Warnings: This story will deal with non-graphic rape and rape recovery. It does however have a happy ending.

A tall muscular girl sat next to a smaller purple haired girl they smiled chuckling and chatting about this and that. "Tomoyo-chan you really do admire that girl don't you?' She said in a light voice as her long black pony tail moved from side to side as she chatted with the other. She had determined slender red eyes, that watched the smaller girl. "She is perfect for you."

The smaller girl chuckled, "Now we just have to find someone for you…speak of the devil here he comes…" She elbowed the taller girl making her blush softly. And whisper a soft shhh.

Tomoyo smiled as the boy approached looking sheepish. Behind them a few bleachers back sat Fai, admiring Kurogane from afar. They had a few of the same friends and he had a bit of a crush on her, but he couldn't work up the nerve to talk to her properly and with him moving in a few days there was no point in asking her out.

Tomoyo pinched her friends side causing the taller to jump up standing in front of the boy and blushing deeply. "…H-hey…" She stated, the boy used to be the top ranked kendo student until Kurogane came along. She hadn't meant to show him up or steal his spot, she just wanted to prove herself worthy.

Kurogane was tall for her age taller than most the boys in their class. Fai looked up watching from his spot while Tomoyo smiled. "I was wondering Kurogane-san...if you'd like to go out?" He smiled at her and Fai deflated. Of course she would say yes, why wouldn't she? They had a lot in common and it was obvious she liked /him/.

She blushed deeply and looked away, "Umm…like out on a date?…I'm not really the dating type….but I guess…just once wouldn't hurt…" She turned a deep red as Tomoyo Stood and placed her arm around the other girl.

"Let me translate for you. Kurogane would be pleased as punch to go out with you!" The girl spouted happily.

Kurogane turned such a deep shade of red as she jokingly pushed the girl away and bowed to the boy in front of her. "Yes I would love to…"

Tomoyo laughed. "Great. I'll meet you at the park? At 7? I can drive." He offered.

"Alright." She stood back up straight and smiled, "See you then." The girl turned away and proceeded to wander back to her seat and the smaller girl squealed loudly happy for her friend as she hugged her and Kurogane blushed deeply as she looked up her red eyes meeting sad blue one. She smiled up at him as Tomoyo waved to the blonde.

Fai smiled despite himself waving slowly in return. The boy left heading back down to the ball court two bleachers at a time. "Going to let your parents know? Bet your mom will be excited." Tomoyo grinned.

"Yeah…Mom will be excited dad won't be happy though he's gonna give me such a lecture…" She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "You'll have to help me choose an outfit." She smiled knowing Tomoyo would be excited.

Fai sighed wishing letting the girls chat happily, it hurt to see that Kurogane was so happy about someone, but it was his own fault for not telling her months ago.

A girl woke in a heavy sweat, tears rolling down her eyes, "That same nightmare…" Kurogane whispered shakily at least it hadn't gotten to the worst part. That day would haunt the woman for ever… She got out of bed knowing that she wouldn't fall asleep for a while now. She looked at the time, "Tch…two more hours damn it and I would've slept through the night…" She took a quick shower to cool her down and went to the gym before returning home to another shower and off to work.

She rushed off, grabbing a plain bagel to eat on the way. After getting through college she had found a job with Tomoyo working with her in her small clothing store downtown in the public square. They got enough business, mostly younger girls and women, the occasional wayward husband or boyfriend as well. It helped her anxieties and when it got too busy Tomoyo didn't mind her going to the back to take a breather and calm her nerves. Though her workouts were helping too and she had all but tampered down her fears by now.

She gave a slight wave to Tomoyo as she wandered in setting her stuff out back before getting to work. She wasn't the friendliest but she tried knowing Tomoyo had handed her this job out of her own heart. She folded clothes and wandered back and forth to the register ringing customers up and when shipments came in she handled the deliveries being the strongest and had no trouble with the large boxes.

Tomoyo smiled in return. On their break they sat in the back Tomoyo letting her know about all the news she had learned from customers. "And you know, they're getting married and Yumi is going to be the cutest-" She was interrupted by the bell chiming above the door, seemed they had a customer.

Kurogane stood with a sigh, "I'll get it…you eat…" She said softly before placing the apron back on and wandering out. She looked around and spotted someone by the jeans. A man she sighed, "Can I help you?" She asked with a non enthusiastic voice.

The blonde was looking at a display before he turned smile bright. He was leaning against the counter his shoulder length hair tied back, "Hello, I recently just moved back and was wondering if you could tell me..." He paused staring at Kurogane for a moment. "Kuro-chan? Is that you?"

She frowned at the nickname, "…I don't know what you're talking about…" She started to back away
slightly. "My name's not Kuro-chan…I haven't been called that in a long time…What the hell do you want…"

Blue eyes stared. "You don't remember me?" He pouted. "Fai? From high school? We didn't really talk much and I was nowhere near as popular as you." He scratched the back of his head smiling brightly.

"Most of high school wasn't a good time for me." She stated narrowing her eyes as she tried to think of the other. "Tomoyo's friend, Biology…you sat a few seats behind me. What the hell do you want…?" She asked as memories of high school came back.

"That's me~! I'm so glad Kuro-rin remembers me, I feel a little honored." He shook his head. "Ah, that's right, I was going to ask, this place has changed a lot since I moved away. Where can I find a grocery store? I just moved into an apartment and need food."

She pointed in a direction, "A block down on the right." She stated before turning her back on him, "Will that be all?" She asked in a harsh voice.

"Want to go and grab lunch sometime? Catch up? I've always wondered what happened to everyone after I left." He asked looking a little hopeful.

She stopped and turned, "No." Was all the girl stated her eyes narrowed as she spoke.

"I wasn't asking for a date." he added quickly. "Kuro-tan's way out of my league."

"You have some nerve!" She yelled as she glared at the other. "I don't date smart ass now get out!"

Fai stared confused. "Wha-?"

"Kurogane, what is it?" Tomoyo stepped in confused by the yelling. When she saw Fai she immediately recognized him. "Fai?" "That's me." He looked sheepish.

Kurogane stormed behind the register crossing her arms as she watched the two her eyes focused on the blonde.

"It's good to see you, how have you been?" Tomoyo smiled forgetting that Kurogane had been yelling moments ago. Fai laughed. "Moved out of the country and finished school. I always liked it here best though so I moved back." He shrugged.

Kurogane remembered him, she remembered the blonde coming to every kendo meeting watching her from the stands, how he blushed every time they spoke, the last time she saw him…the same day her life crumpled. Her face cringed slightly at the heavy memory.

"Oh, we have to go and get coffee sometime to catch up." Tomoyo clapped in excitement.

"I offered Kuro-san, but she seemed rather offended by the idea. I can't blame her though." He grinned. Tomoyo had an idea why.

"Kurogane. Not Kuro-san or Kuro-chan Kurogane." She stated before wandering away needing to step away. Kurogane wandered into the back room and leaned against the wall with a heavy pain filled sigh.

Fai was confused, but Tomoyo knew it wasn't her place to explain why. "Here's my number, we'll meet up sometime this week?" She asked and Fai smiled as he put it in his phone.

"Of course." He leaned on the counter. "It was good seeing you again Kuro-sama!"

She didn't reply as she heard the blonde, waiting for Tomoyo to return. Once the bell rang signifying the blondes exit. "Tomoyo…" Kurogane started she ran her hair through her short spikes.

"Kurogane he was only being nice. I don't know what he said to you, but it was harmless."

"He asked me on a date…I don't date…You remember the last time I went on a date…I do vividly." She said with a heavy frown.

"He asked you the same he asked me I bet." She sighed and grabbed her friends hands. "He was a friend Kurogane. He wasn't someone who would've hurt you then or now."

"He asked to have lunch with him he meant it as a date Tomoyo I know it…And how do you know what kind of person he has become it's been ten years since we've seen him!…Tomoyo…'HE' was a good person too…or at least we thought…I don't want to go through that again…I'd rather be alone for eternity…"

"Well what if the three of us go out then? You can't be a shut in Kurogane. Your whole world revolves around me, Sakura-chan, your parents, and work."

Kurogane frowned and turned away slightly, "…I know I can't…and I've gotten better." She started and looked down. "…Tomoyo…Alright…I'll go…only if you're there….and I'm not dressing up…"

Giddy she hugged Kurogane. "Wonderful!" While she spoke her phone rang, it was Fai sending her a quick text. "And now I have his number."

She sighed as the girl hugged her, "You're the only person I trust…" She said softly as she remembered the smaller girl finding after her ordeal.

Tomoyo shook her head. "I know and I'm glad you do." She smiled before the door rang again. "More customers." She chimed.