"Maybe I should cancel…" Hiccup said as he paced across his bedroom. He was getting ready for a date he was going on, but he is clearly a nervous wreck at the moment. "But then he would be sad…"

Merida and Astrid, two of Hiccup's best friends, looked at each other and sighed. Astrid grabbed Hiccup's wrist to get him to stop his pacing. "Hiccup! Everything is going to work out ok. Just go on the date," she told him strictly, though he could hear the annoyance in her voice.

"Astrid is righ' 'Iccup. Ye are worryin' ta much." Merida said as she walked up to stand next to her girlfriend. At that moment Hiccup's cell phone started ringing. He picked up off his bed and answered. "H-hello?"

"Hey Hic! I'm outside, are you ready to go?" Jack's voice came through the speaker on the phone; Jack's is the person who Hic is going on the date with. Hiccup's heart seemed to skip a beat and he almost forgot to answer. "Um… Hic… you there?"

Hiccup jumped out of his dazed state. "Ye-yeah! Sorry, I'm coming. Give me a sec please and then I'll be down." Hiccup answered before hanging up the phone. He hurriedly put on his shoes and jacket, grabbed his bag, hugged Merida and Astrid and then ran downstairs.

As he was running outside, he tripped and almost fell fast first on to the concrete, but Jack caught him before he could make it to the ground. This only made Hiccup blush brightly, "Tha-thank you Ja-Jack." Jack chuckled and helped his date stand up. "You're welcome Hic. Not to ruin the moment or anything, but if we don't hurry then we're going to miss the movie."

"Right!" Hiccup yelped and then blushed a bit, his voice cracked. Jack chuckled again and led Hiccup to his car. They got in at the same time and then left for the movie, both nervous as hell.

The two boys started getting settled in for their movie, they had seats right in the middle, they were now just waiting for it to start. They had bought some popcorn and drinks, as the movie started Jack looked over at Hiccup and noticed how overly nervous he was. Jack got an idea and yawned, stretching his arm out and wrapping it around Hiccup's neck pulling him closer to Jack.

"Oooh, I'm kinda… kinda tired…!" Jack smiled slightly when he saw Hiccup start to blush a little. "You wanna maybe… help me get cozy?"

"I'm… I'm a little uncomfortable." Hiccup mumbled as he started blushing brighter, his cheeks now coated in pink and red.

"Sshhh… Just enjoy the moment." Jack whispered and closed his eyes, clearly enjoying this way, way too much. As the movie went on, the boys stayed like that. Hiccup would adjust and wiggle around every now and then to get comfortable, the blush never leaving his face.

When the movie ended Jack and Hiccup walked back to Jack's car. Jack held the door open for Hiccup so he could get in, once Hiccup was inside the car Jack walked over to the driver's side and got in. The entire drive back to Hiccup's house was very, very silent.

As they pulled up to Hiccup's house, Jack decided to walk him to the door. "I had a really fun Night Hic. May-" Jack was cut off, when Hiccup pressed their lips together. Hiccup stopped as fast as he had started, his blush reaching from ear to ear.

"Thank you Jack. I hope we can do this again soon!" He said quickly, before running into his house and slamming the door shut.

Jack fell to the ground, his hand over his mouth. "He… he just… he just kissed me… kissed…" Jack thought, his hand never leaving his mouth.

"WHAT DID I JUST DO!?" Hiccup yelled in his mind.