"Sire! Wait!" Merlin called the next morning as they readied the horses.

"What is it?" Arthur sighed, and Merlin's eyes flashed as they did whenever the two of them used to play pranks on the knights.

"This mission, sire..." Merlin trailed off. "Play Along!" His eyes screamed. The other knights and servants stopped to watch the duo, wearily.

"It's too dangerous so I shouldn't go."

"Yeah, you were thinking the same thing?"

"No, I'm thinking that's exactly what you always say, but here I am. Two legs, two arms, my own teeth." Arthur displayed his teeth in an ugly smile, just to prove his point.

"I've got a funny feeling that there is something we're missing. Something we don't know?"

"But you can't say what exactly."



"Maybe we should delay the mission? Until we have all the facts at our disposal."

"Fine. Oh, do you want to tell Princess Mithian that we decided to let her father die because you have a funny feeling? I didn't think so." Arthur snapped and hoisted himself onto his horse. Merlin patted his leg as he past, letting him know that he did a good job and that it didn't look like Morgana suspected anything.


Arthur and Merlin sat side by side at night, discussing the mission. The other knights, Mithian, Morgana and Gaius looked on curiously.

"Odin is a plague on this land. I can't just stand by and let him murder Mithian's father as he murdered my own."

"I know what he did. God knows, I understand why you hate him. But to risk so much for one small act of revenge..." Merlin sighed.

"Tell me Merlin. If you were me. If you were in my shoes. Would you do any different?"

"Probably...not." Merlin sighed and looked away. "I did not risk quite so much when I took vengeance for my father's death." He whispered. Bedivere chocked on his broth and everyone stared at Merlin in shock. Arthur winced, his mind going to their recent conversation with Balinor's ghost.


"Sire!" Leon approached Arthur the next day as he studied the surrounding forest.

"Have the outriders returned?"

"They have, sire. They report large numbers of Odin's men just beyond the border."

"They're looking for Rodor."

"Sire we have but few. If we are seen there is no escape. Wouldn't it be wise to remain here?"

"Out of the question. Time is a luxury we don't have."

"We have good cover. With any luck the patrols will pass us by soon enough and..."

"Press on for Nemeth. Make ready to depart." He would face his father's killer. He would end this petty feud between them before it hurt any more kingdoms.


"Merlin?" Arthur descended the hill, calling for his friend. Merlin was always ready with good advice. He would know how they should proceed.

"Here! He's here." Morgana shouted hoarsely. Arthur's entire being filled with dread and he watched absently as everyone rushed to get him. Percival came running back to the ruins where they had made camp, Merlin slung over his shoulders.

"What happened?" Arthur whispered as Merlin was placed before Gaius.

"Hilda found him."

"He was down by the river. He must have fallen." Morgana rasped, Arthur could see how badly she wished him to believe her innocence.


"He's taken a heavy blow to the head." Gaius frowned, poking and prodding Merlin.

"But he'll be alright?"

"He should be fine sire but there is no telling when he will regain consciousness."

"We can't wait for him. Not if we're to stand a chance at reaching Rodor before Odin's men. Gwaine, Bedivere, Percival, Mordred stay here with Merlin and Gaius. The rest of us make for Nemeth."


"He should have come around by now." Gwaine growled at the aging physician.

"It's unusual certainly."

"Just a blow to the head you say?"

"There's nothing to suggest anything more. On the outside at least. He's getting cold. You better get some more fire wood."

"I'll be right back." Gwaine made to stand up but Bedivere placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down. "Do you want him to die?" Gwaine snarled. Percival reached for his sword. Bedivere glanced at the dwindling fire and then at Mordred. Mordred sighed and his eyes flashed gold, igniting the wood and burning unnaturally. Percival unsheathed his sword and Gwaine's hand flew to his hilt.

"How could you betray us like this?" Percival whispered. Mordred snorted and approached Merlin. He looked at Gaius and Gaius sighed heavily.

"Your magic is too weak, Gaius." Bedivere said eyeing Percival warily. Gaius dug through his bag and handed Mordred something strange looking. He said something in the Old Language and Percival and Gwaine gasped.

"You too, Gaius?" Mordred said it once experimentally and when Gaius nodded he moved over Merlin's body. He chanted the words Gaius had taught him, while waving the police over Merlin's prone form.

"Come on, Merlin." Gaius whispered.

"What's happening?" Bedivere asked, not taking his eyes off of Percival and Mordred.

"Nothing." Mordred gasped, strained. He said the spell once more and then sat back, sweating. "Please Merlin. That's all I have. Let it be enough." Bedivere turned and approached him. He knelt beside Merlin and placed a hand on the warlock's heart and closed his eyes.

"His heart's stopped." He felt a small tingle and tilted his head. "Wait…He's alive. You fucker." Bedivere scowled as Merlin opened his eyes slowly.

"Rude." He coughed. Mordred laughed and helped him sit up. "I just died, asshole, have a little compassion."

"Normally I would but you almost gave Gaius a heart attack and I think Percival and Gwaine might kill us." Merlin looked at Gaius apologetically. And then turned to Percival and Gwaine.

"Why are you surprised? Mordred's mother was a fearsome priestess. By all means, he deserves his magic." Merlin groaned and stood. "It's impressive for a sorcerer. Still rather pathetic for someone of my skill though." He teased.

"Excuse you." Mordred scowled, "I happen to know for a fact that you suck at healing magic." Merlin spat his tongue out at him.

"Hilda is Morgana." Merlin said, turning to Percival and Gwaine.


"She's been using some kind of aging spell."

"That explains why she's always so tired." Gaius sighed.

"Mithian tried to warn me that she suspected that I knew. But I couldn't get to Arthur in time. Morgana got to me first."

"And she very nearly killed you Merlin!" Mordred snapped.

"Yes. Well, she didn't count on the sorcery of your power, now did she?"

"Indeed, but please Merlin don't make me do that again. I'm not sure our hearts can take it." Merlin scowled and Mordred quirked an eyebrow.

"We need to get to Arthur. He's walking straight into a trap."


With no Merlin to guide his step, Arthur walked straight into the trap. He could only hope that Merlin would wake soon and that he and the others would come rescue him. That was why he had left his best men behind.

"Arthur Pendragon. At last. I have waited many years for this moment. You killed my son. You took what was most precious to me." Odin sneered meanly.

"And not a moment too soon. You are not alone in having waited for this moment Odin. Appearances can be deceiving, dear brother." Morgana snarled at Arthur.


"And now, you will pay the forfeit." Odin snarled.

"My father's life. That wasn't enough."


"So be it. But understand this Odin, you kill me and you will have all of Camelot to answer to."

"Camelot is nothing without its king."

"Then you don't know my knights. They will hunt you. And they will find you. And they will not rest until they're done."

"I will deal with your knights soon enough but now your time has come."

"Doubtful." Arthur laughed. Odin and Morgana eyed him warily. Morgana reversed her aging spell and glared at her brother. "What, you though I didn't know it was you?" Arthur turned to her. He smiled. "Of course I knew. I knew this whole thing was a trap."

"And you gladly stepped into it." She scowled.

"Hmm. But I did leave my best men behind with Merlin. They will not rest until they find me. And if I am dead…Merlin will bring destruction raining down upon you all."

"Merlin?" Morgana laughed derisively.


Merlin instructed Gwaine and Bedivere to go and rescue the knights while he, Percival and Mordred went for Arthur.

"So, you two have magic." Percival whispered as they snuck past Odin's men.

"Yes, I'm surprised it took you this long to figure it out, actually." Merlin whispered back as they weaved through the tomb. "All three of our parents had magic. So why shouldn't we?"

"Are you going to take over Camelot? Because you know I will stop you." Percival threatened. Merlin and Mordred laughed quietly. Percival raised an eyebrow at them.

"Merlin could raze Camelot without even blinking." Mordred smiled. "But he never would. He's too dedicated to saving Arthur's ass. We're here to save Camelot."

"Mostly Arthur, though." Merlin whispered slinking to a crouch as they came to the doorway that Arthur was behind. Percival and Mordred gasped at the sheer power that radiated from Merlin as he chanted cruelly and slammed his palm forcefully against the ground. The tomb started quaking and trembling. "Earthquake." Merlin smiled cheekily at them before running into the room that was now erupting into chaos.

"Merlin?" Arthur laughed in joy as Merlin and the others charged into the fight.

"Hurry this way!" Merlin said, leading them to safety and delaying Morgana while Arthur's back is turned. They fled the cavern and were met with more of Odin's men fighting Arthur's own knights.

"This way!" Arthur shouted as they tore through the forest. Kind Rodor took down several assailants as they made their escape. Arthur smiled at him in shock

"Don't look so surprised. I commanded an army in my time."

"And you will do so again." Arthur laughed and led on. Eventually Rodor nearly collapsed from exhaustion and wounds.

"Leave me!" he cried.

"Well that's not going to happen. You're the reason we're here."

"Leave me. Save Mithian."

"Follow the ridge line." Arthur said pointing it out to him.

"What about you?"

"We'll lead them the other way." Arthur said, staring at the approaching troops.

"No!" Mithian gasped.

"This is between me and Odin. You need no further part in this." Merlin and Arthur split from the group and found themselves trapped in a ravine by Odin and his men. A soldier swung his sword at them.

"No! I want to do this myself." Odin called, approaching. Arthur blocked his swing and they fought. After several nail biting moments, Arthur disarmed Odin and placed his blade at the King's throat.

"Arthur! Stop!" Merlin shouted. "Think about what you're doing. What good will this achieve? How many times have you talked about uniting this land? Will killing this man make that dream any closer?"

"He is right. This is no answer." Arthur scowled at Odin.

"Finish it. Finish it and be done." Odin growled.

"And what then? Your people will seek they're revenge. A war without an end."

"There is no other way."

"There is another way. In return for your life, you must restore Rodor to the throne of Nemeth."

"Even if I agreed it solves nothing. What about us, Pendragon?"

"A truce. Binding our kingdoms to peace."

"Never." He spat.

"Is this what you want? To die here, now know you condemn this land to war. Odin, you cannot let it end like this. The blood will never wash off."

"You killed my son."

"You killed my father! We have both lost much at the others hand. Let us loose no more, I am offering you the chance to end this. Take it!" he tossed his sword to the ground, where it impaled a few leaves. He held out his hand to Odin and raised an eyebrow expectantly. "Take it."

"So be it. A truce it is." Odin sighed, clasping Arthur's forearm.


"Your wounds are painful, sire but superficial. You'll heal in time." Gaius said, patting Rodor's shoulder.

"Thank you Gaius."

"Odin has withdrawn his army from Nemeth and its lands."

"All thanks to you." Mithian smiled gratefully.

"Well everyone played their part."

"I know I played mine. Arthur…"

"Mithian, you don't need to apologize. You had no choice. I'd have done the same thing if it were my father."

"I'm not as fortunate to have a king such as you."

"It is I that is fortunate. Camelot would be nothing were it not for the courage and loyalty of its friends." He smiled and then looked over to where Leon was studying them anxiously. Mithian followed his line of sight and frowned at Arthur in confusion. He winked at her and then fled to find his wife, leaving behind a gaping princess.


"You could have killed Odin you had every reason. You did something far more important. You gave the people of this land hope for the future. I'm proud of you." Gwen smiled, hanging on her husband's arm.

"Merlin should take some of the credit. Turns out he's not always entirely stupid."

"Is that a compliment?" She laughed delightedly. Arthur rejoiced in the sound of it. It seemed that things were finally settling into the way the belonged.

"Don't tell him whatever you do I'll never hear the end of it." Arthur laughed with her.