Chapter 1


Have you ever hated moving? Well I do. It's my first time moving. We used to live in Mississippi. Not telling you where. But now we're moving to San Diego. Dad got a better job. At least that's what my brother has signaled me. Oh I forgot to mention this. I'm deaf and mute. I was born this way. I feel sorry for myself sometimes. I've never been able to hear my mother's voice, or my dad's or my sisters' or my brothers'. I've never listened to music. I've never dated anyone, I mean who wants to date a deaf and mute girl? I have three sisters. Nudge (or monique, we call her Nudge because we have to nudge her sometimes to shut up, at least that's what they've signaled me.) She's a year younger than me. I'm sixteen. My sister Ella, same age as Nudge. And my six year old sister, Angel. She really does look like an angel with her deep blue eyes and curly blond hair. I also have a brother who's name is Iggy, he's sixteen like me. I don't know why that's his nickname, and I don't think I want to know, Iggy loves to blow up stuff. And there's Ari. He likes to play with our golden retriever, Buddy. Ari is fifteen as well. I know what you're thinking. Mom deals with too much teenagers! But turns out we're good kids. We all can do sign language.

It's kind of hard to understand my teachers. But I try to read their lips. So it doesn't help when they turn around to the chalkboard. My siblings help me though, and I really appreciate it. When I graduate high school, I plan to be a writer. I mean I write in a notebook my dad gave me when I turned five. I write poems, stories, etc. Anyway, now back to the present. We we're going to our new house in car. Too long. So I fell asleep in dad's car. I'm sitting in the front seat of my truck. I own a red old truck, but I don't care. We were leading the way. It was dad, Ari, Angel and me. Angel follows me everywhere. I love her, she's like my own little baby. I have a few reasons on why I'm in dad's car. One: There wasn't any space. Two: I don't want Nudge and Ella signaling to me if they can give makeover. I mean I like the way I look. Even though I'm not someone who cares about looks. I have dirty blond hair with the tips of my hair colored red. I wear hoodies, graphic tees, converse or vans or combat boots, and black jeans. On the other hand, my sisters are complete fashionistas. Even Angel! Sorry got out of hand there

Back to present. Dad shook my shoulder and pointed to the new house. It's a two story, with white walls and a lot of windows. I smiled and gave dad two-thumbs up. He kissed my forehead and got out. When got out all the luggage. Mom signaled,

Max, you get to pick your room first

Thanks, I signaled. I climbed the stairs and checked out the rooms. I finally picked one. It has a bathroom, a big window with a place to sit on, and the walls are black. There's already a bed. It has blue covers and two pillows matching. I sat down and ran my fingers along the soft thing. There was already drawers, and the bathroom had everything. I only have to unpack my clothes. I put everything in order. I even have a desk. I love to read, so there's a huge bookshelf next to it. I even brought an extra bag with all my books. I put them all in order. I even put Hamlet by Shakespeare on the top shelf. The top shelf had my favorites. Hamlet's one of my favorites. I put my glasses on my desk and sat on the desk. I thumped my fingers on the soft wood. I couldn't hear the sound. I felt tears spring to my eyes. Turns out only a few people in the world have what I have. It broke my heart. I would never hear my family's voice. I started to cry and some arms were wrapped around me. I knew it's Iggy. He spend almost all his time with me. I signal him to make friends but he just shakes his head. My siblings are my only friends. They usually don't speak a lot because of me. He hugged me and I hugged back.

He wrote on a piece of paper: It'll be okay. We will support you even more.

I nodded and wrote: I know, but I'll never hear your voice! Or anyone's! I haven't ever heard of music. I can't talk to anyone without signaling! A tear fell on the paper. He read it and I saw tears running down his cheeks. He buried his face in my neck and cried with me. Ella came in and saw us crying. Iggy signaled to her and showed her the paper. She blinked and looked to me. She fell on her knees in front of me and cried. She was playing with my hair until Ari came in. He said something and Iggy nodded. There was a tear running down his cheek. He hugged me very hard and signaled:

Mom made reservations at a restaurant. You don't have to dress up. He gave me a small smile and I grabbed them all for a group hug. We all went downstairs and I grabbed my keys. Nudge and Iggy came with me on the truck. Angel hugged me before we got on the truck. I followed mom to a restaurant called "Cheesecake Factory" (A/N: A really good restaurant, in San Diego. P.S. don't own MR and restaurant.) We went over to a guy. He's probably my age. He's cute. He has black hair, black eyes, a black button up shirt and black pants. He's wearing black converse too. He was gaping at me when he saw me. I blushed and turned to Ari. He tensed up and glared at the guy. When the guy saw him, he looked down, blushing. It felt weird though. I felt something I've never felt before. Like electricity coursing through my veins. My mom said something to him. And he nodded. Then a girl came to stand next to him. She looked like him, she's pretty too. Probably his sister. I shrugged and we followed her to our table. I felt the hairs in the back of my neck stand up. I brushed his arm as we passed by and I felt like I've been shot with electricity. I turned around and we both stared at each other in shock. He probably felt it too. He mumbled something, and turned around. I sat down in between Angel and Nudge. I read the menu and some hair fell in front of my face. I tucked it behind my ear and continued reading. I felt like I was being watched. I looked up and found the same boy staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth was hanging open. I blushed and turned around to find Nudge smiling like crazy. She made a heart with her hands, so only I could see. I rolled my eyes and smiled at her. turns out there's only fancy food here. I signaled to my mom to order some chicken alfredo pasta. It's really good. I had to go to the bathroom and so did Ella. She asked where it was. I followed her and I kept looking down. Still thinking about that boy. I bumped into someone. I looked up and found the same boy. We were extremely close. He started to talk. I kept staring at his lips to try to read them. I looked at Ella for some help. She said something and he said something back. She nodded and motioned to me. He wouldn't stop staring at me. He smiled and my heart began to beat faster. I smiled back. He winked at me and I blushed even more. I ran my hand up and down my arm. Ella smiled and led me to the women's restroom. I wouldn't stop smiling. Luckily we were alone in the bathroom.

What was that? she signaled at me.

I smiled even wider and shrugged. I can't stop thinking about him. Ella puckered her lips and I whacked her arm playfully. She rolled her eyes and entered a stall.I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I think I'm in love. Crap.


I was working again at my parent's restaurant. I kept reading the reservations list. There was a family of eight in five minutes. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I had to work so that I can earn money to fix my bike. Mom and dad didn't want to budge in. They say it's too dangerous. I said I would work for them until I earned enough money. I looked up and saw the family. And I saw her. The girl. She's beautiful. My heart's beating faster and I felt my hands start to sweat. I was gaping at her. I felt weird though. I've never felt this way before. She saw me staring at her. She had the most beautiful eyes. Like a chocolate brown. She blushed and looked over to the guy next to her. He looked like her, but only a little. He tensed up and glared at me. I looked down and blushed. She has dirty blond hair with red tips at the bottom. She's wearing a red t-shirt, black skinny jeans and black combat boots.

"We have a reservation under Martinez, please," said the woman. I nodded and looked down. There was their name.

"Follow my sister, Cassie, she'll lead you to your table," I said. She nodded and followed my sister who was standing next to me. She loves to help my parents. The girl passed by me, brushed my arm and I felt like I was shot with electricity. She turned around and stared at me with wide eyes. She felt it too, I thought.

"Sorry," I mumbled and turned around. I turned around and they were at their table. I had a perfect view of her. She read the menu and some hair fell in front of her face. She tucked it behind her ear and I thought, Oh dear lord help me. She looked up and I found I'm staring at her with wide eyes and my mouth was hanging open. She blushed, and she looks adorable. WTH? She turned around to a pretty girl next to her and she smiled. God she has a great smile, I thought. A couple came to where I'm standing and I led them myself to their table. I saw she wasn't there anymore. I frowned and continued walking. After I led them to their table I was going back to my place, looking down, until I bumped into someone. It's her. I felt my breath get caught in my throat.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there," I said. She kept staring at my lips. She turned to the girl next to her. She looked like her but only a slight bit. Their hair, noses and cheekbones are different. The other one has blue eyes and light brown hair. She looks a year younger than the girl.

"Oh sorry! Max didn't mean to bump into you. See she has a little problem," she said. Max, it suits her.

"It's okay I didn't see her either," I wouldn't stop staring at Max. I smiled and she smiled back. I winked at her and she blushed even more, running her hand up and down her arm. The girl next to her smiled and led Max to the restroom. Max, I thought running my hand through my hair. I can't stop saying her name quietly or thinking about her. I think I'm in love with her. I smiled at the thought. I was going to break up with my girlfriend and find Max. I think she's new. And I would find her.