I'm so sorry for not posting! I was extremely busy, plus I'm extremely stuck at the next part of the story. I was going to make this chapter about 1,500 words, but I'm just stuck. Like, I know where I want the story to go, but it's hard to actually write it.

So here's a lil short and sweet chapter. Please forgive me for not posting!

-stalinsorgasm (hitlersmenstrualcycle on tumblr)

Dean was having a dream. A nice dream. He was lying in a meadow, with the sun out and birds chirping. He could feel something large and warm nestled into his side and moving ever so slightly, as if it was breathing. Wait a second… it was breathing. His eyes flew open and he was greeted by a mouthful of dark hair. He froze, trying to figure out what was going on. He looked down and saw his best friend that he has been manly crushing on for the past few years cuddling with him. To top it off, he could feel his very erect dick poking the former angel in the leg.

Slowly, the events of last night started coming back to him. He smiled, genuinely happy for the first time in what seemed like forever. His happy thoughts, however, were interrupted by sounds coming from the door. He twisted his head around and saw his brother wearing sweat bands and gym shorts. Gym shorts. Sam walked out of the motel room, obviously going for his morning jog, that nerd.

Seeing and taking the opportunity, Dean rolled Cas over and straddled his hips, leaning in to bite and suck on his neck.

"Hmmph…?" The former angel grumbled. "Dean what are you-oh!" He yelped as Dean ground his hips, and erect dick, against Cas's. "Dean, Sam said not to- aah, we could get caught." He moaned.

Dean moved his lips from the writhing man's neck to his jawline. "Sam takes forever, he'll probably stop by to eat and do research. We have time," he said in a low voice, hovering above Cas's mouth. As his hips ground against Cas's for a second time, the flustered man couldn't control his moans and pulled Dean down for a rough kiss. Castiel bucked his hips up and used the momentum of it to flip the taller man over and place his leg in between Dean's, rubbing it against the lighter haired man's dick. His hand strayed downwards and rubbed Dean's cock through his grey sweatpants.

"Cas, stop!" Dean broke the kiss and grabbed the former angel's hand. "Look, I haven't, um, you know, been with another man before, and I don't want this to happen in the motel room that I share with my brother, or any time soon."

"So you don't care about me enough?" Cas rolled off of Dean and sat on their bed with his back facing the hunter. "I have been craving for this to happen for years, even more so now that I am human, and you don't even want the same thing."

"Fuck, Cas, that's not what I meant!" Dean exclaimed. "I spent my whole life thinking that this was wrong, I can't jump into it. I know you're a divine entity or whatever, and you've always known that 'god has no opinion towards gayness' or whatever it is that you say, but I grew up with an ex marine who taught me everything I know! Whenever I strayed from whatever sick idea of perfection he had, he beat me. It's not right for you to expect me to forget everything I was raised with in one night!"

Cas turned around in shock at the hunter's raised voice. He reached out and placed a comforting hand on Dean's knee.

"I know you can't really understand these things, since you weren't raised like that, and you're, well…" Dean gestured to the visibly guilty man, "you're not exactly the most human of humans. But this is hard for me, and I'm doing everything I can to not make this painful for you."

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just hard to always remember that humans make trivial things like someone's sexual orientation such a big deal."

"Well, as I often say - monsters I get, humans are crazy." Dean chuckled. After a few moments he reached out and cupped his hand around the former angel's jaw. "I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"Apology accepted." Cas replied.

Dean pulled Cas in for a brief kiss, and they broke apart from each other just in time to hear the door open.

"'Morning, guys." Sam greeted, still cheery from his weird runners' high.

"Sammy. How was your run?" Dean mockingly asked.

"Great! You should join me some time, burn off all those burgers."

"Friggin health freak," Dean muttered. As he stood up and made his way past his brother to get to his duffle bag, he caught a whiff of his brother's sweat. "Dude! Shower, now. You stink."

Sam rolled his eyes and jogged to the shower. Jogged. That nerd.