart sped with his panic.

Smiling brightly, Stiles nodded his head with a jerk. "Yeah!"

Relief washed through him and he allowed a smile, only showing Stiles.

"The bond between you is strong enough that he feels comfortable in your presence and remembers what you mean to him. Others, like his bond with me, he doesn't recognise."

As if sealing Deaton's point, Stiles scooted closer to Derek and said "puppy." He pointed at Derek. "Woof."

Derek allowed his eyes to turn red and his fangs to start growing. He was surprised when Stiles smiled and reached towards his face.

"Puppy," Stiles said again.

"Werewolf," Derek corrected. "Not puppy."


Derek rolled his eyes and allowed his fangs to retreat and his eyes to return green.

Deaton chuckled with amusement before speaking again. "Unfortunately there isn't anything I can do for Stiles right now. You'll have to find the witch."

"Great," Derek growled.

"I assume he will be with you?" Deaton said. "I'm sure this would be hard to explain to the Sheriff."

"Yes. He'll be with me," Derek said. He picked Stiles up and cradled him against his hip. Stiles rested his head on Derek's shoulder, eye dropping and he yawned loudly.

"Call me if you need any help," Deaton said, smiling gently.

Derek nodded once and strode out the door he had come through.

Stiles was fast asleep when Derek made it back to his family loft. He picked Stiles up and carried him inside. He set the security system behind him and went straight to the spiral staircase. He went to his room and pulled back the sheets on his bed and gently placed Stiles in the middled.

Once he was set down, Stiles sprawled his small body against the sheets, head nestled on Derek's favourite pillow. Derek placed the covers over his body and kicked off his shoes. He hesitated for a moment before sitting on the edge of the bed.

He stared at Stiles, listening to his steady heart beat and the soft puffs of air he released with every breath. He had seen Stiles sleeping as a seventeen year old boy and could now confirm that not much had changed. He still slept with his lips parts, he cheeks mushed against the pillow. His leg twitched in his sleep and Derek could hear his soft murmuring.

Stiles talked in his sleep even at a young age. Derek would admit this to no one but he found it adorable.

He knew the moment he met Stiles that he was his mate. At first, he didn't want to accept it. Stiles was just a kid and he wasn't ready to let anyone in yet. But his wold was insistent on being close to his mate and Derek found himself falling for the hyperactive teen. (Why else would he have gone to Stiles when the wolfs bane bullet?)

Stiles leg twitched again.

Derek scooted closer and gently placed caressed the back of Stiles' head. The toddler nuzzled into the touch and mumbled in his sleep. With his werewolf senses, he could hear what he said.


Derek's wolf purred with content and Derek shivered. He needed Stiles back and he needed him back now.

Please review and happy reading :)