A Visit from the Future

Summary: Harry gets a visit from someone from the future... not jsut someone, someone... but a Malfoy. A malfoy who just witnessed the death of everything magic. Antoine Malfoy is anything but ordinary, trained to fight and kill at a very young age, he was sent to the Past to protect harry who was killed before he could start his horcrux hunting. together they will go on this mission and destroy Voldemort together.

Disclaimer: Hp does not belong to me it belongs to J.K. Rowlings… Antoine is mine however

Chapter 1: How Harry met a person from the Future.

July 2198

Explosion wracked the building and the whole structure shook as the people inside tried to defend it with their lives, people were being shot at and there was many dead people in their wake. The people attacking them walked in groups shooting at the people defending their territory and they were losing ground fast.

Inside the control room, there were people hurriedly moving on panels and there was one man who was on the controls glaring at the screen. It was annoying these muggles were annoying.

"Status report," snarled the man.

"The muggle army are steadily coming inside, most of our men have been wiped out, they are heading his way commander," said one of the men in the controls. "Shall I call on a retreat?"

"No need, we are clearly surrounded," said the man and then stood up. "Prepare the time potion; it is time we fix this mess…. Send in Lieutenant Malfoy immediately."

Sitting down he stared at the paper and then sighed as he penned a few more words down and then soon a blonde haired man entered and then stood straight and then he saluted the commander. He was around the age of 17 and all through his life; he knew nothing but be trained to kill since he was born in this stupid wizard-muggle war. This had been going on since 200 years ago.

"Lieutenant Malfoy, I am sending you to a solitary mission," said the commander. "You are to go back to the past and protect a boy named Harry potter, befriend him and protect him until he finishes his mission. Where I will be sending you, you will be in the same age as him; it would be easy for you to protect him. However you would have to use another name. Go by the name of Von Bielefeld… a Muggleborn wizard… yes I know but we cannot let our ancestors know… Here you will need this. Go now… the potion will be waiting for you in your room."

He threw a shrunken chest at him and then he caught it and he looked at it knowing that it had all the fortunes of the Malfoys there. He pocketed it and then he turned to the commander and then saluted him and then saluted him.

"I won't let you down commander, I will make you proud" said the young Malfoy and then turned around and left the room the commander then smiled softly at him.

"You already make me proud my son," he said and then went back to concentrate on the war.

The young Malfoy entered his room and then found the bottle there and then snatched it up and then noticed a diary there, it was the diary that all Malfoys have, it would come in handy when the time comes since it had there written everything that happened so far… that way he could prevent them from happening.

Picking up the diary he placed it in his pocket beside the chest and then opened the stopper and then downed the potion. After waiting a while he suddenly keeled over and then grasped his heart as he suffered convulsions, afterwards his mind became blank and he knew no more.

What he didn't know was that his body disappeared, and what he also didn't know was this his father and everyone else was shot in the head by the army and that an hour later every building that was deemed magical was blown up to smithereens… in that future magic had ended… forever.


July 1998

The young Malfoy woke up with a groan as he took around his surroundings, everything seemed different and he was on his guard. He sat down only to be greeted by a wand between his eyes and he had to go cross-eyed to look at the wand and then looked up to see that a man was pointing it at him.

"Ei, who are you?" he asked. "You look fancy enough to be sleeping on the ground."

The young Malfoy looked around and spotted people sitting there on the side streets looking dejected and dirty, he stood up and then went to feel his body and sighed in relief. His guns and knives were still on his person. He looked around the place and then turned to look at the wizard.

"Please sir can I ask for the year?" he asked and this caused the man to look at him as if he had two heads.

"Are you out of your bloomin' mind?" he asked. "This is the year 1998."

"1998? Are you sure it isn't 2198?" the young Malfoy asked.

"No its not," said the wizard. "Are you sure you are alright? Perhaps I shoulda' bring yah' to St. Mangos."

The young Malfoy waved him off and then started walking down the street with a look on his face, he needed somewhere quiet to look into the diary and find out what he had to do… but first he would need a wand for himself. He knew how to use magic most of all wandless and unspoken magic but here everyone used wands… it would be safer for him to get one so it would look inconspiqous… but first lodgings and the diary.

He stopped when he came across a wall and then blinked as he looked at it and then placed a hand on it clearly puzzled. He could feel that there was magic in the walls and that it was hiding something, he blinked when he felt a man come. He watched him tap the bricks on the wall and it moved and he passed through… the young Malfoy needed to study everything indeed.

The young Malfoy soon found himself in the leaky cauldron in what he saw was an inn. He blinked as he walked to the bar and then stopped as he looked at him. Tom the barkeep paused on what he was doing and then looked up and down at the young Malfoy; he did not see him or his outfit before.

"Can I help you sir?" he asked and then waited for his answer.

"Yes, can I have a room for tonight?" he asked. "And some dinner and breakfast to come after?"

"That would be 20 galleons total," said tom to him.

"Galleons, of course," said the young Malfoy. "I will give it to you in the morning."

Tom the Barkeep handed him the key and then motioned him up the stairs and then the young Malfoy headed up the stairs and then found his door. He slipped in the key and then closed the door and locked it. After that he headed to the bed and then sat on it and then pulled out the diary. Time for him to study he opened the book then started skimming the entries until saw the date and the word he was looking for and started reading.

August 20, 2002

The muggles found out of the wizarding world, it is all thanks to Voldemort who thought that killing humans would make our world better. Because of him the muggles found out about us and started a freaking war, Because of this wizards and witches have to learn how to handle muggle weapons and machinery since their shields can shield out spells… we are technologically inept with handling them…

It all started when Harry potter was killed in august 1998 by Voldemort and his death eaters during his transfer from Privet drive to Phoenix headquarters, they were going to use the sky but Voldemort and his men were ready and set off an attack in which case harry potter was kill. Because of that Voldemort steadily took over the whole wizarding world, the light were slowly subdued as the war escalated to high ends causing destruction on the muggle world as well. Because of this the muggles found out that our kind existed and thought we were a threat to them. Because of that they took to arms and this caused both the light and the dark to come to a standstill to fight against the muggles that are killing us. However, we are not prepared for muggles, a little bit of us are being killed every day, our lines are ending… we are at the brink of extinction if this keeps going… Merlin help us all

Draco Lucius Malfoy

New Lord of the Malfoy house

The young Malfoy closed the book and then placed it on his bed and then sat down, now that he had a clue to where he was heading it was time to get to work. He pulled out the chest his father gave him and then enlarged it by tapping on it and then opened it, inside were chests upon chests and he pulled out one and then enlarged it once more and then took a sack and filled it with Galleons. He returned the chests to his place and then pocketed the sack of galleons and then smiled… it was time to shop.

"Well shopping here we come, First off… dyeing my hair," said the young Malfoy. "So first off to the parlor."

He pocketed the diary and then left the room and then headed back to diagon alley, oh he had a lot to do before he could finally meet and start on his mission. He knew he should change his look after all his mission was to protect harry potter, and from what he understood Malfoys at this time were Voldemort supporters. In addition, he knew he must not get in touch with any Malfoy as he was now… that would be very detrimental to the future, his future if you mean.

His first stop was in Madame Sofor's salon where he dyed his hair black and styled his hair to look different and more elegant and after that he headed to Madame Malkin's for some suitable clothes that matched this era, not the army uniform he was currently wearing which he knew he would have to burn at one moment. After all there should not be any evidence of his being here anymore than necessary. He would also have to deposit his money in Gringotts for the meantime so he wouldn't have to carry this chest around and purchase a house that is as close to privet drive or on it as possible, he didn't know when harry would be moving so he had to act fast.

After getting his clothes he went to Gringotts and opened an account under the name "Von Bielefeld" and came out with a briefcase with muggle money and a sack of galleons and then walked back, he would have to meet with a real estate broker to buy a house and all that but first a wand. He went to ollivanders and then entered it looking around and blinked when he looked at a wizened old man.

"You… I haven't seen you before," said the man. "Come here for a wand?"

"Yes, that is if you have anything suitable for me," said the young Malfoy.

"It's not the question if it will suit you, the question is will it choose you," said Ollivander. "Which one is your wand arm… sir?"

"Von Bielefeld, Antoine Von Bielefeld," said the young Malfoy. "Will this take long?"

"It depends if we find the right wand for you," said Ollivander and Antoine sighed as he settled himself for the long wait.

An hour later he was out of his the shop with a wand o his hand finally feeling complete… he had even tried a few spells he knew and it had worked wonderfully. Well, he had clothes, shoes, and a new look and everything, even a few book about Harry potter (So he would know what he looks like when he meets him). He was ready to find that house that was on privet drive.

"Well Muggle world here we come," said Antoine and then turned around and then went back to the inn and then once he exited the door of the leaky cauldron seeing that they were doing it and he soon found himself in the muggle world. Feeling a bit wary about being near muggles he walked onwards and flagged down a taxi. Spending his time spying on humans you would have to learn a few muggle things to survive and it was lucky Antoine knew them by now. He was not in the Special Forces for nothing after all.

After flagging down a taxi he headed to the real estate agency and then sat down and was in lock, there was a house being sold in Private drive, a Number 4 private drive. Antoine could not believe his luck, he would be able to watch Harry potter better now with a house in private drive and decided he wanted to look at the property before buying. He and the broker entered the car and then entered the car and drove all the way to the house and once they arrived they were greeted by a very thin woman who looked like a horse.

"Mrs. Dursley, this is Antoine Von Bielefeld," said the broker. "Mr. Von Bielefeld this is Mrs. Petunia Dursley, she and her husband are selling the house."

"A pleasure to meet you," Antoine said graciously. "I hope you don't mind my intruding, I am just here to View the house."

"Oh do come in," said Petunia. "You can have a tour of the house… let's start with the second floor."

He was led to the stairs and at the stairs Antoine froze when he spotted someone on the stairs… that someone he should not be in contact with just yet. The man he was supposed to protect Harry potter. He froze and then stared at the young man and then quickly looked away and then turned to Mrs. Dursley? They were selling the house? What for?

"Pardon me Mrs. Dursley, perhaps you don't mind my asking," he suddenly asked. "Why are you selling the house?"

He noticed Petunia Dursley look at harry and harry looked back and then she turned to Antoine and then gave him a small smile.

"my Family and I are moving because my husband is being relocated," said Petunia, though she kept looking to her right and her grip was a little too tight, something Antoine knew that she was lying. He knew right away with her initial look at harry that they were going into hiding.

"I see," said Antoine and then turned to look at the boy. "And who is this young man?"

"My nephew," said Petunia. "Harry potter… he studies in St. Brutus School for the criminally minded."

Antoine blinked and then stared at harry who he saw was looking at the side and then he turned to look at petunia and then tilted his head and then smiled.

"Really, he doesn't seem like a criminal to me," said Antoine with a smile. "Shall we get on with the tour?"

Antoine smiled as he was led upstairs, he was given the tour of the room, though he had to wonder why he was toured in Harry's room… was that a cat flap on the door? Antoine most certainly hope that he was not being bullied. By his family no less.

At the end, Antoine decided not to get the house because that house would not be in his interest anymore… which meant that he had to take care and protect harry potter. Since his "death" was very near. His family was moving away which meant that the day of Harry's assassination was close. He had to get ready.

Antoine spent the days leading to the move spying on harry potter, and soon the day of the move came. Antoine woke up and then sat up, he was ready for this day, he had to protect harry potter at all costs. Putting on some leather clothes and his boots, he laced them up and then tied them together, he dressed up and placed his weapons all around and then tied them together. Then he turned around and grabbed hold of the fastest broom in so far and then went to the air throwing a disillusionment charm on himself and continued to fly over private drive.

There he watched as the family moved away leaving harry potter there alone in the house, Antoine moved closer and then once he noted that Harry was asleep he threw a tracer spell on him and then disappeared until nighttime, He didn't know when Harry would be killed so he had to keep a close eye. He watched as a witch and wizard heralded them into the car and they drove away… well it was just him and harry now and on with his duty.

When it was nighttime however he noted a few people coming and then he straightened up from his stool and then looked at the men and women who came, he looked at them and then he narrowed his eyes as he realized he was looking at Weasleys and several people he didn't know… well he did work with Weasleys before. Therefore, he knew they could be trusted.

He watched as they used polyjuice and he smirked, a wise plan only he knew if he wasn't here the plan would have failed because harry potter would have been killed… how he didn't know but today was supposed to be his day of death and Antoine was planning that it will not be today.

Antoine then watched as they took the sky and Antoine followed the real harry by a few feet and stood up slowly, then stared at the open grounds as they ran full smack to the enemy. Antoine pulled out his wand and his gun and then pointed it at the enemy, it was time to fight and he knew how to fight… quite well in fact.

Antoine fired a spell at a death eater and fired his gun at another, it hit the man between the eyes and he fell down to the earth dead, Antoine looked around to see that they were surrounded and he fought for his life only to see that the giant was driving away. Antoine swerved to follow them was only greeted by green light, he expertly maneuvered himself only for the light to hit the blasted bird and Antoine shot and killed the one who shot the green light.

He heard Harry shouting that they had to go back but Thankfully Hagrid continued to move onward and Antoine continued to follow and fight in the rear, throwing spells that were both light and dark in repertoire. He killed quite a few death eaters himself and then quickly followed the accelerated speed of the motorcycle as Hagrid pressed a button to speed up… twice. However the second did not go as planned as the sidecar disentangled from the flying motorcycle and harry started dropping towards the earth at Breakneck speed.

Antoine did not hesitate and then dived and soon caught up with him and grasped the hand that was failing for him and then pulled him up and then looked at him, Harry stared at the man who saved him and recognition flashed through his face as he recognized the man who went on tour with the house. Antoine Von Bielefeld was it.

"You," Harry said.

"Yes me, no time to explain," said Antoine. "Voldemort and his minions are coming any minute, and I don't want to have a confrontation with the dark lord or my dear grandpapa anytime soon…. I have orders to protect you and protect you I shall."

"Wait if you are in the order why haven't I met you before?" he asked.

"I'm not part of the order of the Frying chickens," said Antoine with a sneer. "However that is for another time, we have things to do… and I have a duty that I must fulfill."

Antoine withdrew his gun and then fired at a death eater with what Harry noticed was with deadly accuracy and then he fixed himself behind Antoine and then pulled out his wand… Who was this person? He acted like a soldier, and had muggle weapons, but could use magic… when did the muggle army start training wizards? Harry was confused.

"I will try to lead you away from the fight," called out Antoine as he dived and then took out a couple of smoke pellets, he threw them in the air and then aimed at them and it exploded, Antoine casted a quick disillusionment charm on them both and then flew away. They landed on the ground and then he climbed off and then they were greeted by an elderly couple.

"Are you Harry Potter?" he asked.

"Yes," harry said though shaken and then Antoine kept both wand and gun away and then turned to him. "Who are you?"

"As I said my name is Antoine Von Bielefeld," said Antoine to him. "I've been assigned to protect you."

"That doesn't answer anything, why would I need protecting," said harry.

"Because harry potter, without me you would be dead today," said Antoine. "And trust me, with your death, the wizarding world will be falling to pieces. I have already said too much, I have to go but I will be back, Good day."

Antoine bowed but then the diary fell out and then landed on the ground open, harry bent to pick it up and then looked down to see that it was a diary yet the date was impossible… 2013? They were in 1998? Why was there an entry written for the year 2013? In addition, from the entry it was Draco who wrote it… who was he?

"Who are you and why do you have Draco's diary?" he asked. "Tell me, I don't think you are who you are."

Antoine paused and then straightened out the classic unreadable Malfoy face on and then stared at harry, then he walked onwards and then calmly took the book from him and then placed it back on his pocket and then looked at him.

"Your right, I am Special Forces Lieutenant Antoine Severin Malfoy, I'm from 200 years in the future, I was sent here by my father Commander Lucianius Harald Malfoy to go back 200 years to the past and protect you until you finish your mission. If you fail, the effects of your failure will have dire effects on the future of the wizarding world… therefore I was sent to aid you in your endeavor."

Harry stared at Antoine as he stood there and then he blinked and tried to process it but it was too much, Harry just survived an attack from Voldemort. In which he found out was that he was supposed to die today, he met a man who was from 200 years in the future, this man helped him and saved him. Not only that, said man was a Malfoy and a descendant of his worst enemy Draco Malfoy… this was too much for Harry that his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fainted.

Thank you for reading this Chapter… Please Review ((And I do mean it))

Long Authors notes:

1.) Hey guys, it's me, I feel bad that I can't continue my hp/tmnt story, I don't have the chapters anymore so I can't update it anymore… and because of that I have been in a slump. Nevertheless, I think I am back and this time with a better story… if you have any questions regarding the plot, come to me and I will answer your questions.

2.) We all know that you shouldn't change the past, but Antoine's doing it for the sake of magic… he isn't doing it because he wanted too. He had to because it was for the best.

3.) I have made a Facebook page… hopefully you will see everything I have been doing… its www. facebook Juliannaspencer21 just remove the space… so if you have a facebook don't hesitate to post there or send me a message
