Dirk didn't know that anything could have ever been worse than a B-Rated horror film. He hadn't known, that was, until the moment he had pulled up beside a very disheveled looking kid with what seemed to be tear stains under dark eyes, glaring and muttering down at his cellphone. "Hey. You the kid I'm supposed to pick up?" he asked, rolling down the tinted window of the very orange sports car he was currently pulling towards the curb.

In retrospect, Karkat probably should have been a little more suspicious of the guy in pointy shades pulling up next to him in a sports car, but really… no one could say that he was in his right mind at the moment anyway. "Uhh. What?" he simply frowned, furrowing brows at the Texan and slowly lowering his phone from his face.

"Did you have sex with my husband's cousin?" Dirk drawled out once again, surprisingly calm with the incredibly odd question. Like this was a completely normal thing to be asking young adults on the street.

"What the fuck? What?" Was all Karkat could come up with, before things started to click. John had agreed to speak to him, but then wasn't answering any calls… So either this guy was actually sent to pick him up, or in a few minutes he was going to be dead and dumped down that gorge just outside of town. Well. He supposed it was worth the risk. "I… I guess I did? I think?" he finally stuttered out.

"What do you mean you think? Man, you kids must be having some strange sex ed classes, not knowing if you stuck your dick in something or not." Dirk huffed, waiting for a moment, assuming the little man was going to hop in the car. What was he waiting for? A printed invitation? "You getting in bro? Or am I wasting my gas?" He huffed after a couple minutes long. Karkat, swallowing thickly, nodded and took the risk. Slipping into the car, it wasn't long before they were cruising down back to Jake's house.

Dirk found it a little funny how a five minute drive could feel like an hour when you were listening to an angry little man going off about your spouse's little cousin's bed habits. Man, he should have just stayed and watched that awful movie.

The house couldn't have come in sight soon enough, and whipping into the driveway, Dirk popped the side door open, watching as Karkat hopped out of the car. "You… aren't coming in?" Karkat asked, staring nervously up at the surprisingly large house. Man, these guys had money.

"No. I'm getting doughnuts." With that, the car door closed with a soft click of an automated piston, and the sports car was pulling out the driveway with surprising speed. There was no way Dirk was going anywhere near both what would inevitably be an awkward conversation, and the rest of that movie. At least, not until he really needed to, and had something to stuff in his mouth so he wouldn't have to answer any stupid questions.

Figuring that if these guys wanted to kill him, it would have already happened, Karkat watched as Dirk drove off before wandering to the door and softly knocking on it.

"Hey Dirk, is that you? Did you get that… John! What's his name?!" Jake more yelled at the door rather than getting up to answer it. It was unlocked anyway.

"Uhh. This is Karkat. Is John there?" Well this was a little awkward, yelling through a door. To what seemed to be a man with an incredibly thick British accent.

There was a momentary pause, and a soft sound of footsteps before the door creeked open to show a man who looked surprisingly similar to John…, but older, and a little taller. And was that a GUN? "Oh! Hello lad! I suppose Dirk went off somewhere…," Jake tried to lean and get a look at the driveway.

"He went to get doughnuts," came a brief answer.

"Ah. Well. Can't complain about that, now can we? I picked a good man. Come in, I suppose. John's on the couch… We're watching The Attack of the Killer Candles… Three."

Most of that went on dull ears, however, as Karkat had finally caught blue eyes and was already starting towards the couch. "Okay first I kind of wanted to apologise for really freaking out on you… And I've thought it through and I'd really like to talk about it, so say what you have to say, and then I'll go… Please?" he stated awkwardly, eyes glued to the floor, only darting up when he thought that maybe John wasn't looking at him.

"I guess talking about it wouldn't hurt," John stated simply, through an awkward silence starting to fill the room. So many thoughts were still flying through his head about this. Just the fact that Karkat was near made his heart beat nervously against his chest as he remembered the events of last night.

Watching as the said man, his first man, which was still weird because he was still having trouble swallowing the fact that maybe… just maybe, he was a little bit homosexual. "Look…, I'm not mad at you. Well, I guess I kind of am, a little bit, but I'm still not too sure why… This is a ton to handle. I'm not gay! Or, I wasn't before I… Well I'm not sure now, which is frustrating, because I was so convinced I wasn't but then I obviously enjoyed myself last night, and that's pretty scary for some reason. So right now I think I need to think things over, okay? I do like you Karkat, we've had a ton of fun and stuff, but I really am… This is happening way too fast for me, I need time to think, okay?" All the words came in a rush, to the point where Jake called from the kitchen to remind him to breathe halfway through it. Tears were brimming under thick glasses again, but John bit them back, simply hugging his knees to his chest and starting to calm as he felt dark eyes taking him in.

Karkat was learning, slowly and surely, that in times like these, it was pretty easy to let his emotions get the best of him. He knew he got angry really easily, and he could feel a bit of it brimming in the pit of his stomach. Taking a deep breath, Karkat let it all sink in for a moment before nodding. "Is it okay if I speak now?" he asked softly, and once he got a nod, he started, taking care not to let his voice get too loud.

"Okay, so, I know that I was really stupid to agree to doing anything, you were drunk… So was I, but that isn't an excuse, so I'm sorry I agreed to even do anything like that with you. I am also sorry for freaking out too, I just felt like I was kind of being used. I've liked you… that way, for as long as I've met you, and it finally felt like I was with you, and that maybe something would work. Then it all got ripped away, and it didn't feel good… But, I still really like you, and it still really hurts to think that I might have seriously fucked everything up between us," he said, actually getting brave enough to look at John as he spoke.

"And I wanted to ask if you would still maybe consider a relationship, we'd take it really slow. Snail pace… If you would just give me a chance?" There was almost a plea to his voice by the end of it, which had Jake eyeing him from across the room. A silent glare telling him to watch himself, he was not about to let his cousin get guilted into a relationship.

"Karkat… I… I'm really going to need some time to think about everything, all right?" John answered at last.

"But I-" Karkat cut himself off as green eyes narrowed at him, and he could have sworn he saw a hand twitch towards that gun holster. "I understand… Take all the time you need," he breathed, even attempting to offer a bit of a crooked smile, of which John did his best to return as well.

"Yo! I got doughnuts. Who wants some?" There was a call from the front door, and the sound of a shoe pushing a door shut, before Dirk was seen placing a large box of doughnuts on the counter, after swinging by to place a kiss on Jake's cheek.

"Sooo… Should I leave, or?" Karkat spoke up, as the other's started towards the freshly baked pastries. There was yet another awkward pause as both Jake and Dirk looked towards John, seeming to only let themselves breathe when there came a soft nod.

"You can stay…, and have a doughnut too. We're about to watch the extended cut version of The Wickerman," John smiled, flashing buck teeth, and completely ignoring the blatant groan that came from Dirk.

Well this has certainly been a long delay on this chapter.
I am honestly very sorry about that! I had been finishing up highschool, and applying to collages. It was a busy time!
I do hope you enjoy this chapter, and I hope that this time the next chapter isn't like... a year late.
