Anyway, it's me again. In this story, Thymepaw is dealing with her own kind of drama and trouble. The summary sounds terrible, but the book is much better. Trust me.



I was standing in the clearing again.

It was the same clearing I had been to before: same wild green grass, cool underneath my paws. Same thick, ominous, dark trees that surrounded the small ring of grass and earth, making shadows fall across the clearing. It was nighttime, as it always was here, and it was something I had come to expect over time. But this time, I paid more attention.

Looking up, I stared at the sky. A pure white, full moon perched in the sky, bright stars as the moon's companions. But these stars were different: instead of just being small, pinpricks of light that came in many beautiful colors, they were much larger, and brighter. Each star was maybe an eighth of the moon's size, and glowed in bright colors such as pink, green, yellow, orange, and even red here and there.

There was a soft rustling in front of me, and I snapped around to look.

White fur that glistened in the moonlight, shining like a thousand tiny dewdrops, long and sleek against its frame. Blue eyes, as bright as the river, when it is an actual true blue instead of a murky, dark mess, that shone in the moonlight. Its eyes had small blue flecks in them, almost long enough to be streaks of dark blue against light blue. A long tail, with fur that looked so soft and fluffy that they looked like feathers. Small perked ears, swiveled towards me, but its eyes were relaxed.

I took a step back away from the mysterious she-cat. "Who are you?" I growled, not recognizing her from anywhere.

The she-cat smiled at me even though I took an uneasy step back. Her eyes were calm, serene, and as tranquil as the water before somebody disturbs it.

I guess I should've been friendlier: after all, the she-cat didn't look like a threat. But I had heard tales of evil cats who would visit you in your dreams, get on your good side, offer to train you more so you can be better at stuff like battle training, and then the next thing you know you end up in the Dark Forest, or otherwise known as the Place of No Stars. It was a realm of the dead, the opposite of Star Clan really, and I had heard tales that cats like Tigerstar and Hawkfrost roamed there, wallowing in the stinking, slimy place.

But I wasn't worried about this cat over powering me. I was about her size, due to the fact I was almost about to be a warrior. The she-cat must already be a warrior, but she was on the small side, really. It wouldn't be easy, but odds are it would either be an even fight or I would take her down after a bit of a struggle.

"Thymepaw, I had been waiting for you." The she-cat said, opening her mouth to speak.

As she took a step towards me, I noticed how her muscles rippled underneath her fur. Not sleek like a RiverClan cat, and she didn't have long legs, so she probably wasn't a WindClan cat. Her smile was too calm and nonthreatening to be a ShadowClan warrior, but she could meet the description of a ThunderClan warrior.

I was about to ask her how she knew my name and if I was right about my haunch when something happened.

"Thymepaw! Wake up!"

No! I didn't want to leave this place. It always happened: I would enter the clearing, notice the stars, see the she-cat, and then I would wake up. I needed to know more about her. Why was she here? How could she see me in my dreams? Who was she? How did she know me? Was she a StarClan warrior?

The she-cat opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly everything snapped back into reality.

"Thymepaw. Get up." I heard Firepaw's voice before I saw her. Opening my eyes, I stared at her from my nest as she gazed down at me, brown eyes blank.

"Okay, I'm up." I groan, and then slowly draw myself to my feet. I quickly give myself a quick wash before looking around.

My littermates were already up, probably on patrol somewhere. I was the last one up, and I could see through the den that it was almost past sunhigh. Good thing Firepaw woke me up: I wouldn't want to be late to train with Owlflight. But at the same time, I wanted to sleep in. Would the she-cat have told me who she was by now? I guess I would have to wait another day to find out.

As I climbed out of my small nest made from moss, my eyes couldn't help but trail over to the empty, cold nest in the corner. Twigpaw's. How I missed the white and grey apprentice, and even though he had been gone a moon, it felt like he had been gone for ten moons. Sure, he had snuck out late at night to see his mother, betraying the clan. And sure, he had helped an apprentice escape RiverClan, but it didn't matter. In my eyes, he was still a good cat.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to find his new home. The night that he left us, I snuck out and checked the WindClan and ShadowClan borders to check and see if he had crossed them sometime today. Even though I knew that the scent would be stale and the wind might confuse me, I tried to track him anyway. He didn't cross the border at all that night, and while I was on patrol the next day I checked around the outer edge of the border that lined a Twoleg place. No scent there either.

He wasn't fur-brained though. He wouldn't stay on RiverClan territory, and I knew Ashclaw wasn't that stupid either. But it didn't make any sense, unless they drowned in the lake or flew to their new home. I don't think that they drowned, or even had thoughts about drowning themselves, but I couldn't' be sure. And I'm pretty sure flying is impossible for cats.

I couldn't help but think about possibly finding him one day. Finding him and Ashclaw in the woods, barreling Twigpaw over so I could lick his cheek. Then I would pull back, get a good look at him, and then never let him get away from me ever again.

I shook my head to clear it. No. These were hopes and dreams that weren't ever going to happen. Pointless, really, since I knew that these hopes and dreams were stupid. Never going to happen.

But I couldn't help but wonder as I padded out the den what if it did happen.

So yes. Thymepaw really misses Twigpaw and is trying to find him. Is that just because of their friendship? Or is there some other reason in RiverClan that compels Thymepaw to find Twigpaw?

Anyway, comment!