Hey, it's me! I've got a new challenge, but it's a bit different.

I can't think of characters to fill in the Amazon Spots. All I know is that I need them. So, I'm having a competition. There's five spots open. I want a one-shot story of after they defeat their other selves. What are their lives like afterwards? If you're wondering what I mean by other selves, the Amazons all have three sides of themselves, their Modern selves, their Normal Amazon selves, and their Warrior Amazon selves, because each of them has lived three lives, one in the Kingdom of the Peridot Fire, and one somewhere else, before being reborn in the Beyblade Time Period. They all also have Amazonian blood. I've got the character designs for the latter two )which I will display links to on my profile), but you can create who they really are, you know, the non-Amazonian part. These are the spots I have open.

Normal Amazon Name-Warrior Amazon Name-Color

Tsuyo-Warrior Strength -Pink

Boei-Warrior Defense-Blue

Kogeki-Warrior Attack-Purple

Hayameru-Warrior Speed-Yellow

Tairyoku-Warrior Stamina-Orange

Now, here's the rules.

1. You can't use an OC you've already used. Be creative. Make one up.

2. Put that it's for my Challenge in the story summary.

3. Also put in the story summary which spot you're competing for.

4. NO SONG BASED ONE-SHOTS! But, if you really want to do one, either do Nickelback or Evanescence (older songs from either band are heavily encouraged if you really want to do one). There's a couple of other songs I'll let you do, but you gotta PM me if it's okay to do the songs. Don't even ask about Taylor Swift (short of two songs, Mean, and Safe and Sound) or Justin Bieber (no excuses. I'd seriously rather read a Miley Cyrus Wrecking ball song fic before I ever read Justin Bieber).

5. DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT THEIR AMAZON FORMS! That's necessary to my story.

6. There must be more than 3000 words. That'll give me a much better insight with the character, rather than just a 1000 word or less story.

Now for what will happen if you win. There's no consolation prize this time, sorry.

1. Obviously, they'll be featured in my story.

2. just letting you know right now, I will be using these OCs for more then just that story. In fact, I'll use them all the time, if I think of a story for them. You'll be pretty much giving me the rights to this OC.

3. They might not come until a lot later in the story. In fact, they will be a lot later in the story.

4. You'll be allowed to give me suggestions as long as they revolve around your character. The only time you can break that is if I have writer's block.

5. You can pull your OC from the story, if you want, but I will not accept that OC for future stories, because they'll involve the Amazons, most likely.

6. You must review every chapter! It just rubs me the wrong way when people send in OCs and don't even bother review the chapters. How am I supposed to know if I messed something up with your OC or not? How do I even know you read it? The Traffic Stats just tell me how many people have read it, but not who.

Those are the rules. The due date for everybody's entries is April 3rd. Oh, and I forgot what the story is.

The story your OCs will be featured in is...


That's right, I'm finally doing it! I'm finally writing about her background! Starting from her move to Japan and up. So read it, review it, and submit OCs for it!

Oh, and here's a short little story.

"No Anna! Kristoph is your true love! Hans is really nice, but kiss Kristoph!"

"Shh sweetie! Don't disrupt the movie for everyone else." The Tategami family went to go see Frozen. Melody and River were now 9 and 8 respectively. Kyoya didn't look very happy, Melody was trying her best to look bored,l but her mother could tell she really loved the movie, Hope was sitting there, smiling, and River was very into it, watching Anna talk to Hans. They were about to kiss.

"Oh Anna, if only there was someone out there who loved you." Suddenly, as that line was spoken, a random guy stood up in the middle of the theater.

"THAT BIG, ASS WIPE DICK FACED BASTARD!" Needless to say, Hope was horrified, like most of the mothers, Kyoya was actually paying attention at that point, and the girls were confused. River looked up at her mother.

"Mama, what's a big, ass wipe dick faced bastard?" Hope gave her daughter an even more horrified look.

"Nothing sweetie, please, just ignore that, and never, ever, repeat that again. Just pay attention to the movie." She nodded.

"Okay Mama." Kyoya stood up. Luckily, they were in the back. He looked straight at the guy.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" The guy who had swore turned and started running as soon as he saw Kyoya, recognizing a pissed off dad of girls when he saw one, and therefore fearing for his life.

Needless to say, Hope had to pay his bail.