Annie was working late on a Thursday night, so Auggie ventured to the pub near their apartment. Over the past two years he had begun to enjoy coming to this place on his nights alone to sip on a beer and listen to the low-key live music they featured.

Women approached him differently now. He wasn't sure if it was a change in his body language, his own maturity, or the way he had developed a habit of running his thumb over his wedding ring. He was still never wanting for a helping hand, and he definitely had women approaching him, but their expectations were different.

Which is why he was caught a little off-guard when a stranger pulled a barstool close to him, gently placed her hand on his leg, and said "Hey cutey."

Auggie gently used his left hand removed her hand from his leg clearly showing her the shining gold wedding band. "I usually only hear that when I'm out with my nieces." He responded. His tone wasn't mean, but it wasn't friendly either.

"Oh? You have family in town?"

Auggie's alarm bells started going off at her questioning. He leaned toward her. "I really just want to enjoy a beer and go home to my wife."

"Why isn't she here with you? The band is good and the weather is perfect for going out."

This statement set of a different type of alarm for Auggie, and he fought a smile. "The weather has been a bit unpredictable recently." He replied.

"I hear that's common for the region." She replied, following the script.

Auggie turned back toward the bar and downed his drink. "Do we need to discuss this?"

"No," She replied. "Great to meet you, though."

"Same here." He replied.

As abruptly as she arrived, the woman walked away.

"What was that all about?" The bartender asked. He wasn't usually very nosey, but Auggie was a regular and he kept an eye out for him.

"Oh, just some woman that didn't see the wedding band." Auggie shrugged.

"She was definitely into you, but she didn't have anything on Annie."

"Good to know, since I don't plan on shopping around any time soon." Auggie replied, trying to figure out if he recognized her voice.

"No, I wouldn't imagine that you are. You want another?"

"No thank you. I'm going to go ahead and close out."

Moments later, Auggie walked into the apartment and fished in his left pocket for the small flash drive. It was time to get back to work.


Annie got home to find Auggie on the couch with his laptop and an empty bottle of beer in front of him.

"Hello Darling." He greeted.

"Why are you up?" She asked with a cautious smile.

Auggie looked toward her with an expression that conveyed everything she needed to know. "Because," he started.

"We're back in the game." She finished.

Auggie smiled and raised his eyebrows. "Wanna peak?" He said as he turned his laptop in her direction.

Annie sat her purse on the credenza and walked over to the couch. She looked at the blank screen and smiled. Auggie had learned that keeping it off significantly lengthened battery life. She leaned into his neck and gave him a seductive kiss as she entered the keystrokes for the monitor to show anything.

"Interestingly enough, you are reminding me of how I acquired this handy flash drive." Auggie said, turning his face downward toward Annie.

Annie replied by digging her teeth into his skin, making him cry out and pull away.

"You know how I know you aren't serious? Annie asked.

"Your teeth felt serious." He replied.

"But you weren't."

"You are right. I didn't make out with anybody for intel..." Auggie said. Then he grinned and added ""

"Or any time since we have gotten married, because you know more than anybody that I'm capable of killing a man."

Auggie pulled back, mockingly shocked. "And here I was just worried that you might rearrange the furniture."

Annie shrugged. "If I were a vindictive person, I would be more subtle and replace your IPA bottles with root beer."

"You are a cruel and calculating woman." Auggie replied. "Which brings us back to the information on my screen."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Sounds like there is some suspicious activity surrounding a Bay Area businesswoman. I think you are supposed to talk her into meeting for drinks."

"That it?" Annie asked, skimming the information on the screen.

"It's all you need to know for now. I dug through it all while waiting for you. How about we pretend it's the good old days where I have all the information, and you perform the miracles?"

His hand ran up her leg, giving her an idea of the miracles he had in mind.

"Because I can be read in this time. I want to know."

"Fine." Auggie said as he handed over the laptop. "But I'm going on to bed. You could join me, and I could tell you all about it in the morning."


"There's no rush on this one. It looks like they are easing us in gradually."

"Understandable," Annie said.

"I think they sent a rookie to give me the flash drive." Auggie said, seeming offended.

"Well, it wasn't particularly a difficult mission." Annie countered.

"It was important that it be discreet." He said.

"Hm." Annie replied. "Do you think we're compromised?"

"No," He replied. "But that's not the point."

"What is the point?" Annie asked.

Auggie leaned close. "That getting back into the spy game has me extremely turned on, and I don't want to waste time telling you the menial details."

"Well, since you put it that way..." Annie sat the computer on the coffee table and climbed on top of Auggie.


Later that night, Annie laid on her side looking at her husband in the dim light of their bedroom. He was so happy that he seemed to be smiling in his sleep. They had made a good life for themselves the past two years, but she knew he missed the thrill that came with being behind the scenes. He was happier tonight than he had been in a long while.

And for the moment she would let him believe that she felt the same way.

I'm reluctant to say this is the end, but I don't plan anything else for this story in the immediate future. There's a long while until S5 starts, though, so I'm sure I'll come back to it.