Tori tried to act like she was having an okay day, and in some ways she was. She had been as startled as Robbie, Cat, and Andre had been by Beck and Jade's revelations – probably more so then at least Andre, really – but she still got the feeling that there was something that they were keeping back. The question that Andre hadn't been allowed to finish, that had been given no answer, bugged her to no end. Who was the father of Jade's baby? Who was Roxy's biological dad?

Of course, the reasonable, even obvious answer was Beck. He and Jade had become a couple in eighth grade. Had little Roxy been the reason why? Or was the father another person entirely? Some of the options running through Tori's mind made her blood feel as if someone had inserted ice water into her veins.

After almost two hours of hanging out in Beck's – apparently Beck and Jade's – RV, Beck tactfully asked Robbie and Cat to leave, citing that Roxy was exhausted and it was already past her normal naptime. When Tori went to grab her purse and make her own exit, Jade grabbed her arm and whispered softly in her ear, "We need you and Andre to stay for a minute longer."

Tori's eyes met Jade's solemn, almost scared, almost caring gaze and her stomach flipped again with that same feeling of trepidation. Whatever Jade wanted to hear apparently wasn't meant for Cat's or even Robbie's ears, and that meant that chances were she wouldn't like it either. Even so, Tori nodded, set her purse back down, and settled back into her spot at the table.

Once Robbie and Cat had left and Jade had put Roxy down for her nap, Andre sat down beside her once again and Beck slid in across from Andre, leaving Jade to sit down across from her.

Pushing aside the soda that he had grabbed, Andre got straight to the chase, asking a little sharply, "What's going on?"

Beck put his elbows on the table, rubbing his fingers back and forth as he sighed. His gaze was fastened on his hands and there was a definite undercurrent of tension coming from both him and Jade as he said, "I know that we've never addressed it directly… and I'm sorry if this reopens wounds that are already healing… but what we told the whole group is not the whole story."

Tori jumped up from the table, knowing in the pit of her stomach what she was about to hear yet wanting no part of it.

"Tori," Jade grabbed her wrist. "Please stay." She swallowed, adding, "We have to finish this now, at least with Andre. I know it sounds pathetic, but that would be me and two guys, and I don't want to go back there without you here."

Tori stared straight into her eyes, startled by the sincerity, the vulnerability, that she saw there. It didn't sound pathetic, it sounded familiar, and for that reason, Tori grudgingly sat back down.

"We didn't want to say anything with Cat or Robbie here if we didn't have to," Beck explained. "I'm sorry if we freaked you out." He turned to Andre, adding, "And that I cut you off… and that we've lied to you for so long."

"Nah," Andre took a deep breath and sat back against the seat, crossing his arms over his chest. "I get it."

All three of the others sitting around the table flinched, knowing just how much was said in those three words.

"Do you remember Eric Randall?" Jade came back to the topic at hand as she turned to Andre, the words coming out sounding like they physically hurt the Goth.

"Yeah," Andre nodded. "He was a senior when we were in eighth grade; his step-sister, Becky, is in my science class."

Jade nodded, looking Tori in the eye as she said, "He's Roxy's biological father."

A long strained pause came between the four, leaving only when Tori asked quietly, "Where is he now?"

"Rotting away in prison," Beck answered.

Jade nodded towards her… husband… saying, "When he found out that I was pregnant, he convinced me to go to the cops about what Eric had done. I managed to keep the trial a secret from everybody but Beck along with everything else. Eric's not going to get back out of prison for at least another eight years."

"That doesn't seem like much time," Andre said under his breath.

Jade shrugged. "At least I know that I did my part."

"Isn't it hard though?" Tori asked, her eyebrows drawing together. "Knowing that he's still alive, and going to get out eventually?"

Again Jade shrugged, saying, "I've just had to learn to live with that fact, just like I've had to learn to deal with all that the situation created. But, yes, it is hard… sometimes it's very hard; even now I have my moments, days, sometimes even a week or so, that I'll go through feelings of depression… worthlessness… even feelings like shame and self-hatred."

"What gets you past it?" Tori asked softly, needing on so many levels to hear her answer.

"Beck," Jade pointed to the closed bedroom door. "Roxy." She smiled a little, admitting, "After Eric attacked me, Beck and my family kept me going for the first couple of months," Jade sighed, shifting in her seat and glancing at her hands as she continued, "And then I found out that I was pregnant." She took a deep breath before admitting, "That almost killed me." She snorted, "It made me almost kill myself."

Tori's pulse doubled and she began to wonder just how much the Goth knew.

Jade was struggling to speak now, and Tori was shocked to realize that she was actually fighting tears. "Beck found me in an empty classroom one day after school, about a month after I found out I was pregnant. I had tried to slit my throat with a pair of scissors. He got Psychowits and the two of them got me to the ER. Right before I was released from the hospital, he talked me into getting an ultrasound done so that I could see my baby. My parents and I had already decided that an abortion would be the best choice, but when I saw her there on that screen, I knew that I couldn't put an end to something so beautiful as my baby girl, no matter how she had been given to me." Jade met Tori's gaze unflinchingly, saying, "Roxy is what almost killed me, but in the end she is what kept me alive and willing to fight to heal from what had happened to me. And I'd like to think that, at the end of the day, I have healed." She swallowed, saying hoarsely, almost tenderly, "And if you're willing to fight for you – and for the sake of those who you are important to – then you'll heal too, no matter what you're feeling right now."

Tori closed her eyes, the truth of it all unbalancing her as she realized why exactly Beck and Jade had come clean today.

Jade knew.

Longest and last chapter of the story. Yes, I am ending this story of the series like this and yes, I probably am evil for doing so. Is anyone interested in a sequel to it? Anywho, hopefully you guys enjoyed this story! Reviews make my day full of rainbows and Roxy's cookies! Thanks!:)

P.S. I've got a new poll up, if you guys want to take a look at it! Thanks!:)