It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Not at all!

It was just a field trip so to speak that four friends won to go to a remote jungle to hike and observe. Well of course they didn't pay attention to the villager's warnings but at least were smart enough NOT to leave the trail.

Apparently that didn't work out since they were beyond a doubt lost. "Way to go Tobi, we're fucking lost!" The boy sniveled, "Tobi was going the right way but he didn't know which way to go when the trail split!"

Olivia sighed, "It's ok; we'll just stay here until someone finds us." Lexy and Itachi both rolled their eyes, "However long that takes." "It's sunset already and being alone in a jungle is the last thing we need right now."

Tobi couldn't help but to start crying and ran off in despair, that's when it all happened. Olivia chased after him for fear he would get hurt, "Tobi! Tobi come back!"

Lexy groaned and followed, then Itachi until they wound up going further into the dark jungle; this is how they got separated.

Lexy tripped over a root and slid down a muddy slope straight into the river. Tobi was just merely lost and Olivia lost sight of him, going the opposite way thinking she saw him. Itachi got turned around somehow and then appeared in an opening with only the moon shining from above.

Now the four friends were truly lost especially since the night was upon them fairly quick….and who knows what dangers awaited them there but hopefully it wasn't what the villagers were talking about.

Naga's. Part human and part serpent mythical creatures that shouldn't exist…but unfortunately the four instantly found out the truth.

*The teen managed to get to the shallow part of the river, shivering from how cold the water was and grumbling about the mud staining her clothes when she caught a glimpse of something in the water.

She narrowed her chocolate brown orbs and kept calm, slowly trying to get to shore when she was instantly wrapped up in something equally chilling.

Gasping she struggled like hell but that just made the coils tighten around her small body just below her breasts; almost too painfully when she finally stopped.

They seemed to loosen somewhat as she was turned to see something coming out from underneath the water's surface.

Who the hell is he? Wait…what is he? Naga? Can't be!

The brute was human from the waist up, blue tinted skin and nothing but solid bulky muscle; even with the moonlight she could see his messy hair was a blue color as well but what really got her were the beady black eyes and sharp rows of teeth he proudly showed since he was smiling at her.

Her gaze traveled downward to see the thick shimmering navy blue scaly tail belonging to the rest of him when he hummed and ruffled her hair, "You're a cute little girl."

"Let me go you fucking freak!" His grin only grew wider, "Oh, a feisty one at that. I like that…and these~"

The brunette gasped when a strong pair of hands grabbed onto her large breasts and squeezed them playfully as she snarled and hissed at him to stop, but he merely mused since he heard a soft mewl coming from her when he pinched a nipple.

"You're coming with me kitten…yes…kitten suits you nicely." Before she could retort back by yelling he slithered rapidly to his home with her in tow.

*Tobi sniffed at his cut knee which he acquired since he tripped and hit a rock, sitting next to a large tree until the throbbing eased off when he heard something from above.

Looking up his large dark orbs widened in fear from the creature; it was a naga. The man's skin was oddly black and white, his green hair stood out along with his golden eyes; not to mention the serpent tail wrapped around the tree was just as equally green as his hair but darker.

The boy tried to run away but his knee proved too injured and caused the boy to fall down and softly crying in fear he was going to die.

The serpent smiled gently and took his time slithering down the tree and encircling the boy to trap him, lifting the innocent boy up in his coils and tsking when he saw the injury.

"You poor boy." "What shall we do with him?"

Tobi whimpered and tried to hide his tear stained face when the man gently removed his hands from his countenance and murmured sweetly, "I'm going to keep you."

He met the soft gaze of the serpent only to be slowly hypnotized to sleep, the bipolar man stroking the innocent sleeping boy's cheek before calmly returning home.

*The raven was hesitant to enter the open area; he knew there would be no place to hide if something came after him but he cautiously did until he kept seeing this glowing light.

Itachi wasn't sure what it was, it looked like the tree was glowing from the side. Maybe it's moist and the light from the moon is reflecting on it.

It was at that point he heard a small chuckle, gulping slightly before something attacked him. He was pinned onto the ground by a glowing light, trying to struggle like mad the grip only became tighter as he snapped, "Leave me alone!"

"I have no fucking intentions on that my prey~"

The dark orbs shot open and focused his gaze on his attacker, it was a man…well, naga judging from the tail he was trapped within.

The man was actually…beautiful. Fair skin, slicked back silver hair, even his tail was practically white/silver therefore seeming like he was glowing in the darkness. What really got Itachi were those eyes, amethyst.

He was at a loss for words for once but came to his senses when the man leaned closer and flicked his long tongue out against his trembling lips.

Itachi was about to make a witty remark when the snake chuckled darkly and quickly hurled the raven into his coils and slithered off at a fast pace to his lair.

*The woman panted and kept calling for her friends but finally gave up, she was scared, but even more so when she rested against a tree to feel it moving slightly.

Her sapphire orbs grew large and she timidly took a few steps away before turning around and looking up; the thing moved and seemed to appear from within the tree, but it was merely excellent camouflage.

It was a large behemoth of a man, nothing but rock muscle, dark shaggy hair that came to his shoulders, gruesome stitches marring his torso and even his cheeks, but those eyes seemed to pierce straight into her very being and became rooted to the spot.

Emerald iris and ruby sclera staring intently into her own sapphire blue before he slithered even closer, the woman finally looked away and tried to run but he quickly blocked her path with his body.

He's a naga? She didn't notice his dark murky brown tail until just now.

Gulping she attempted another escape but the brute merely snatched her wrist with his hand and hoisted her small frame off the ground and into his bulky arms.

The woman tried to shove him away but a quick squeeze made her whimper and stop, shivering like mad due to fear when he smirked in triumph she was behaving somewhat as he began to venture home to share the news.

*The four friends were reunited soon enough, but not in the way they expected. The serpents were more than eager to show off their catches until Lexy shrieked, "TOBI!? I SWEAR IF YOU FUCKING HURT HIM I'LL RIP YOU TO SHREDS YOU BLOODY HORSE KISSER!"

The bipolar chuckled in amusement, "He's only asleep human, calm yourself." Olivia frowned, "How can he when…mph."

The brute covered her mouth with his hand and gave her a look of disapproval, but the green snake did answer, "I put him to sleep to keep him calm and so I can tend to his wound."

The silver snake smirked, "You just wanted to fucking hypnotize him so you can fuck him. Am I right Zetsu?"

Itachi spoke this time in rage, "Don't you dare rape him!" The silver snake cupped the raven's chin and giggled in a crazy way, "You should be fucking telling me that my prey~"


All eyes tuned to the stitched brute who was growling about his bitten finger as the woman managed to wriggle away from his grip and tried to get to Tobi when she was snatched up by his tail.

The brute cupped her chin rather roughly and practically snarled, giving her a fierce glare in the process that made her whimper in fear.


Hidan scowled, "Fucking shut her up will you Kisame!" The shark-like man chuckled and wrapped the tip of his tail around her mouth, fairly amused to the muffled curses coming from underneath when he stated, "Let's call it a night brothers, and Kakuzu…go easy on the human."

Said snake snorted and slithered off as did the others; the first night was going to be hell they knew it.

*The brute tossed the girl onto the rug in his chamber and crossed his arms observing her. She could tell he was pissed off for what she did and warily just sat there not making a sound.

It was then she noticed the cave; well, to be more specific a bedchamber. From the outside it looked like a cave entrance but inside it was like she was inside a temple.

Very elegant décor for a snake, but she cried out when she was suddenly jerked into the air by his tail; the brute stating, "You need to bathe before sharing my bed."

Olivia's body shivered from how gruff and deep his voice was….rather sexy she had to admit. Not uttering a word she let him carry her to a small hot spring through a small tunnel, actually letting her stand on her feet but jerked her small frame to his and ripped off her pants.

"Hey!" "Be quiet." He tore off her shirt next and the woman kicked him, thrashing about and it ticked him off so he just dumped her into the water.

Gasping for much needed air she glared at him as he growled, "I'll be right back so don't leave this room or you'll regret it."

Olivia snorted under her breath but didn't disobey him, trying to focus on the soothing water than what could be happening to her friends; though it proved too complicated.

After a few minutes she rested against the side of the spring, dozing off a little bit until a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist.

The girl jumped and went rigid when a large hand traveled down her side and taking off her panties with a swift flick of his wrist.

A dark amused chuckle grumbled behind her as the same hand went to her bra, which she tried to slap him but all he did was hold both wrists together with one hand and easily unclasped her bra with the other; taking that off too and leaving her completely naked.

Using his tail to pull her flush against him he growled huskily, "I shouldn't be so gentle with you right now, but considering this is your first day I just might be lenient." His gaze lingered on her quivering lips and licked his own, "You're just too tempting~"

She pleaded softly, "Pl..Please let me go." Furrowing his dark brows he grumbled, "You're not going anywhere, you belong to me."

"But…ah!" He smirked as he rubbed the perky breasts with firm pressure before reaching behind and taking hold of the plump cheeks and squeezing them playfully; rubbing her up and down against him and making her whimper like mad.

Figuring that was enough he carried her out of the pool, letting her dry herself before handing her a dark pink gown. She quickly put it on and timidly asked, "Where did you get this?"

"Many travelers have come and gone over the years, some losing their lives to us and other creatures so we take many of their belongings just in case. Like right now….come to bed woman."

The girl snapped, "I have a name!" Growling in irritation he lifted her up with his tail and forced her onto the massive pallet, "Then by all means tell me." "Olivia."

He nodded with a murmur, "Sleep." The girl was about to complain when his dual colored eyes began to glow slightly, the woman tried to look away but he firmly held her face still and practically straddling the small frame repeating, "Sleep."

Kakuzu smirked when she finally was out like a light, pulling her flush against his broad chest and then the covers to keep them warm. His tail curled up underneath them so it would be out of the way as he too slept.

*The bipolar snake finished dressing the boy's wound rather quick after stripping him of his clothes, though not groping his lovely lithe body was extremely difficult for him as he gave him a sponge bath.

He put some slacks on the short haired raven before covering him with the blanket, heading towards the hot spring for his own relaxation and trying to control his libido.

He wasn't there long but enough to be clean and refreshed, ready to sleep and focus on hunting tomorrow since tonight he caught something better than food.

Zetsu went wide-eyed as he approached his bed though….his pet was gone. Growling in annoyance he focused his senses on the ground and felt a lot of vibrations just coming from outside his lair.

Sighing he calmly went outdoors and instantly glared at the two serpents jerking him around like a rag doll.

The boy was crying like no tomorrow and begging them to stop hurting him, but they were too busy arguing who was going to keep him.

"Release him!"

The two younger males recoiled from the bipolar snakes temper but one growled, "We found him first so we get to keep him!"

Zetsu crossed his arms, "I was the one who found the boy and therefore he belongs to me." The other rolled his eyes, "Just because you're much older than us doesn't mean we're stupid. The human hasn't been marked so he's up for grabs whether or not your claim is true."

The bipolar grinned evilly and mused, "Then shall we go to the next step since we haven't reached an agreement? I'm just in the mood~"

All three cowered from the threat, but the snakes knew what he meant per the rules. If any of their kind desires the same human and can't reach an understanding, then they must fight…..and Zetsu was far more experienced and would without a doubt win against the two.

The elder let out a heavy sigh and asked, "Why not let the boy decide? That's fair wouldn't you agree?" The two pondered it for a thought and nodded, releasing the sobbing boy and circling him.

"Alright human, which of us three do you choose?" "Escape is not an option so if you have a preference now's the time to do it."

Tobi sniffed and tried to calm himself down, glancing back and forth between them but really didn't want any of them since they were so scary.

Although, he much preferred the green snake since he at least seemed to have a soft more gentler side. He didn't hurt Tobi so maybe…..

He stood up and shuffled over to him biting his lips nervously, blushing a bit when the other smiled down at him gently and rubbed his head, "Good boy."

The argument was settled and the bipolar lifted the small raven into his arms and slithered back to his chamber, "What's your name?" "T..Tobi?" "I'm Zetsu." "We're going to get along just fine~"

*The raven panted hard and immediately punched the albino in the jaw, trying to get away from him again as the other laughed like mad.

"You can't fucking escape me!"

He tackled the raven onto the pallet and giggled at his feeble attempts to escape until Itachi admitted defeated and slumped; too tired and weak to continue.

The amethyst orbs lit up happily but was slightly disappointed the fun was over, "Give up?" "For the moment."

"Well, you are just going to have to fucking accept that I'm your master now and have to do whatever I fucking want."

The ebony orbs glared and he replied bitterly, "Like hell I will, I rather die than be some slave to a half crazed lunatic like you!"

The serpent smirked and leaned closer, "You got spunk, I fucking like that in a male." "Get away from me." "Aww come on, it's not going to be that fucking bad living with me. I can be quite the gentleman~"

Itachi honestly couldn't believe that statement, the guy was nuts and there was NO way he would come to terms with him.

After a few moments of silence and the snake let him go, he asked, "What's your name cutie?" "Does it matter?"

The man pouted, "Yes it fucking matters unless you want me to pick a name for you!?" The raven sat up and sighed, "Itachi."

"Oooh, my little weasel-chan~"

That hit a nerve for the raven as he slapped the serpents, um, thigh…assuming that's where one would be.

The other just chuckled and propped up on his forearms, "Don't you want to know my name?" "…..I guess." Itachi tensed when he was pulled back by the tail and the loud mouth caressed his cheek, "Hidan. I hope to hear you scream it soon~"

With that the amethyst orbs began to slow and Itachi felt his eyelids begin to droop, trying to fight it off but it was impossible since Hidan firmly held his chin as he felt sleep overtake him.

*Kisame was having a blast, and quite frank a little exhausted from his new wildcat. He kept chasing her everywhere and trying not to use his tail to cheat to see if he could catch her, but the teen was agile and aggressive since she kept throwing things at him.

He tried to reason with her that they would get along better if she just calmed down, but oh no, not this little spitfire, she was SO stubborn and proud to do that except by force; which he was hoping for.

The teen was simply too cute to the blue snake, especially when she was mad and hissing and when he got too close she tried to claw his eyes out.

Not too long after since he was getting a bit bored, he trapped the brunette so she would have to go down the tunnel to the private bath; grinning like crazy when she started running and roared with laughter when he heard a splash and gurgled mewl in the process.

Slithering into the pool he watched her come up for air and panting rather hard when he grabbed the large breasts from behind, "Got you!"


Chuckling he twirled her around and pinned the teen against his chest, squishing her breasts against his torso and trapping her arms within his, "You're starting to sound like Hidan with that crude language."

The chocolate orbs glared and hissed through gritted teeth, "Let. Me. Go." The brute wasn't fazed, "Can't you at least relax, none of your friends are going to get hurt."

"How do you know!?" "I just so happened to have grown up with those three, we're not vicious killers and rapists as you may seem to think. Well, Hidan is the youngest but close enough."

The girl huffed and wasn't convinced, trying to think of a plan to escape when she felt hot breath on her ear, "Relax kitten~"

She gasped when he nipped her earlobe and traveled his tender bites down her neck, Lexy growled at him to stop but it merely encouraged him to be more daring and sink down into the water but keeping her above; using his sharp teeth to pull down her shirt with a grin as she snapped, "STOP IT YOU SICK NYAH!

With the help of the tip of his tail, he freed the bountiful breasts and licked the already hard pebbles before latching onto one; suckling it gently with occasional nips and being careful not to puncture.

It was music to his ears to hear a few small whimpers from the girl, but forced himself to stop once he felt like he tortured her enough. He wanted the teen to like him more first before doing more lustful actions.

"By the way, my name is Kisame. What's yours?" "Like…pant…I'll tell you…."

The chocolate brown orbs began to cloud over from the blacks orbs glow all of a sudden when he asked again, "What's your name?" He smirked at how stubborn she was being but answered if sluggishly, "Le…Lexy."

Before putting the girl to sleep he locked lips with his wildcat and hearing a small hateful remark before Lexy fell into a deep slumber, "Damn shark!"

Chuckling he was beyond pleased….things were going to be more fun.


Different change of pace I know but I've had this story in my head like FOREVER, but don't worry Sasori and Deidara will appear in next chapter and more will be said/explained.

Hope to see some reviews ;p