This is just a drabble from my Tumblr. Set in the future with established Densi.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with this show. And even though I own the album, I don't own One Republic, who I blatantly stole a line from in this story.

"So, " Deeks said after checking his gun, "how much you got left?"

Kensi loaded a new magazine into her Sig Sauer with a resounding pop. "Just my backup magazine left, so ten. You?"

"Five. And how many bad guys are out there shooting at us?" Deeks asked as he peeked his head around the large dumpster they were hiding behind. A bullet hit the side of the dumpster and he pulled his head back and winced.

"Uh, I'd say at least eight of them? Maybe more?" Kensi guessed.

"And Sam and Callen?"

"Probably at least 10 minutes out."

Deeks sighed. "So we got a chance to make it out of here if we both make the best shots of our lives, right? No big deal." He looked at his partner anxiously before aiming his gun around the corner and firing two shots. "Make that three left."

Another round of bullets hit the back of the dumpster again and the two huddled up together. "This might be a big deal Deeks. We've got no backup, hardly any bullets, and pretty soon they're going to get impatient and surround us and…" Kensi paused.

"We're screwed," Deeks finished her sentence. "Okay, swap guns with me. I'll pop up and draw their fire and you make a run for it."

"Oh hell no!" Kensi yelled. "I know it's your turn to get shot again but not on my watch, babe." She winked at him. "We stay together or we go together."

Deeks grinned at her. He leaned over, grabbing her head and pulling her in for a kiss. "Well if we only die once, I wanna die with you."

Kensi shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I don't know if that's the cheesiest or the most romantic thing you've ever said to me."

"It is what it is," Deeks said solemnly, with a grave look on his face. "You know I love you right?"


He grabbed her empty hand and squeezed it. "You know, right?"

Kensi squeezed her eyes closed and nodded. "I know. You know too, right?"

Another round of gunfire hit the dumpster and they both hunkered down again. "Oh I know. And if we make it out of here alive I'm hoping you'll show much how much you love me," Deeks said, flashing her a devilish grin.

Kensi crawled to the corner of the dumpster and fired 3 shots, hitting one of the cartel members carrying an AR15. "Got one! And really?! We're taking heavy fire and still all you can think of is sex."

"What can I say? You're sexy as hell with a gun."

Another round of fire came suddenly, but nothing hit the dumpster. Kensi and Deeks shared a look. Kensi nodded to him and they both popped up on either side of the dumpster, aiming fire at the cartel members. Sam and Callen had come in from opposite doors with guns blazing.

"Deeks, you're out of ammo, get down!" Kensi yelled as she emptied her magazine, taking out two more bad guys. She ducked back down and hung her head, waiting for either the gunfire to stop or for them to be found.

"Deeks, Kensi, status!" Sam yelled.

"We're empty, not hurt!" Deeks yelled back.

"We got this, stay down!" Callen shouted, firing his weapon.

Soon it was quiet in the warehouse. Kensi and Deeks stood up slowly and abandoned the security of their dumpster. Sam and Callen were kickng weapons away from the dead and injured. "Hey Eric, we need ambulances and LAPD at our current location. We're all good," Callen called into his earwig.

"Thanks guys, we owe you one," Kensi said, relieved.

"You guys owe us way more than one," Sam responded. "I'm getting kinda tired of saving your butts all the time."

Deeks smiled at Sam. "We're not going to get in this pissing match again. Thanks man." He reached out and shook the large man's hand, pulling him in for a hug.

"Ahem," Kensi cleared her throat behind them, holding her hands together and swaying her hips. When Deeks turned around, she ran and jumped into his arms, planting a big kiss on his lips. He kissed her back, running his hands through her hair lovingly.

"Guys. Really. Are you always going to make out now after every near death experience?" Callen asked, rolling his eyes.

Kensi pulled away from Deeks and he set her down gently. She looked up into her partner's eyes. "Hopefully."