Sectumsempra –The Words That Cut

Summary: What hurts the most; the action, or the words behind it? Sixth year bathroom scene. Draco's POV. Super short and angsty.

Disclaimer: Although I aspire to be like J.K, I will never BE J.K. Hence, these beautiful characters are not mine. Good day! *tips hat and bows*

Warnings: Angst. Canon violence. Rated T for now, but if people object it will be upgraded to M.

Notes: Super short piece of Draco angst I just had to get out of my head. Hope it's alright. Also, for those of you awaiting Grey Eyes, the next instalment will be up soon. I'm sorry I've taken so long with it. Anywho, let us begin…


Whoever said that words don't hurt had obviously never felt like this.

The physical wounds hurt, of course they did.

But it was nothing in comparison to knowing that he wanted me like this.

Broken, bleeding and dying.

Slowly and alone on the cold stone floor.

That he- the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One, a third of the Golden Trio- wanted me like this.

He was supposed to be good.

He was meant to protect people, help people.

I thought maybe he could help me.

Offer me a third choice; an option other than kill or be killed.

But no, he hates me with utter passion.

Strong and wild.

Deep and unrestrained.

He would never help me.

Because of what I am.

Who I am.

With a brand forced upon me by fear.

I can hardly blame him.

Which isn't from lack of trying I can assure.

I can't blame him, but I sure as hell can be upset.

Saddened by the fact that the boy –man, or whatever we are- standing above me is meant to see the best of people, offer redemption, but all he does is curse me and leave me to bleed out on the bathroom floor.

That he wants me to die.


Cuts forever.

The Golden Boy of the Wizarding World wants me to die, agonizingly slow and alone.

I can't blame him one bit.

And that thought cuts deeper than any wound.


So there you go. Please let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is especially welcomed. Thank you for reading! Please review!

Love Peace and Rock always,
