Bunnys-n-Penguin: Thank you! I honestly thought no one read's Angel Beats stories, so you made me happy! n.n

Summary: What happen's if there life's had ended differently? What happen's if they hadn't died and entered the purgatory? As These teen's soon come close together, would they reach their life long goal?




Chapter 2: Dinner

"Whaddya mean your not staying?!" I yelled.

We had gone up to my room minute's after my Mother brought the new's to us that our Neighbor's was staying over for dinner, and I was kinda glad we left so I could scream my head off at my best friend. "You honestly believe leaving me is alright?!"

"I don't think It'll be that bad," Yusa argued in her monotone.

I could feel my eyebrow twitching as I stared at her. Look's like she wasn't paying attention down stair's when we was looking out the window. I walked toward's my window and pulled back my white curtain's and pointed toward's the boy on the roof swinging the battle axe. We could hear a faint cry of evil laughter as he cut through the wind. "That isn't normal!"

"He has a hobby," Yusa said. "Just like how we spy on new incomer's."

"Spying?" I questioned, before scoffing lightly. "We don't spy, we carefully observe them, and that's completely different." I crossed my arm's to prove my point.

"Well, why don't you evaluate them. See what there really hiding, what there really about."

I gave a small smile as I placed my hand's on my hip's. "Hn. Alright. But if we're going to do this, let's to this Properly."




"Yuri! Come on down, dinner's ready!" Came my Mother's voice.

It was only minute's until we finally emerged from my bedroom and quickly made our way down the stair's. We was met with my Mother, smiling brightly at us. "Mom, Yusa's not staying tonight." I informed her, walking Yusa to the door.

I didn't have to look to see my Mother's sadden expression. "How come?"

"She does have a family of her own, Mom," I laughed. After biding Yusa a goodbye, I turned to look around the living room. "Where's our Lovely Neighbor's?"

"Oh they went to get their Son. The'll be here any minute."

"Ah.." I watched as My Mother scurried off into the kitchen to finish preparing and I quickly made my move. I quickly made my way to the dinning area. Across the table, Under the table, on the wall, was small tiny camera lens. I took off my head band and placed a small camera to be placed behind my ear. Once done, I sat in my usual seat and folded my hand's in front of me, mentally smiling. This should go pretty well tonight if I say so myself.

"Uh oh, what did you do now?" Came my Father as he walked toward's his seat.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently, blinking.

"When ever you sit like that, I just know you did something." He exclaimed, squinting his eye's at me.

I just shrugged. "Don't know what your talking about." I said, turning my head to the side, my chin on my fist, my eye's closed.. I Opened one eye as I heard him chuckling to himself.

It was only minute's until the doorbell ranged. "I'll get it." I announced, standing up abruptly. Quickly making my way to the the door, I smiled up at the family and stepped to the side to allow them in.

"Yuri, This is my Son, Noda." Exclaimed the women. He had the same colored eye's as his mother, along with the hair, but got his look's like his dad and the tan skin.

I stared up at him and sweat dropped. He had that look that fit's perfectly with his hobby. But nonetheless, I reached out my hand.

He glanced down at my hand for a moment before grabbing it in a firm grip.

At the table...

"So, Yuri," Started the Women. "Any tip's for Noda for school? After all, he is going to the same one as your's?"

'Well there's a shocker..' I thought. "Hm. Nothing much. Just like a normal school, except for our student body president who's out for blood." I stated calmly, taking a small bite. I could feel all eyes on me and inwardly smirk.

My Mother laughed from her side at the table. "She's just kidding. There President is well mannered and Very responsible. She keep's everything in tip top shape at her school." Mom beamed.

No kidding. The little brat foil's most of our plan's...

The rest of the night, everyone (Beside's me and Noda) talked animatedly with one another as if they knew each other for year's. I listened closely on what each conversation was about.

After dinner, I offered to help clear away the dishes, but of course my Mother declined and send me and Noda off to get to know each other better, which I didn't complain. There was a lot to this kid then he's letting on.


"So," I turned to him. "What's with that axe earlier?" I questioned, Looking at him with one eye opened. He gave me a look, like he didn't trust me. I wasn't surprised at this at all, but it was worth a shot.

"..It was a gift, from my Older sister..."

'Hm. So he has an older Sister, huh?' "Where is she?"


I turned my head and stared at him. He kept his glaze toward's the ground as he continued to draw in the dirt with the tip of his axe. His body seemed tensed.

"Sorry," I found myself muttering.

"Hn. I don't need your pity." He bit. It was then he pointed his axe at my face, and I stared at the tip as it was only inches from my face. "What are you doing asking me these question's?" He questioned, glaring dagger's my way.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was at a lost for word's. Did he know that I was filming him and his Parent's?

He stared at me for a while longer before slowly lowering his weapon. His eye's was blazing. He sneered before going back to drawing design's in the dirt.

Silence fell between us and I didn't like it. I was still somewhat still in my shocked state as I continued to stare at him. He had a sister..that past away too?

I wanted to ask of how his sister died, but I seen now wasn't the time.

My head lowered as I felt my hand's twitching ever so slightly. "I also lost my sibling's.." I said above a whisper. "Three younger one's.." This caused him to stop his movement's, and he looked up my way. I didn't know why I was telling him any of this. It wasn't his business whatsoever..


I opened my mouth when another voice was heard. "Yuri! Noda! Come on back inside, it's getting Cold out!" Came my Mother's Voice.

I sighed in half relief. I honestly didn't feel like going back down to memory lane..

"I'll tell you some other time," I muttered. I didn't wait for him to respond as I was the first to make my way back into the house.

As our Parent's continued to chated animatedly, we both sat back in utter silence as we watched the grown up's bond. My Father doing most of the manly talking while both our mother's was talking in hushed tone's in the kitchen, once in a while taking small glance's our way.

Who knew we was alike...


"I can't wait to see you in school tomorrow, Noda" Yuri exclaimed, giving him a friendly smile.


Once the door closed, she quickly pushed past her Parent's and ran up the stair's. Her Mother could only smile at her Daughter's retreating form.

Quickly making her way to her room, She slammed the door shut. She jumped into her computer chair and started to upload all of the footage she took onto her computer.

Hitting the speed dial button, she pressed the speaker button and set it down beside her lap top and watched the footage roll on by.


"It's all done. I'm sending it to you now." I informed her hitting the send button. I watched as it load before turning in my seat. "Well, tonight's been fun," She said, sarcasm easily noted in her voice. "He's starting school tomorrow. Hopefully he's in our class."

"You want him to be?" Yusa questioned in her usual mono tone.

"Of course. How else are we suppose to evaluate him. He seem's like the type of person to conceal many secret's."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I can tell..The look he has in his eye's."

"Are you sure that wasn't a look of annoyance?"

I could feel my eyebrow twitching. "Are you trying to get on my bad side?"

"Well, what do you suppose we do?" Yusa questioned, Ignoring her friend's question.

"Hn..I'm going to have to think about that. There's so much we want to learn about him, we can't afford to push the wrong button's for he might not cooperate with us."

"Leave it to you to be an expert on people."

"Of course. I am a people person," Yuri smirked.


Well? Please tell me what you guy's think and please review. Criticism is welcomed. Until then,
