Spirit slapped his forehead. He couldn't believe that he was labeled as the terrible parent when Kami herself is one too.

"You make an eyesore of a mom, you know that?" Spirit glared.

"And you make an unspeakable womanizer of a legal guardian, did you know that?" Kami glared at him while rubbing her temple.

"At least I didn't try to trample young love!" Spirit yelled.

"Yeah says the crybaby who dictates Maka to marry when she is fifty years old!" Kami shot back.

"Oh yeah? I have come to accept their relationship unlike you!" Spirit threw his hands up in the air.

"You two, enough," Shinigami-sama came in the room rubbing his own head. He was a little ticked off with his son's change in personality as well.

"Kami, I wish you didn't scare my son," Shinigami-sama sighed.

"Well he was daydreaming about him and Maka!" Kami sighed.

"I think he deserves to, knowing how far they went," Spirit glared at the goddess. Kami glared right back.

"Go ahead, I don't mind if you call me a womanizer. At least I didn't do something like ruin someone's health!" Spirit glared.

"Maka should have the perfect match and not regret it in later life!" Kami sighed, "I don't want to see her sad!"

"You do know you made her sad by making my son's health decline, correct?" Shinigami-sama asked.

Kami stayed quiet. Something in her wanted to prove those words wrong, but she knew in the end, Shinigami-sama was right. Sensing the goddess's uncertainty the death god sighed and rubbed his mask with his hand, he shook his head.

"I am not asking you to love me or anything," Shinigami-sama sighed, "I am asking for you to keep in mind my son and your daughter and how happy they are together. By forcing them apart because of this test, you are making them unhappy. Now tell me, is your test helping or ruining your daughter?"

"I thought it could help her…" Kami's voice was now no more than a whisper.

"Well it isn't, Kami, and you need to accept that Maka might be happy with Kid," Shinigami-sama said before turning around and going about his business.

Spirit was now the next one to face Kami. He glared and for once, the goddess was scared and he was ferocious.

"I am telling you. If Maka suffers, I am going to stop this stupid test of yours right then and there," Spirit glared and then walked away, leaving Kami to shake in fear.


"Wow, speak of a rebellion," Liz rolled her eyes.

"It is the only thing to do," Maka said curtly.

"Is there any way around it? Perhaps convincing your mother?" Tsubaki, the peacemaker, asked. Maka rolled her eyes at that statement.

"The only way to convince mom is that Kid does her stupid little test," Maka snorted, but then became serious.

"I don't want to do her test," Kid murmured.

"And that is why you aren't going to," Maka quickly said after him. Kid gave Maka's hand a tentative squeeze.

"Going against your mom… now I see World War Three in effect," Soul said with color draining out of his face.

"Oh stop being so dramatic," Maka huffed, "Mom sometimes needs to accept that her little bird is growing up and her little bird can have the responsibility of choosing her own to be husband. But she has a hard time doing that considering I was born out of her brain."

"And that is why you got your nickname," Black*Star snickered. Maka glared at him and swung a hand down on his cranium. The rest of the group stood shell-shocked and then Maka cleared her throat.

"Quit driving us off topic," Maka glared at the ninja now on the floor.

"Anyways, are you sure your mother is just going to agree with your denial to her test?" Liz asked, "Can she even handle you going against her with a no?"

"That is what I am afraid of," Maka whispered, a distant memory playing in her eyes.

"What?" Tsubaki softly asked.

"She is just a complete mommy bird," Maka sighed, "Completely shields me from the world until she had to drop me into the world out of thin air. Always thinking I am weak when I am not. She thinks my judgmental skills are third class when they aren't."

"That is the thing," Tsubaki whispered, "When she lets go of you, she lets go of you forever."

Maka nodded, "It is hard to let go."

"It is a hard decision," Kid whispered.

"She just needs to be able to accept after all of the recent events that you have proved enough, Kid. She is being stubborn now, not uncertain," Maka sighed, raking a hand through her blonde hair.

"That is true," Tsubaki sighed taking a sip of her drink.

"Well good luck telling your mom, and I hope she doesn't burst when you tell the truth," Soul sighed and he hugged Liz.

Maka looked at Kid and asked, "Tomorrow?"

Kid smiled at his girlfriend and whispered, "Tomorrow, after school."


School went out and Maka faced Kid. Kid nodded and he held out his hand and Maka took it. They set down the hall and came to the double doors of Death Room.

Kid stopped Maka and started to take a deep breath. Maka eyed him curiously.

"Are you scared?" Maka smirked teasingly.

"Why would I be?" Kid asked.

"You are murmuring underneath your breath to stay calm," Maka rolled her eyes, "Admit it, you are nervous. Want to tell mom another time?"

Kid felt like he was bringing her down when he had tentatively pulled them back. They are this close to shoving the truth up Kami's face and he got nervous. He can't pull them down. Kid shook his head, with determination filling his facial features.

"We came so far in just building courage. We aren't stopping anytime soon," Kid smiled and Maka hugged his arm and together they pushed the door open.

Kami who was sitting on a nearby chair shot up to her feet when the doors opened. Her face paled of colors when the two of them came in at the same time. Maka was latching onto Kid's arm and it made her furious.

"Maka! What is the meaning of this?!" Kami yelled.

"I made my choice," Maka said simply.

"Not yours. I said I will choose for you!" Kami yelled again. Maka grimaced at her mother's harsh yelling. Kid was about to open his mouth to calm Kami down when he felt Maka squeeze his arm as a brake.

"Don't say anything Kid," Maka whispered.

Kid nodded slightly and let Maka do the work.

"You are just going to have to accept that Kid is the only one I want to marry no one else. If you can't accept it then I will not call you my mother," Maka said.

Kami froze.

"And I will run away with him," Maka added quickly. This caught Kid off guard but he liked the sound of it.

Kami started sobbing. Maka didn't waver even when Kid wanted to.

Kid, don't. Mom is testing me. She is using emotions as a way for me or you to melt and then she might deem either you or me too weak to be with each other, Maka conveyed through telepathy.

Kid, as absurd as he found Maka's explanation, nodded. He then found out how right Maka was when Kami whipped her face up and all the fake tears were pouring down.

"Why aren't you comforting me?! I am your mother!" Kami yelled.

"Mother you are not going through any pain. Those tears are crocodile tears. And lastly you are testing us," Maka sighed.

"I knew as much," Kami grumbled. Then she turned around and went back to her chair. She sat and sighed and propped up her hand and rested her face on her palm.

"You better treat her right. I made sure she was the sharpest of the sharpest. Treat her wrong and I will wed her off to someone else and you will be plagued by nightmares," Kami glared.

"But mother, how do you know how to enter someone's dreams?" Maka asked.

"Let's say I know how to get on the Dream God's good side," Kami smirked evilly. Maka shivered and Kid grimaced.

"Okay enough creeping us out, you agreed and I won. Good," Maka groaned.

"I am just making sure that he gets the image, right sweetheart?" Kami smiled not-to-nicely at Kid who just shivered, nodded, and looked the other way. Maka rolled her eyes.

Her mom agreed and that is all what she wanted. Kami held her arms out and she smiled. Maka smiled back and she ran into her mom's arms.

When Kami's arms gently wove around Maka's shoulders, small tears started to trail. Then everyone became alarmed in the room. Kami never cried, even if it was a life and death situation.

"What?" Kami shot the others a glare, "Can't a mom of the bride cry? Or is it plain illegal?"

"No, I never said that, it is so…" Shinigami-sama trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

"Unknown," Spirit finished for the death god, "It is so unknown that you could cry."

"Oh shut up, womanizer, I have lacrimal glands which can produce tears as efficiently as any ordinary human being," Kami rolled her eyes. Spirit grimaced.

Kami let go of her daughter and she pushed Maka in the direction of Kid. She smirked, "Go and have fun with your fiancé. But do wait to do it after marriage. After all, it is worth the wait."

Shinigami-sama and Spirit were clueless to what Kami meant. That is because they don't know of the classes on teen pregnancy and possible consequences were being held in school. But Kid and Maka did know what she meant. They both became ripe tomatoes.

"Just kidding, I know you two are that smart. Just saying," Kami laughed as she watched Maka run out the door with Kid.

"What do you mean by worth the wait?" Spirit asked, and for one second he almost looked naïve and innocent and not perverted.

"I am not telling you," Kami gave him a funny look.

"Why not?" Spirit pleaded.

"Because if I do, then your pervertedness might go to a whole new level," Kami sighed, "And I do not want that to happen."

"You care about me…" little animation tear drops started to dip down from Spirit's big doe blue eyes that enlarged by 200 percent.

"As if," Kami bluntly said, sending Spirit to his little emo corner, "I am just thinking of the innocent women who don't want to be taken advantage of by perverts like you."

"You know, you didn't have to go that harsh on him," Shinigami-sama sweat dropped at Spirit's excessive crying antics.

"Why? Do you disagree with me?" Kami asked. Shinigami-sama shook his head and Kami smirked.

When the halls filled of agonizing sobs Kami sighed in frustration.

"Hey…" Kami asked, an annoyed tick mark growing at the back of her head.

"Yes?" Shinigami-sama asked politely.

"Does he cry this much all the time?" Kami asked.

"Only when I try to expose him to the truth," Shinigami-sama sighed. Spirit heard this and he cried even louder, increasing Kami's headache.



Maka and Kid ran out of the Death Room with red faces.

"Wow it worked. Mom was even more accepting than normal," Maka laughed. Kid smiled. Maka's laughs were so pretty like silver bells.

"Come to think of it…" Kid trailed off, "We never had a first kiss."

"Wha-" Maka blushed and was about to come with a verbal attack with that sudden request when Kid pulled her face towards his and their lips met. They kissed passionately for a good twenty seconds when Kid finally let go.

"What was that for?!" Maka asked breathlessly.

"We were so busy with school, missions and the battle with Asura that I do not think we actually had a good time to talk and have the first kiss together," Kid said, "At least I think this is my first kiss."

Maka blushed, "That was so sudden."

Kid laughed and pressed his forehead to Maka's and said, "When we get married, we have to kiss. When we do, that means I love you and you love me."

Maka blushed intensely, but didn't say much. She was happy that she was able to be with Kid forever.


Maka was in a bride's dress. Kid was in a traditional tux. Instead of driving off in a car that had the banner of 'JUST MARRIED', they buzzed off on Kid's Beelzebub.

Maka laughed when she saw the banner that was rolled up and tied to the one end of the skateboard unravel. It was large and it said 'JUST MARRIED'.

"I thought you hated those cheesy banners," Maka mused.

"I know I do," Kid sighed, "But I hate driving away in a car, and that makes it cheesier! Why not break the rules and ride on a skateboard?"

Maka rolled her eyes. Her husband was the one to always think outside the box. She fingered the simple gold ring with a few diamonds and shaped like angel wings. This ring was for her. It represented her. Kid's ring shaped like a skull mask made him who he was.

"I am so glad your mom agreed," Kid smiled at Maka.

Maka laughed, "I know. But in the end you did the impossible and convinced her."

Kid snorted, "I was silent the whole time while you did all the arguing. I liked the part where you suddenly got this wash of bravado and decided we would elope if she said no."

Maka blushed but shot off, "Why? Wouldn't you say that if Shinigami-sama was the one saying no?"

Kid laughed and nodded, "Yes I would declare that. I am saying I liked your new surge of boldness. Makes me feel so lucky to have married you."

Maka smiled gently at her husband. Kid smiled and looked ahead. He smiled and pointed down. Maka looked at him with a pair of confused emerald eyes.

"Look," Kid whispered.

Maka looked and she set her eyes on another grand mansion that was beautifully symmetrical like the Gallows mansion.

"That mansion is the house where we are going to spend our lives together," Kid whispered.

Maka's eyes watered and she hugged her husband even more around the neck. Kid gently smiled and hugged her back in the bridal style position.

"I love you Maka, and I will for all of eternity…"

"And I love you, Kid, forever and ever and ever."

And thus, we close the storybook here, because the angel and reaper had fallen in love and got married. They will live together and start a new chapter of their lives: their married life.

-The End-

I want to say one thing: Thank you to all of you kind hearted people for adding this story as your favorite, and for following it or even reviewing it!

As for the marriage scene, you visualize it. You think about how many kids Maka and Kid will have together. You guys on FF decide that in your head. I enjoyed writing this story and it has come to an end.

I love you very much, my co-author, EternalNight88 for being the sweetest girl to me and saying you can wait for me forever just to write together. This story is for you, Eri-chan! Your kindness inspired me to write this chapter story for you and I hope you liked your present, now complete!


Infinite Snow (I.S.)