Loved - ...

Mentoring AU

At thirty years old, he brings her home, red-faced and crying. The tears freeze halfway down leaving frozen streaks. For the first few nights Frozone, hugged the tiny girl in his arms. She cried herself out- soaking the shoulder of his shirt. Restless, he bounced her in his arms, assured her that she was safe and repeated the mantra over and over, until he hears her even breathing.

Bob says it's natural for an expectant father to be so nervous. He was too when Violet was born, but Elsa is eight years old.

Elsa is nine. Frozone is thirty-one. They make an unlikely pair as they walked down the street, hand in hand. His large hands easily swallow up the tiny whites of her gloves. Sometimes he forgets how small Elsa truly was, because whenever he'd move his arm just a tiny bit higher, it forced her on her tip toes.

At one point she was clinging desperately to his arm, her tiny feet dangling above the floor. So they walk at their own leisure; she- admiring the beautiful summer day, and he- teasing her about the fact that she was actually a summer baby. She doesn't cry herself to sleep anymore but he still hugs her goodnight.

Elsa is ten when Frozone and Honey were informed that she had to switch schools. Her ears were red when Honey confronts their daughter, (it's strange to refer her as such) and Elsa refuses to meet Honey's eyes. It was later in the quiet of their living room; illuminated by Metroville's city lights did Elsa finally come clean:

They called her a freak.

Perhaps that was the tamest rumor going around school. Elsa continues. They said other nasty things too, like if her mother had poured a bottle of bleach on her to get the color out or if her father had done it with another woman.

Elsa never went back to that school again. Lucius was thirty-two then, but he felt much older.

Elsa is twelve when she begins refusing hugs. He wonders if it was because she was getting older. In private, she confided in him that she was scared to hurt him. Lucius waved her worries aside because he was magic too, wasn't he? Her magic wouldn't hurt him, he lies. This year, her training intensifies, dispelling her fears for a time.

Tentatively, the nighttime ritual resumes but Lucius can feel a difference in her hugs. How natural it felt to hear them being called her parents but it still felt strange to call Elsa his daughter.

Never in his thirty-five years has Lucius ever seen a prank like this. Elsa the Stinker, Elsa the Mischievous. He was her father. He didn't understand why anyone would call her such until he found all his cups glued to the ceiling.

The ceiling was twelve feet high.

A norm for luxury homes but even with a ladder, Elsa wouldn't have been able to glue it perfectly in the center of their living room. It wasn't until later he discovered that she had found his toolbox and "borrowed" his crazy-glue.

It was also then he realized that she didn't even use his ladder (he didn't have one) but instead created one out of ice and snow. He commended her on her dexterity and grounded her in the same breath.

Lucius is forty years old when his daughter graduates from high school. He sees her in the front, her platinum blond hair standing out against the magenta of her cap and gown. She was constantly looking around, almost like she expected someone else to be at her commencement. Her responses were distracted and delayed. As the crowd began to thin, her shoulders drooped heavily when she realizes neither of her biological parents are there. She's only eighteen.

Elsa is twenty-one when she and her sister are reunited at last. He watched from afar as the two sisters hugged and cried for a lost childhood. With her hair up, Elsa looked almost like a carbon copy of her biological mother and he can practically hear Honey seething to his side. It's not fair, we had her longer. She's not their daughter anymore.

Lucius's pleasantly surprised when Elsa returns later that night. She said she was tired from the day's excursion with Anna and wanted to go home.

The Snow Queen is about twenty-two when she learns that she's about to be a big sister again. The ban on supers had been lifted. Lucius and Honey are expecting a son. As the ninth month arrived, Honey was admitted into the hospital with several complications.

In the waiting room, Lucius sat sandwiched between Elsa and Bob and they wait for what felt like an eternity for the doctor to arrive.

The baby is tiny in his arms. Honey asks for names, Marshmallow, Elsa suggests and Bob escorts her out.

At twenty-five she finally lands a full-time job. Finally, he teases her and Elsa rolls her eyes. She's a new super too, easily filling up the big shoes left behind by the Golden Age but she does it well. Edna makes a new suit for the Snow Queen but the two butt heads over Elsa's cape.

He marvels at how much power she can control. With a wave of her hand, she can create towering sculptures with details not seen in original creations. With a sneeze, she can conjure up a wall of ice with a thickness akin to a cantaloupe. And if either one of her siblings requested, she could create snowballs that hovered in the air.

Lucius's so proud of her, honored to call her his daughter and Elsa's eyes mist over. She found herself hugging him, eight-years old all over again.

Elsa would have been twenty-six today. Lucius is only forty-eight but he feels like he's lived a thousand lifetimes. Elsewhere his son gurgles and he grieves.

Don't worry, I'm still working on the other prompts. I haven't forgotten them.

Thanks for reading!