Phil did not try to stop him now, and in a way, Jack found this somewhat disappointing, even though he had not succeeded in being able to infiltrate the workshop, the thrill of trying was always one of the highlights of his year, now though, now he was a guardian, and welcome to visit, much to his boredom, In fact the only place he still got a bit of a chase was in the tooth palace, and that was generally him running from adoring fairies; having your mouth poked at all the time, definitely not fun.

But at least when he was here, he could still play around with North, the man always seemed to have time for him; you see, though a few kids in his home town believed in him, it was not the end of Jacks problem, after all, Bunny had easter, Sandy had his dreams, North, well… Christmas was a big deal right? But what did he have? Winter? Pah, winter came with or without him, all he did was make it a bit more fun.

And who believed in that?

So while he still had Jamie and his friends to visit, for the rest of the world, he was just… how was it that Jamie's mum put it? Oh yes 'a figure of speech' that was all he was, no matter how much he tried. Sitting in North's grotto, he sighed so deeply he froze half the bookshelves on his wall "Jack, I am beginning to wonder, What is it that makes you want to make booksical of the shelves! Ha Ha! You Jack are Fun! I do not know sighing for fun! We have to be happy, come with me to workshop! You can see Toys for children no?"

Now Jack was not stupid, he knew it took a lot of time to make toys for all the children in the world, but as he moved through the workshop, the last thing he expected to see was the toys being packed into the sack already "Hey North, I know you like to be on top of things… but, the kids haven't sent out their letters yet? Why are you packing?" The large man seemed to find this more amusing then Jack understood, and the next thing Jack knew was he was propelled forward as he was slapped on the back by the man "Christmas is tomorrow Jack! I Fly tonight!"

Now Frost really was confused, it was July, no where near Christmas, but seeing the bustle in the packing room, he knew that North was not joking, the confusion was clear on the younger spirits face, and this prompted North to laugh and tell him to walk with him, they moved past the globe and North opened up another room, Jack's eyes widened and he viewed at least ten other globes in the room, each one had different land masses on them and each a different amount of shining lights.

North moved over to a globe that was entirely filed with the lights and he turned while pointing to it, "Christmas Jack; unlike Easter, spans over a few different worlds" Jack could not help but laugh at the obvious Jab at Bunny, but he said nothing as the man tapped the globe he was beside "This world though Jack, it is a fantastic place with people that believe, not just children, these lights represent all the people on this world, it is a magical place filled with wonders and love, it is a world where dreams come true" He chuckled and began to move back to his workshop while laughing "I always love travelling there"

Jack just stared at the globe a bit longer, his eyes widened slightly as something seemed to hit home with him, it was a world were dreams came true… He ran out after North and skid in front of him to stop him "Take me with you!" The larger man furrowed his brow as he shoved the boy aside "Jack, I do Christmas, you don't need to go" Jack bit his lip and lowered his brow in frustration and then an idea hit him "North, North! They have winter right? So, it means I Should go there, to that world too! After all, winter is just cold if you don't have fun!"

North seemed to contemplate this, and then he just smiled to the white haired spirit "Tell truth, You want to ride in slay no?" Jack Grinned and nodded his head, knowing this would win over North quicker than any amount of pleading or reasoning; and that was how Jack found himself hurtling to a brand new world! They flew through the portal and a smile began to spread over his face as the wind hit him, it flurried through his hair like a welcome friend, and it was then that Jack realised it was the same, it was still his wind…

"Wait… wait… North, the wind is the same here… how is that?" North seemed only to be paying half attention to him as he sped through the sky's, but he gave a half answer "Wind is wind, it blows I know nothing more" This got Jack looking out of the slay to the far off trees, now that he thought back on it, right from the start the wind had been with him, taking him to any place he wanted to go… but none of the other spirits could talk to the wind, not that he had noticed… Tooth had her wings, North his globes, Sandy his Sand, and Bunny his tunnels, but Jack had never considered that the wind… was his…

And if that was the case, did it mean he could go where ever the wind blew? It was something to consider, but right now, he wanted to explore "North! Where are we?"

The man was descending, and as he landed to a roof he shouted out "a small town in Arendelle, I have no time to answer silly question, you come back here later" And that was that, Jack was left to explore this new land, a land of promise, a land where he finally might be believed in… But how? He moved through the small town, but everyone was asleep… "Of course… it's Christmas, North only comes when you are Asleep…" Jack kicked up a bit of snow and frowned… it would not be fun until people woke up, but what could he do till tend? "Hey Wind! Take me some place cool"

Instantly the wind picked up and Jack was whipped up in it's flurry, he looked down on the small town, and further then as he saw what seemed to be a spattering of a few more villages, and further then that, a larger city near the sea. It reminded him of how his life had been, before… before he was like this, in this world, there was no electric lights keeping the world awake, and as a result, it allowed the sky to sparkle; jack floated on his back looking to the crystal clear skys as the wind took him northwards


"Elsa! C'mon! if you don't go to sleep, Santa won't visit!" Anna was running down the hall like a looper as she cart wheeled into the ballroom, it was Christmas eve and it was the first Christmas they had spent together in years, and Anna in all her excitement, wanted to make it 'super special awesome amazing' For Elsa though, well, despite now being able to really express herself, she still felt… empty, something just wasn't right, but looking at her sisters smiling face, she could not bare the thoughts of telling her how she felt; no, she would just have to hide it, and after all these years, she had experience in hiding things.

With a gracious smile she retreated to her room, oh it was not like she did not believe in Santa, after all, she was able to create living snowmen, so a man that delivered presents to people for being good through the year was not so difficult to conceive, no, it was more that she was just not excited about it, she had not filled in anything on her wish list, and nor had she placed out a stocking, she had stopped doing that a long time ago; Yet still, as she moved to her window, she could not help but wish she could feel it, feel the joy she once had as a child, the excitement, the… the wonder and magic of it all… "ELSA! You have to sleep!" the scream made her smile, and She began to draw her curtains closed, it was only then that she thought she saw something.

Oh it was not Santa, hardly anyone ever saw him, but this was… something else, she opened her window, and a faint sound reached her ears, almost like a deep laughter, but it was odd, and somehow, despite the chill wind, it made her feel warm… "ELSA!" "okay okay, I am going to bed now" She closed the window and drew the curtains, but she was sure she had seen the shape of a boy flying across the moon… hadn't she?

Back to Jack

As he landed on the mountain side, he at first thought nothing of it, it was just a snow covered mountain, nothing unlike what he had back home, but as he walked a small distance, he came first upon the frozen trees, beads of water had frozen in place like a perfect crystal decoration, and despite it's beauty, Jack took one dangling branch in hand and frowned "Strange… Ice doesn't freeze like this Naturally…" He let the branch go and it jingled against the other hanging beads, this causing Jack to smile and hold his hand out as he walked through this mystery

"Is this what you wanted me to see wind?" A gust seemed to tell him no, and pushed him forward, he came to a mountain face, and as he looked up, he raised his brow, he failed to see what could be up there, but with an easy bound he reached the peak, and crouching to the top of it, he laid his eyes on the most wonderful palace… "Wow…" He jumped, clearing the bridge in a single leap, and as his foot touched to the ground, he looked down in amazement

"This is ice! I… I can't believe it! How did they?!... I wonder who lives here?" He pushed through the door, and it was in that action that another creature stirred. The snow giant groaned loudly as he felt more then heard someone come in, and Jack laughed as the lumbering brute walked right through him. "You don't see me… but I wonder if I can make you" Jack sent up a flurry of snow and created a trail of frost for the giant to follow, but as he turned, he saw something amusing, the giant was leaning down and poking the frost "pretty" the soft stupid rumble could be hear from the giant, and it made Jack smile.

"Not very bright are you?" Jack knew the beast could not hear him, but it always felt weird not to talk to the people he was playing with "What about this big guy?" Jack tapped his staff to the floor causing a spread of frost around him; jack then drew some simple birds and bunnies in the frost and drew them out, bringing them to life so they could spin and dance for the giant.

The reaction of the large creature was exactly what he was looking for, the man danced and laughed and clapped his huge hands, and While they creatures disappeared, he kept laughing. Jack was smiling then as he drew in the frost one more time 'Hi, I am Jack Frost, nice to meet you' The Giant glared at it for a long time, and then looked up in his direction; at him. "Jaaack Froooost" The giant man blinked stupidly and then frowned " No one be here, Frost out!" the giant lunged for him, and it was then Jack realised he could see him, touch him, and after being tossed into the air Jack laughed "Testy giant aren't you? Do you live here alone?"

The Giant was looking up at him, trying to figure out how he was not falling down, and after a minute, he seemed to register that Jack had asked him a question "Elsa live here, Elsa gone, people took Elsa, I alone" Jack frowned and landed in front of the Giant ducking twice as he tried to catch him again "Woah woah! Hold on big man! I am not going to stay, I am just visiting, Who is this Elsa? Why did they take her?"

The Giant stared at him again and seemed to come to the conclusion that this man was trustworthy, either that or he just wanted someone around him, either way the Giant explained what had happened, and how Elsa, the woman who had made him to protect her, had been carried off after a man chopped his leg in half, This information got Jack frowning, he had no other leads than a name and… Well no… just a name, But how was he meant to find someone like that? And even at that, it was not like he could just walk up to someone and just ask them…

He looked back at the giant, the creature looked so miserable, and Jack could not help himself, he smiled and leant on his stick "don't worry buddy, I will find your maker okay?" this got a smile from the Giant, and Jack left him thinking about how he could rescue this girl… how could he find her if he could not ask people… unless he could get other people to see him? Yes! That was it! If he could get the giant to see him, maybe he could get people of the village to see him too!

Jack; had a plan!