Happy valentine's day! Pretty ironic I update this now, right? And no, it's NOT a valentine special! XD I forgot the disclaimer in the other chapter again, sorry -_-

Disclaimer: I DUNT OWN NUTHIN'. Except the plot, of course.

Chapter 5: The meeting with family.

His heart beat at a fast rate, this was nice… This was really nice. He finally got to hug his mother, and not just her chakra. He felt like a family, his father and mother were here. What could possibly go wrong now?

A lot.

"Who are you calling mom?! I'm far too young to have a teenager as kid!" Kushina's hair got up in a demonic way. Naruto quickly let go of her before getting a punch straight on his head, blowing the air out of him. You could even see a little white thing coming out.

"Ah! Kushina! You're killing him!" Minato flashed from behind of his desk to the limp body of Naruto. He was able to catch the 'white thingy' and forced it back into the blond.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and groaned a little, "I feel like my soul's been pushed out…" Kushina sheepishly laughed and Minato shot a quick glare at her, while helping his son up.

"Naruto, you alright?" The oldest blond asked concernedly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. You can let go of me now." Naruto responded to his father. Said man chuckled a little and let him stand on his own feet, but grabbed him again once he stumbled over. Naruto hissed a little and got up once again, now actually being able to stand he rubbed his head, "That was even worse than granny's…" he mumbled.

Kushina gave him a glare, at which Naruto put his hands up in defence-mode. She turned back to Minato, "So, where were we before this kid came?"

Naruto growled lightly, "I have a name, ya know."

Minato gave a chuckle at the sight in front of him, it was almost like a real family. "Actually, it's about this boy –"

" –Yeah, what's with this brat anyway? He almost looks like a mini-you! Minus the whiskers of course. Hey, he's a Konoha-nin?! Why don't I know him?! –" Kushina went on with her rambles and questions. Naruto shrugged and Minato sighed.

"-And what's with the –"


"-And how about –"


"-And the eyes –"


Said girl quieted down as her name was called, "You don't have to shout, ya know…"

"Anyhow, don't laugh about this; it's a S-class secret of which you can't speak about outside this office, understood?" Kushina gave a nod, "This boy is from the future."

Kushina blinked in surprise, kept quiet for a minute before bursting out in laughter. "You mean –Haa!- to tell me –Ahaha!- that he's from-from the future?!" She rumbled in between.

Naruto made a cute little pout but was quiet. Minato's face just kept serious, "I am – for once – not joking, Kushina." The Yondaime half-shouted so that the girl could hear him.

Kushina stopped laughing and glanced over at Naruto, who gave a nervous smile seeing she was looking at him. Then turned back to her man. "You're kidding me, right?"

"Nope," Minato replied, "I've never been as serious as I am now." He joked, even though it was hard to actually notice it.

"So, this boy-" Kushina began.

"-Naruto," The oldest blond added.

"-Naruto, does look like you because I think why he does…?" She questioned. Although why ask? You can obviously see the resemblance. And the 'Ya know'… definitely her thing. So is he really…?

"If you are thinking because he is our son, yes. You're right." Kushina got off of her thoughts as she heard this. Her eyes widened in realization. She turned to Naruto and slowly walked up to him to embrace her son in an hug. Naruto, however, got really nervous since he wasn't used to this. He decided to avoid being hugged by talking. "Uhm, yeah, I'm your son, pretty awesome.. right?" Naruto sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "Funny how I went back in time, huh?"

Kushina stopped in her tracks as she noticed Naruto's body language; he was nervous. But why would he be? She's his mother, right? Shouldn't he be used to that? Then it hit her: Was she dead? Minato's chuckle cut her right out of her thoughts, much to her annoyance.

"Yes, yes. Pretty funny." He said, "Though we should probably talk about you later. It's best you get to the house, you came here, exhausted, and even though you're still standing, I don't believe you're fully rested."

Naruto grinned, "I guess you're right," he suddenly felt a wave of tiredness coming over him. He yawned and let his eyelids drop a little, but just so he was able to still see enough. "So," he started again. "Where's your house?"

As soon as Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi left the mansion, they were surprised of what they saw. This was the village in its glory. Before the destruction of pain, even before they were born. It was… Nostalgic. Being here still seemed unrealistic though, they weren't supposed to exist. What would happen when they would be born? Will they disappear? They'll have the same soul, after all. So many questions, and yet no answers.

As the three of them walked through the village, they got a few suspicious looks directed their way. Sakura felt a little nervous, it certainly was annoying. But she soon felt that feeling leave.

Their legs – At least, Sasuke's. The others just followed him – unconsciously had led them to the Uchiha compound. All fair and well, but if they, or Sasuke were seen, they would started asking unnecessary questions as to why he's wearing the Uchiha symbol on the back of his shirt.

"Sasuke, it's better to go somewhere else." Sakura noticed. Said man gave an "Hn" as respond and they decided to go for dinner, without Naruto.

They ended up at the barbecue place where Choji used to – or is going to – eat.

The three didn't talk much though, it sorta was an awkward situation even though they all knew each other well. They all seemed to be stuck in their own world, Kakashi about his younger self, Obito, and Rin. Sakura about what she could change. And Sasuke about the Uchiha's. To say the least, too many problems.

After dinner was done, they left the place and were now standing on one of Konoha's roads.

"So, sensei." Sakura spoke up, getting the attention of Kakashi, who was reading his perverted little book.

"Yes, Sakura?"

"Where do we stay now? Naruto's fa- I mean, The Yondaime said he would get us an house, but where are we supposed to stay at the moment?" Said girl complained.

"Ah, well," Kakashi chuckled, "I have no idea."

Chapter end! I have nothing to say, except; thanks for waiting this long! Have an happy valentine's day! :D