In Death's room, a very annoyed Shinigami-sama was having to deal with one of his Death Scythes, bawling on the floor, crying like an idiot.

"My precious little girl is coming to my arms!" Spirit cried with his arms 'wide' open.

Shinigami-sama groaned but kept his cool.

"And because of the 'secret' she will be MY little girl forever!" Spirit had now almost leaked out Maka's immortality secret, and annoyed with that fact, Shinigami-sama was pushed to his limit.

"Spirit…" he called.

Spirit was still in his flowery rantings.

"Shinigami…" Shinigami-sama raised his comical large hand, "CHOP!" He then smashed it on the red head.

A huge dent was formed on Spirit's head, and he was pushed face-flat into a floor, with a comical pool of blood surrounding his head. Shinigami-sama sighed and rubbed his hand out of self pity and said, "Do know that my son is in this room."

"What secret?" Kid asked. He hated secrets, especially when it is about a person related to a person important to his father; it is all the reasons to know it, right?

"Nothing of your concern," Shinigami-sama comically sweat dropped. He was close to letting it loose. Wouldn't want the god of heaven to know her daughter's secret is exposed, now.

"Anyways, Kiddo," Shinigami-sama started, "as my idiotic death scythe, Spirit-kun had said, a new girl will be starting SCHOOL here, not affectionate PDA."

"All…right?" Kid pondered off and then said for good measure, "I hope you are telling him that. I am not a womanizer."

Spirit managed to get his senses back and then caught on Kid's comment, "Hey! I heard that!"

"And do you think I care?" Kid raised an eyebrow.

Spirit sulked in a corner. "No…" he said.

"I wonder if she is another stuck up," Liz said, polishing her nails. She might like beauty and manicures and pedicures, but she hates girls with slutty personality. And she definitely doesn't want her meister getting mixed up with a slut. He deserves better.

"I wonder if she likes giraffes!" Patty squealed, drawing a messy, asymmetrical, baby giraffe on a huge sketch pad with several crayons.

"I do not know. But what I do know is that she is Albarn-san's daughter and harbors a secret, tight enough for them to keep it from me," Kid muttered underneath his breath.

"You will have to show her around afterschool, around five," Shinigami-sama shrugged his shoulders, and walked off, dragging Spirit by his collar.

And that is when Death the Kid, the most symmetrical OCD freak you could meet, broke down from the asymmetrical timing.


Outside the school, the next day, stood a petite blonde in a red plaid skirt, white long sleeved, button down shirt, striped green tie, yellow vest, black-and-white combat boots, and a long black coat, that was high in the front and low in the back. She had her hair pulled in identical pigtails and her hunter green eyes were practically ripping the school apart.

"Maka, are you sure about this?" a white haired boy with piercing ruby eyes asked her.

"Nii-san, if I step down, then I will be going back to that abusive school," Maka glowered at the school more.

"Fine by me. But Maka, please do not rip the school apart. I do not have enough money to pay for damages," the boy said.

"Shut up, Soul," Maka chuckled, and punched him square in the shoulder.

"That's more like it. You want to go now?" Soul looked at his watch.

"Class starts in…" Maka looked at Soul's watch, "Twenty minutes. Let's look for Professor Stein's classroom."

Soul nodded, and let his meister take the lead. Maka gracefully winded, zig-zagged through the halls until they met a creepy looking pale guy with stitches all over his body and had a huge screw through his head of pale gray hair. Maka blinked and approached him and he said, "What do you want?"

"Rude," Soul called out of annoyance.

"You wanna be dissected?" Stein asked Soul.

"No," Soul shivered at the thought of being ripped apart by scalpels and nails pinning him down.

"Then I suggest that you, rude idiot, shut up," Stein glowered before turning to Maka nonchalantly.

"Erm, are you Professor Stein?" Maka asked.

"Are you Maka Albarn and is that your idiotic weapon?" Stein asked.

"Erm…yeah?" Maka nervously scratched her head.

"Hey!" Soul protested to his meister.

"Sorry, man, but you can't just blurt stuff to teachers. Sorry about that," Maka apologetically bowed.

"Finally, a student who pays respect. Yes I am your teacher. I was checking your manners. Apperantly you have a lot to learn from your meister," Dr. Stein smirked.

By the time Soul could have broken apart in sheer anger, Maka said, "Don't worry. He has a good heart and will listen to you. He will not cause any problems."

Soul calmed down at this and inwardly smiled at Maka complimenting him. It took him eight years to gain her trust, due to some 'womanizer' father she had that cheated on her 'secret' mom. Then after that she labeled men as players who play with women's heart.

It took him an eternity to prove Maka that he just wants to help her as a close friend.

"Well, let's go," Stein and Maka were looking at Soul who was caught up in his own thoughts.

"Honestly," Dr. Stein was muttering under his breath and then he told those two to stay outside while he came inside.


Dr. Stein was coming in with a couple of files in and said, "We have a new student today, therefore instead of usual dissection, it will be a free day today."

Lots of murmurs went across the classroom. Girls were praying for a hot guy and the guys were praying for a new hot girl to reclaim as a meister or weapon.

"Come in, you two," Dr. Stein ushered them in, and Maka and Soul came in.

Lots of whispers sounded, but the only think that Kid could focus on at the moment was Maka's perfect symmetry.

He had never seen anyone or any girl, to be exact, who wasn't even a millimeter off. Her pigtails were identical, her bangs reflected each other, and her uniform was crisp and symmetrical. Although her boots were retro to him, they had a symmetric look as she had taken the liberal time to perfectly put them on.

"Wow, Kid, never thought love at first sight was possible for you," Liz teased him, on his left.

"What? No it's not!" Kid whispered harshly.

"Uh, yeah it is. Right Patty?" Liz turned to her sister for reassurance, but her childlike sister fell asleep doing giraffe origami.

"Damn, she sqashed her giraffe," Liz muttered, and she knew that Kid would lose it if he saw an asymmetrical giraffe, so she yanked it and put it in her pocket instead of throwing it away, knowing her SISTER will lose it if she found her giraffe in the trash.

"I am Maka Albarn and this is my weapon Soul," she pointed to her weapon, and Kid scoffed inwardly out of jealousy at how Maka could like such a disgusting asymmetrical idiot.

A girl raised her hand.

Maka raised an eyebrow but nonetheless, said, "Yes?"

"What weapon form does your weapon take?" the girl madly blushed, and Liz internally fumed.

"Scythe. And I will ask my meister to chop off your head if you hit on me," Soul glared at the girl, who started to release comical tears and went to her weapon for comfort.

A boy raised his hand, much to Kid's disgust.

"Yes?" Maka was now getting irritated.

"We heard you have a secret. What is it?" the boy asked.

Kid, Maka, and Soul froze.

Kid remembered when Spirit was having a childlike outburst in Death Room about his 'baby girl'. This was his subject of adoration. Something about being his 'little girl forever' because of a secret? Fatherly PDA? Or just normal infatuation?

Maka froze, and so did Soul. Maka and Soul both knew this secret, of Maka being the daughter of Kami-sama, god of heavens. She had to keep this a secret because she doesn't know how people will think if she is an immortal angel. It might get severe reactions and Maka doesn't want it and Soul doesn't want his meister to suffer any unwanted attention.

Dr. Stein wasn't aware of Maka's secret, but was given strict orders from Shinigami-sama to keep whatever the secret could be, concealed.

"Do not stick your nose where it doesn't belong, boy. Would you like a zero on your next test for tampering with Shinigami-sama's strict orders?" Dr. Stein glared at the boy.

The boy was angry he didn't get an answer, but then shivered at the prospect of getting a zero.

"Seriously, Ox, don't tamper with sensei. Just sit down man!" a guy with narrow sunglasses next to him said.

"But I do not know what is so special that it has to be concealed!" Ox started an outburst.

"Why, you want to fail this class? You have a 99. I do not think it is worth risking for your curiosity," the guy shrugged.

"Whatever, Harvar," Ox slumped back in his seat.

"Now that the idiot of the class settled down," Dr. Stein gruffly, "You two take the table next to Kid, Liz and Patty."

Maka, annoyed by who in the world would name their son, Kid, looked around the classroom.

Kid, now knowing that Maka was looking for him, rose his hands, along with Liz.

"C'mon, Soul," Maka huffed.

Soul nodded, and Maka sat down, the next table to Kid and his two weapons. Kid looked over to Maka nervously, and was shocked. She wasn't even looking at him and was reading a thick book! Kid wasn't disappointed, he was happy to know that this wouldn't be a girl like the rest, who try in vain to woo him in. But she was reading a BOOK while everyone was SOCIALIZING.

"Maka," Soul poked her.

She ignored him and he continued on, and on, and on, until Maka, irritated, snapped her thick book closed and said in a soft delicate voice that could make Soul shiver, "Maka…"

Kid's heart fluttered, and Liz raised an eyerbrow at Soul who was sweating a bucket and Patty was drawing a dozen hearts to shower out because she thought this was going to be a romance scene.

"CHOP!" She slammed down on Soul's head, and Liz chuckled and said, "Almost identical to reaper chop, right?"

Kid then realized all the times his father hit Spirit for being such a baby with no mind and compared that to Maka's version, with a book, but the same amount of force. She was strong!

"What do you want?" she nonchalantly said as she flipped her book.

"I thought…" Soul grabbed his head, "We were gonna do dissection today."

"Jeez Soul, listen to the teacher for once, will you?" Maka fumed as she read her book, "He said because it is our first day, it is a free period."

Soul sweat dropped and the ground began to rumble. Soul, worried, said to Maka, "Hey should I transform? What if it is another evil human?"

Maka closed her eyes and opened them, a light blue light flashing momentarily, and then flipped a book and said, "Nah."

"What do you mean 'nah'?!" Liz now was coming in the conversation, and Patty nodded.

Kid stepped forward and said, "You have to listen to your weapon, Maka."

Maka narrowed her eyes at Kid and said, "You probably heard of Soul Perception? Well I have it and I sense another student at DWMA causing the ruckus. I do sense another quiet one nearby. Now please go back to your seats."

Liz and Patty were shocked, and true to Maka's words, the rumbling caused the door to burst open and for Stein to look up from his papers, "Maka was right. An idiot has came."

"YOUR GOD HAS ARRIVED!" an obnoxious voice came.

"Black*Star, calm down! Or else…" a girl with a high black ponytail tried to calm down the arrogant blue haired meister before a scalper lodged itself right next to his head.

"Black*Star, sit down. Tsubaki, make sure he comes to detention after school today," Stein glared at Black*Star.

Black*Star groaned, but nevertheless made his way to the seat in all the way back, the table behind Maka and Soul. He peered in Maka's book and said, "What a boring book."

Maka snapped it closed, "Maka…"

Black*Star scrunched his face in confusion, and Tsubaki was starting to become scared with the evil aura around Maka.

"CHOP!" Maka slammed it down on the poor guy's head.

"He met my fate, poor guy," Soul shook his head.

"You want a Maka Chop?" Maka held the book up.

"I never said that," Soul shook his head in mock defeat.

"Good," Maka said and then went back to her book.

Soon the bell went off, and the students went to the next class. The whole day for Maka was a free day since having a new student is such a big thing to them, and Soul took this as an opportunity to catch up on the two hour sleep he had last night.

Maka just took this as an opportunity to read her book, and didn't pay one glance to Kid, at all. She was just wrapped up in Pride and Prejudice which Soul complained was the fourth time she read it, but it didn't hold Maka back from re-reading it.

At the end of the school, Soul started to sweat out from all the homework he has now and he has no notes to do his homework.

"Chill, Soul, chill. I took notes. I am not giving you my homework, though," Maka glared.

"You finished your homework," Soul's jaw went slack.

"It occupied my time," Maka shrugged her shoulders, "but now I have nothing to do when I come home."

"You can help me with my homework," Soul grinned.

Maka smirked and said, "Fine. But you have to make dinner today."

Soul was about to protest but then Maka said, "Or would you like to have no help at all?"

Soul wanted to argue, but knew in the ultimate end, Maka was right.


"Don't you want your tour?" a voice came from behind Maka.

"Huh?" Maka asked, turning around to see Death the Kid with his two weapons, one of them who slightly blushed at seeing Soul.

"If I remember correctly, Shinigami sama told me that I DO have someone assigned to show me around school for a few days," Maka tapped her chin, "How long did he say, Soul?"

Soul who was very much jealous of Kid taking a liking towards his meister was about to answer, when Kid answered immediately, "One week."

"Sounds too long, ne Soul?" Maka told her weapon, "But okay. Where do we start?"

Death the Kid was blushing a lot from inside. This was the first girl not to melt underneath his looks, and he didn't know what this foreign thing was, pulling at his heart, whenever he was with Maka.


From the Death Room, Shinigami-sama and Spirit were watching the show through a mirror. Spirit fell apart and said, "No! My little baby is tainted!"

"Shut up, will you, Spirit-kun?" he was trying his best to hold his anger down.

"She is growing up! Daddy doesn't like that! She might have her virginity taken away!" Spirit was then now portraying Kid as a bad person.

"Shinigami…CHOP!" Shinigami-sama slammed his large comical white hand on Spirit's head.

Spirit was sobbing softly in a corner with a huge dramatic pool of blood around his head, face flat in the floor, a huge dent shaped like Shinigami-sama's hand, dented in his head.

"I paired them up for a reason," Shinigami-sama sighed, "I want him to be close to Maka-chan."

"For what reason?" Spirit immediately recovered from his shock.

"Your wife, Kami, was my first love, and Maka is her only daughter," Shinigami sama looked deeply into the mirror, and Spirit had yet to absorb the shock.


