Hey guys! This is my first fanfic ever and I'm really excited about it! Not only because it is my first, but also because it is for Criminal Minds and my favorite Dr. Spencer Reid, in which I'll get to work on two of my favourite genres mystery and romance! I hope you guys will give this story a chance. Do read and review!

I've adjusted the timeline of actual occurrence of events in the show to suit my story. Also, I might change somethings here and there.

I've not read many stories on this forum nor have I seen all the episodes of Criminal Minds. So if anything looks familiar to any work on this forum, it is only coincidental.

Pardon any typing errors.

(As far as Maeve and Spencer's storyline is concerned, some scenes from the show will be used.)

I do not own Criminal Minds, only my storyline and my OCs.

New year's eve, 2012.

8:30 PM

Dr. Spencer Reid. The name and the various doctorates associated with it, IQ of 187, ability to read 20,000 words per minute... all of that seemed to be of no use on a New Year's Eve. It was his two weeks off from the BAU, something he was forced to take. He was shot, twice, trying to save a victim. "Go out kid," Morgan said, "Just take a break." Go out? Yeah, right. But, he realised that he really needed that break. Time to think: about his drug addiction... Though he managed to get past it, it still remained one of the biggest demons of his life. He assessed and analysed where his life was heading to, which was still an unanswered question. In these two weeks, his life took another major turn. He met someone. Well, they didn't exactly meet but he hoped they would, eventually.

He pushed the blinds of his window aside to see a truck parked in front of the apartment and some unloading being done. What he also saw was a red head, a beautiful shade of dark reddish brown hair with its soft curls, flowing down the shoulders of a seemingly tall, slender built woman whose face remained hidden. The new year decorations and the street lights provided him with enough light to make those observations. He shifted a little closer to the window, hoping to get a glimpse of her face. Well, he was curious. After all she was going to be his neighbour. He was pretty sure she was the new tenant of the apartment beside his. It wasn't a tough guess as it was the only available apartment in the building.

"A new neighbour," Reid thought, "Not that it would matter." He hardly knew the previous one. So what are the chances he'll get to know her any better?
He saw her disappear into the building and a few minutes later the thuds of boxes being carried in were distinctly heard from the corridor. "Careful!" came a shrill voice. Mrs. O'Neill, Reid recognised. How can he ever forget the apartment's over enthusiastic secretary? Yet, she was a very nice lady who greeted him every morning on his way out.
"Thanks a lot, Mrs. O'Neil!" His new neighbour spoke a little louder, audible enough for Reid, who was just about to open the door to go out for a walk. "Have a great year ahead! And you guys too," she was probably talking to the crew handling the boxes, "I'll manage from here. It's new year's eve after all. You must be having plans."
"Alright, happy new year ma'am," one of the crew members said, relieved.
"Thanks!" She sounded happy. Her voice had a sweet ring to it, almost sounding like a soothing melody.

He opened the door preparing himself to greet her and wish her on his way out only to find her apartment's door close behind her as she entered it. He was a tad bit disappointed for he wanted to see how she looked like. He shrugged off the disappointment and headed out to find the nearest phone booth.

1st January, 2013.

8:00 AM

Dr. Spencer Reid glanced at the Dilaudid vials on his sink and then at the mirror. He found them while cleaning his closet, buried under a huge stack of old clothes. "The last of them to be discarded," he inhaled deeply, grabbed them and threw them into the dustbin, cleaned out the garbage. Literally.

He was ready in half an hour, excited and unsettled. Back to BAU! Back to work.. There was nothing more he could ask for.

Meanwhile at the BAU Headquarters...

"She is not a replacement Hotch," Strauss stressed on the 'not' part, "I would never even think of replacing Reid."

"Then why do you think we need a new addition to the team?" Hotch asked, not believing a word Strauss said.

"Because she is good, exceptionally good. Graduated at top of her batch in the academy. She has also worked in the field and is very very good at combat.."
"Also has degrees in Applied Criminology, Forensic Science and Psychology... Sounds familiar to me.." Hotch said going through the said agent's file.

"She is not a "Dr." and is here as an agent. You can't compare the both of them," Strauss sighed, "Hotch, just forget about Reid for a moment. Don't you think she'll be a great asset? Young agents like her, like Reid are the future of BAU. So, I don't think she'll be any sort of a threat to the team. She is joining today and it's up to you to make sure there is no unnecessary tension in the team. And one more thing. All that paperwork and extra jobs you've been doing since JJ got promoted, I want you to transfer that work to Agent Parker. You've been pushing your limits lately."

"I don't think so that's a good idea. She is inexperienced. You know what happened with Jordan. She couldn't handle it," Hotch reminded Strauss.

"Vivian's not Jordan. Trust me, she can handle it," Strauss was adamant, "Train her and let her assist you initially."

Hotch nodded, understanding Agent Strauss' point. They could give her a chance. Her file was impressive and her BAU training results were exceptional as well. Also they could use another agent trained in combat. Most of all, he would get some time off. That meant more time with Jack and much needed rest. On the other hand, he wasn't too delighted either.
Hotch and Strauss walked out of his office to see Reid already at his assigned work table, scribbling something on a notepad. Reid looked up, a little surprised to see Strauss.

"I see, you're back Reid," Strauss said, as they came down. Reid managed to nod at her and then turned towards Hotch, unsure of the situation.
"Welcome back Reid. How are you doing?" Hotch smiled at the young doctor. Reid relaxed, "I am doing quite well. So do we have a case already? Judging by Agent Strauss' presence I assume it is an important one. But I do not see the rest of the team here so it must be something other than a case, nevertheless equally important, or even more."

"Looks like Dr. Spencer Reid is indeed back on track," Agent David Rossi joined the trio, "Welcome back."
"Glad to be back." A smile cracked up on his lips.
"It is not a case," Strauss said, "We are going to have a new agent join the BAU today."
"A new agent?" Reid and Rossi said in unison.
"How come we had no prior information?" Rossi asked, his eyes shifting from Strauss to Hotch. Hotch only shrugged in return. "She is being considered and monitored for sometime now. It's high time she joined the team. Monitor her and let me know the progress. I have a good feeling about her, though."

Rossi raised an eyebrow. Strauss and having a good feeling about an agent? That was a rarity.

"I have to get going now," she turned to leave but paused briefly to wish the three agents a happy new year.

"Is that her file?" Rossi pointed at the file in Hotch's hands.
He handed Rossi the file and waited for his colleague's assessment of her. Both Reid and Hotch didn't fail to spot the slight frown on Rossi's forehead as he went through her credentials. "Looks promising," he said, "An excellent track record and she's twenty seven.. Not bad."

Reid skimmed through her file before he returned to his seat and resumed his scribbling. Rossi and Hotch looked at him and then at each other. Damn sure, Reid is back!

"Look who's back," Morgan startled the doctor, "Did you have a good time yesterday pretty boy?"
"It is relative. If your idea of having fun is reading Plato, then I did." Reid was careful enough to not mention a certain phone call.

Morgan's jaw dropped at Reid's never changing idea of fun, "When will you grow up kid? Where have all my words of wisdom disappeared to?"
"I would hardly consider them words of wisdom, unless you've ever quoted something from the..." Reid was quickly silenced by the arrival of their charming technical analyst, "If it is not our resident genius..." she said walking towards him, "We've missed you handsome!" Reid smiled at her. Emily and JJ were right behind her, who hugged him, glad that he was doing well and back on the team.

That was when they heard the clicking of heels behind them, approaching them. They turned to see who it was. Dressed in black formal trousers coupled with a maroon shirt and a black blazer with her waist length reddish brown hair let down, a young woman who seemed to be in her mid twenties walked towards Hotch, "SSA Vivian Parker." The team members who had no information about the new entry, gaped at the "SSA" standing in front of them.

"SSA Aron Hotchner," he shook her hand, "Team, meet our newest member Special Agent Vivian Parker."

It was nothing short of a bomb dropped on them. Emily, JJ and Garcia only stared at her, disbelief and mild disagreement on their faces. Morgan recovered rather quickly and turned to check out the doctor's reaction and caught him staring at her. However he didn't look like he was admiring her looks. Instead he seemed lost in thought, like he was analysing some important piece of information. The kind of look he has while profiling an Unsub.

"Agent David Rossi," Rossi introduced himself breaking the awkward silence. A half smile appeared on the newbie's lips as she shook hands with him. Next was Morgan followed by Emily and JJ.

"Quite the surprise Agent Parker," Garcia said, "New year, new agent."
"Vivian, would be fine," Vivian said smiling at her, "Guessing by the reaction garnered by my entry, I assume you weren't informed prior to my arrival. I thought Agent Strauss would put in a word."

"She did," Hotch intervened, "Only, this morning. There wasn't enough time before you arrived to inform the rest of the team. So the reaction."

"Oh.. So can I safely assume that I am welcome?" Vivian asked, looking expectantly at the team.
"Not until our expert analyst here approves," JJ nudged Reid in the side, making him aware of the fact that he had been staring for too long.
"What?" he said breaking away from his trance.

"Agent Vivian Parker," she introduced herself again, extending her hand towards him.
"It's Dr. Spencer Reid. The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss," Reid said, without a second thought, declining Vivian's hand. Emily and JJ stared at him in disbelief for it wasn't the best way to say hello to their new colleague, especially a girl. Morgan almost face palmed. Garcia, however, was eagerly waiting for the girl's response.

Vivian blinked at Reid once and stifled a laugh. Instead she smiled at him and said, "Then, I guess I'd settle for a hello." A faint blush appeared on his face. He shifted uncomfortably and ended up saying, "Welcome to the BAU."

Before she could reply, Hotch announced they had a new case to solve.

"Did you see that?" Garcia whispered to JJ. "She didn't mind," Emily joined them. "And she actually laughed. And that smile? She made Reid blush!" JJ added. "I like her already," Garcia declared.

Conference room

"The dead body of Emma McGrath was found in her own house, in Orlando three days ago, shot, multiple times. And then the next day the dead body of Alicia Bell was found in the parking lot of a grocery store about two blocks from her apartment, also shot multiple times. Security camera in the lobby of her apartment building caught her leaving the building at around 10 in the night, right before she was killed. Amanda Tate, eighteen years old, went missing from a new year party last night. Same place Orlando, Florida. The local P.D believes that this might be somehow related to the case," Garcia gave the team all the preliminary information they needed.

"The Unsub is evolving surprisingly fast," Emily said, "That means the Unsub knows what he's doing and is not hesitant to do it."

"Premeditated," Vivian opined, "The Unsub might already have a specific list of victims. Chosen targets."
"Or he is acting based on instinct," Reid had a different theory, "On impulse, choosing random victims."

"Then how do you explain Alicia leaving her apartment so late in the night? I suppose she went for a midnight walk?" Vivian pointed out, a hint of sarcasm in her words.
Reid quirked his eyebrows, "Were there any signs of sexual assault?" he directed the question at Garcia.

"Either way, he is acting fast. There is a possibility of Amanda being alive, if her body hasn't turned up yet," Morgan said.

"Alright team. Looks like we have a case here. Wheels up in thirty," Hotch said rising from his chair with the case file in his hands.

"Dr. Reid," Vivian walked beside him as they exited the room.
"Yes?" Reid asked wondering what it was now.
"Your notepad," she said, giving it to him, "And how about you try a more fundamental function like a to the power of x (a^x). It is also an eigen function with respect to the derivative operator."

"Yes, but it wouldn't satisfy..." his eyes widened as he figured out the complete solution, "How did I miss that?"

Vivian smiled and shrugged, "You're welcome," she said and walked ahead.
This time it was Reid who walked up to her as she checked the contents of her go bag, "I didn't see any degrees in Mathematics in your file."
"I don't need a degree to know that now, do I? Do you Dr. Reid? Have a degree for every subject you have knowledge of?" she asked, not taking eyes off her bag.
"Not necessarily. I just read a lot."
"So do I," she zipped her bag shut.
"You don't have to address me as doctor everytime," Reid said heading to his own work table.

"The both of you seem to be getting along pretty well," Morgan teased.
"She's okay," Reid said, placing his notepad in his bag, "Let's get going."

In the plane, Vivian seated herself beside JJ and Emily took a seat opposite to them.

"JJ, these pics.. Do we have enlarged images?" Vivian examined a photograph of Emma McGrath's dead body. "Yeah, we do. I have them here somewhere.." JJ said flipping the photographs on the table. "They are with me," Emily spread them on the table. "See what's wrong with these shots?"

"They are not kill shots," JJ said.

"If the motive of the unsub was to kill then why not shoot right through the chest? According to the coroner's reports they were shot at a very close range," Rossi said, going through the coroner's preliminary reports.

"Sadism," Reid said. Everybody turned to look at him, "Perhaps the Unsub's motive was not just killing, but killing them slowly. He derives sadistic pleasure from seeing them bleed to death. There is a glitch however," Reid paused, when Vivian continued, "The Unsub killled Alicia in plain sight. Which means he wouldn't have had much time to stick around and watch due to the danger of being caught. That might have been possible with Emma, but with Alicia? Certainly not."

"Either the Unsub is an amateur or the targeted area of the human body holds some significance to him," Reid deducted the rest of it.

"Even if he was an amateur at least one of those bullets should've hit the upper body or the legs. Looks like the latter possibility makes sense. Like Rossi pointed out the bullets were fired at close range. It is unbelievable that the Unsub didn't manage at least one kill shot," Morgan added to their theories.

"It might be about the organs in that part of the body," Hotch spoke, "The stomach, the liver, the Pancreatic gland, the intestines, what else?"

"The womb," Vivian's voice was almost a whisper.
"What?" JJ asked, not sure if she had heard it right.
"A mother's womb," Vivian repeated, her voice a little louder, "All of our victims are women. That must mean something."

"You mean to say he is targeting their motherhood?" Hotch asked, confirming if that was what she had meant, "But there is no sign of mutilation of genitals."
"It's just a theory," she replied, quite surprised with herself for even thinking about something like that.

"What about Amanda? She only eighteen," Morgan said, which earned him a "Really?" from Garcia working from their Quantico HQ, "Kids these days... You can't be so sure.."

"That is actually not unlikely. Surveys suggest that 3 out of ten teenage girls get pregnant at least once before they are twenty. That is about 3.33% accounting to about 329,797 teen births in the year 2011 alone. Though there is high probability that the number might change, Amanda Tate might still belong to the 3.33%," Reid said closing the file in his hands to look at his team.

"Any of the victims mothers?" Vivian wanted to know.
"Already checked that," Garcia was ready with the information, "Sorry to disappoint you Viv.. Wait can I call you that?"
"Sure.." Vivian said shrugging a little with a soft smile.

"I know we're not that close yet. But since you said it's okay, I'll call you.." "Garcia!" Hotch knew his Tech expert had to be brought back to the case from her not so rare "straying away" syndrome. "Yup. No never mothers," she said, professional again, "Now if you need me to crack another shell, you know where to find me. Signing off."

"Morgan, Reid and Vivian, you go to the ME's office and see what we can find. Then head over to the Tates' place. They live just three blocks away. Dave and Emily you head to Emma McGrath's crime scene, while JJ and I check out the venue of last night's party," Hotch assigned the tasks, "And Dave when you are done with the crime scene meet us at the parking lot where Alicia was shot."

So how was it? Good? Bad? I have another chapter ready for you guys! I'll post it, if you want me to continue. Do read it and let me know what you think. This is just the beginning and it would be really great if you'd give the story a chance! It might seem to be a routine fanfic, but there's a lot more to it. Equal amounts of mystery, drama and most importantly romance!