Hey guys! Thank you so much for all your awesome reviews! We have come to the last chapter and I want to thank you all so much for following this story. You guys are awesome.

Sorry for any mistakes and I hope you enjoy!


Blinking awake, Stiles sat up in bed and blinked. He frowned when he was alone. He had liked that Derek had slept with him the other night. He missed his puppy. He slipped out of bed, clinging to the sheets in the brief terrifying moment when he was suspended between floor and not able to pull himself back on the bed.

His feet touched the ground and he released the sheets. He padded to the door, stretching on his toes to reach the handle. It took him several tries but he eventually got the door open. He carefully went down the stairs and when he reached the bottom his scanned for Derek but pouted when he didn't see him.

"Hey Stiles," Lydia greeted him instead.

"Where's puppy?" Stiles asked.

Lydia smiled, chuckling lightly to herself. "He had to go out but he'll be back soon. Do you want some breakfast?"

Stiles nodded and followed Lydia into the kitchen. She cooked him some toast but only put butter on it. Stiles didn't complain though and ate it, talking with his mouth full to Lydia.

When the door opened and the pack came trailing in, Stiles abandoned his toast and ran to meet them. He ignored most of them, giving a quick "Hi Scott," before running to Derek. He paused in front of the alpha.

"You're dirty," Stiles frowned, staring at the blood that coating Derek's shirt.

Derek didn't answer. Only stared. Stiles was still a toddler.

"What is that?" Stiles asked. His mouth dropped as Derek strode past him, bounding up the stairs and out of sight. His lower lip trembled and he sniffed. Tears pooled in his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay," Scott said, crouching behind Stiles and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Derek just needs to change."

Stiles sniffed and wiped his eyes were tears were rolling down his cheeks. He hiccupped and the tears kept coming.

"I want to go home," Stiles sniffed. "I want my mum."

Scott pulled his best friend into a hug. "I know."

"I don't know what's happening," Stiles mumbled into Scott's shoulder. "Why is puppy mad?"

"Not mad," Scott said. "He's just disappointed."

Stiles hiccupped again and sniffed loudly. "I want to go home."

Scott looked up and found Derek striding towards them, dressed in a clean shirt. When he reached them he crouched beside them and gave Scott a pointed look. The pack dispersed and Scott pulled away from Stiles, directing him to Derek before he too disappeared.

"Stiles," Derek said, his voice unusually soft. "Come here."

Clumsily Stiles stepped between Derek's knees. He looked up at him with big, wet eyes and sniffed.

"I didn't mean to make you upset," Derek said. He reached out and wiped away Stiles' tears. "I'm not angry at you. I'm mad at myself."

"Why?" Stiles asked.

"It doesn't matter," Derek said, not sure how to explain it to a four year old. "Dry your eyes now."

Stiles wiped his eyes furiously. He stepped closer to Derek and hugged him tightly. Derek hugged him back, kissing the top of his head.

He released the boy and said, "What did you want to do today?"

"I want to go home," Stiles said. "I want to play with my lego."

Derek sighed. "You can't home just yet. But, how about we play lego here?"

Stiles pondered this, looking around the loft. "You have to play too."

Derek nodded and stood back up. He knew he had lego around here, stored away in a box. It was some of the few things that had survived the fire at his family home. While Stiles settled himself on the floor, Derek grabbed the box of lego and joined him on the floor.

Throughout the day the pack joined Derek and Stiles. They played with the lego before Stiles got bored and then they played hide and seek around the loft. Derek was surprised, but pleased as his pack got involved. Stiles always hid and who ever had to find made sure that Stiles was never found first.

Stiles got along well with the pack but he always stayed close to Derek, babbling away (and sometimes Derek couldn't keep up with what he was saying) and calling him puppy (much to the amusement of the pack).

They stayed for lunch and Scott went with Isaac to get a few movies for them to watch through the afternoon. They had dinner together and only when Stiles fell asleep, sprawled across Derek's lap did they leave to go home.

Derek carried the sleeping child to his room and tucked him into bed. He sighed heavily as Stiles slept. He had hoped that he would be the seventeen year old he had fallen in love with but he was still just a toddler. He didn't want to imagine Stiles never turning back. His wolf cringed and whimpered at the mere thought of it.

Derek stripped down to his boxers and crawled into the bed beside Stiles.

When he woke there was a hot body pressed against his and long legs tangled in his own. There was a heavy weight on his chest and short hair rubbing under his chin. He blinked himself awake and looked down. Stiles was cuddled up beside him, using his chest a pillow.

Stiles, who was seventeen again. And naked, his small clothes having ripped into shreds.

Derek nearly bolted upright but managed to keep his cool. "Stiles."

"Puppy," Stiles murmured in his sleep, nuzzling his cheek against Derek's chest.

"Stiles," Derek said firmly, poking him in the ribs.

Stiles grumbled and reluctantly opened his eyes. "What?" There a few seconds and then Stiles was bolting up, staring down at Derek with wide eyes. "WHAT?"

"Calm down," Derek said, sitting up himself. The sheets pooled around their waists and he watched as Stiles silently freaked out. "Breathe, before you start having a panic attack."

"It's a bit late," Stiles started wheezed.

Derek reached up and leant his forehead against Stiles. His hand came to the back of neck and gently he started to massage it. He locked eyes with Stiles. Slowly, Stiles breathing began to even out and returned to normal.

"Easy," Derek said.

"What happened?" Stiles asked. "I remember we were in the woods and then…" he trailed off.

"The witch hit you with a spell. You were turned into a toddler."

Stiles blinked. "I…I kept calling you puppy."

Derek nodded.

"Please don't kill me," Stiles said with wide, pleading eyes.

"I'm not going to kill you."


Derek snorted. "No, Stiles. I'm not going to kill you." Derek kept massaging Stiles neck and took a deep breath. "I can't."

"What do you mean?" Stiles asked.

"Because you're you my mate," Derek said. He waited for Stiles to say something and dropped his gave when he didn't.

"Are you sure you've got the right person?" Stiles finally asked. "I mean, I would love to be your mate. Don't know if you noticed but I'm totally in love with you, but I'm me."

Derek looked up. Surprise and hope swam in his eyes. "You love me?"

Stiles nodded, cheek turning pink. "Yeah. Kind of everybody knows."

Derek growled at that. "Why did you say anything?"

"Why didn't you?" Stiles shot back.

Derek sighed and pulled Stiles into a kiss. He went willingly, kissing Derek back with everything he had been holding in for so long. Aware that the other boy was fully naked, Derek pulled away. He caressed Stiles cheek and smiled at him.

"Nice to have you back."

"Good to be back, puppy," Stiles grinned.

Derek scowled. "If you weren't an adorable child I would have killed upi for the nickname."

"No you wouldn't have," Stiles smirked.

Derek growled and pulled him back into another kiss. He wasn't the mate he had dreamed of, but he wouldn't him for anything.

Please review and happy reading! :)