Anzu's Yami

Chapter 1: Light of Egypt

Disclaimer: If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh!, I wouldn't be making a FANFICTION, would I? Use your brains...

A.N. This is my first fanfiction ever. Eventually, I might have some sort of love triangle going on, or at least some... involvement of some of the other guys' yamis. ^_^ I happen to dislike Anzu/Téa, actually (though I don't HATE her like some peeps), but I was suddenly inspired when my friends were talking about how Anzu is annoying... anyway, R&R, please!

Happy birthday, Anzu! my parents cried. I laughed happily as I ran down the stairs, imagining a million presents on the kitchen table, just waiting for me to open them.

As I rounded the corner, I gasped. Huh!? Mommy, Daddy, come quick! I called. S-someone... someone stole my presents! My parents only laughed. I was angry. Stolen presents were nothing to be laughing about. Mommy, Daddy... why are you laughing? It's not funny!

My father picked me up by the waist, and put me on his shoulders. He calls this piggy-back riding' but I think he's wrong; my dad's much to thin to be a pig. Anzu... there are no presents. We have something... else for you this year. he explained.

I frowned. No presents? I couldn't think of anything that could make up for that.

We're going to Egypt! my mother said, eyes glowing.

I blinked, once, twice. Egypt? What's that? Is Egypt a playground? Or a park? I asked her.

she laughed. Egypt is a country in Africa. You know where Africa is, don't you, Anzu?

I hopped down from my dad's shoulders, and pointed to Africa on the kitchen map proudly (I had memorized all of the continents last week). My father smiled. Right. And Egypt... is right here. he pointed. We're going to go there for your fifth birthday, Anzu.

I thought about this for a minute. But I don't get any presents? I asked.

We'll buy you something in Egypt. my father promised.

I nodded. When... do we go?

We leave in two days. We're going to go on a plane! my mother responded. My eyes lit up at this; I had always wanted to go on a plane.

Two days... Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind. Um... Mommy, Daddy? Can I bring... someone with me? I asked, nervously.

My father raised his eyebrows. You... you have a friend, Anzu? he asked.

I looked at the ground. I didn't have any friends, and everyone knew it. I don't know why, exactly, but I think it has to do with my love of fighting, being able to speak in four languages, and my ability to read. I think other kids are jealous. I replied slowly. But there's a boy that just transferred into kindergarten yesterday. He's only three, but he's very smart. He can read, too.

What's his name? my mother asked, curiously. I had never had a friend before, so my mother was naturally excited.

Um... he's called Yuugi. Yuugi Motoh... I answered.

I hate to say this, Anzu, but the plane tickets are already bought. We don't have a spare... my father said. Not to mention, we've never met this Yuugi boy, and, while I'm sure he's nice, I don't think his parents would like it if we took him to Egypt when we've just met.

We'll arrange a play date for you, though! my mother put in quickly when she saw my crestfallen face.

I nodded, and turned to go. However, I paused in the doorway. Is Egypt... fun? I asked.

My parents both nodded. Yes - you'll love it!


I hated Egypt. It was so... ... ...BORING. Old pyramids, dusty roads, pharaohs' tombs, sand, camels, ancient magic, hyro-!!! Ancient magic? I turned around, and looked at the man who had just whispered the words underneath his breath. He was staring at the pyramids, a faraway look on his face. He had long hair (for a guy anyway) that was silver-white, and strange, orange-red eyes.

Suddenly, the wind blew his hat off his head; a robed figure retrieved it for him. As the robed man gave the hat back to its owner, he spoke. I couldn't hear most of what he said, but it had something to do with the mending of a broken heart, and more pain. I wondered if the two knew each other - though they didn't seem to have a... friendly relationship, if they had one at all. I figured this out, because the robed one told the hat-man to leave. Leave Egypt, that is. I don't know a lot about friendship, but I'm pretty sure that friends don't kick each other out of countries.

The robed figure retreated - and after a moment's hesitation, the hat-man followed him. I glanced around for my parents - they were at a merchant's booth, trying on jewelry - and watched the two figures enter a building. I glanced at my parents. I knew I shouldn't, but they weren't looking... and what harm could it do? I was a good spy... and five-year-old girls weren't payed much attention to, anyway

Silently, I followed the two strange men, careful not to make any noise. I don't know if it was guilt of running away from my parents and spying, or something else... but I felt an impending sense of doom in the back of my mind, in the pit of my stomach, deep inside my heart. And it was growing stronger with each step I took...


That's the end of Chapter 1! Please R&R, if you liked it, hated it, want me to keep going, will give me money if I'll stop writing, etc... or if you just want to make a comment on whatever. Thanks for reading my story. ^_^