Magical Pirate Rangers

Chapter 1: A Pirate in Gryffindor Red

It was the summer after Harry's fourth year and he was getting fed up with what was going on in the school. He was out and about just thinking about what to do now, Cedric was dead and Voldemort was back.

He came up on an old chest and was looking at it. "Wonder what this is?" He said, he went to open it, and inside was a classic flip phone with a keyhole above the keypad. Harry picked it up and looked at it there were four more of them. Along with them were small figures of spandex clad heroes and heroines.

"Hmm," he looked at one of the figures and picked it up. It was in a red greatcoat with gold trim, a black T-shirt with a white key with a skull top and crossed swords, black tights, white boots and gloves. He squeezed the sides of it and suddenly it folded in half and it was a key. "Looks like, it fits in that key hole." So he took it and put it into the keyhole. Then he turned the key and suddenly he was dressed in the outfit the key figure was in.

"What the hell?" He said while looking at himself, "how?" Then something appeared in his mind. He smiled, He knew what he must do. "But how am I going to find others to help me?" Then it hit him, the others they would be more than happy to join him. So he took the chest after deforming and headed home. After he deformed, his entire body was built better, his magic was stronger, he took off and headed home when all of the sudden, Dementors were attacking innocent people.

'Well, looks like I get to try out my new powers.' He pulled out the key he had and the flip phone. He opened the phone up, placed the key in the hole twist it and the top formed the logo. "PIRATE RANGER CHANGE!" He yelled. Just then there was a flash of bright red light, he was standing in a black and silver spandex bodysuit, boots and gloves. Just then red flashes hit his chest forming his logo, then covered his torso, forming his great coat and then covering his head forming his helmet.

He was standing there ready to fight, the Dementors attacked him and he started to fight them off. He realized that his punches were doing nothing so suddenly there was a glow in his hands and a cutlass was in his left hand and a large caliber flintlock pistol was in his right. He started to go through them like a hot knife through butter.

After the last one fell, he holstered his weapons and made sure the innocents were alright. Once he did, he bowed to them and teleported away from the area.

Meanwhile the Order of Phoenix were trying to find out what had happened and where Harry was they had already went to the Dursley's house but he wasn't there. "Where could he be?" Said Remus.

"Don't worry Remus," said Tonks. "We'll find him." So they headed back to Number 12 to report back to the others.

Meanwhile Harry didn't teleport to the house, he was in a huge room. It looked like a captain's stateroom on a pirate ship and a one bedroom apartment. He deformed and started to look around the room was nice and furnished with the best things money could buy. He went the bedroom and saw a huge bed with his Jolly Roger above it.

To the left of the room was a bathroom with a shower. Then he walked out of the quarters to look around and noticed that he was on a huge galleon. It was red with a huge cutlass sticking out the front of it. Harry went on to the deck and saw that he was traveling through the skies. He was excited and psyched. "OH MAN!" He screamed, "I LOVE THIS SHIP!"