AN: Random one-shot that came to me after reading Unsaid by Moresassythanclassy. I hope you all like it :) I'd love anyone who could write a companion piece, maybe in Callen or Sam's POV. Or Kensi… I think I'm going to do Granger next on this one. :)



Nell couldn't help but smile as Kensi's face came into view on the screen. Her friend had a huge smile on her face, and it made Nell glad. After all, she'd been disconcerted when Hetty had sent her away. Sure, not the same level as Deeks or Kensi, but still… It was good to see her with a smile on her face.

"Hi!" her voice was high, and Nell could tell she was genuinely excited. "Hey! It's good to see you guys."

It didn't escape Nell's notice, however, that Kensi wasn't actually looking at anyone in the room. Her eyes were darting around the room, clearly looking for the one person who wasn't there.

"You're missed," Sam said. By that point, Kensi seemed to realize Deeks wasn't in the room.

"Hey Kens," Nell said, trying to distract her. It didn't matter.

"Where's Deeks?" she asked. Her smile was frozen, as if she expected her partner to jump out from some hiding place and make her laugh. Nell squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her jaw.

"Uh, he's, eh, with a witness," Callen said.

No, Nell thought bitterly, he's not here because you sent him on a completely pointless wild goose chase.

It took all Nell's self-control to keep her mouth shut as she watched Kensi's expression fall and understanding flash in her eyes.

"Oh," Kensi said. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair, looking almost exactly like her partner when he was barely holding it together. When she looked back at the screen, she wasn't looking at them anymore. She was looking through them. "Tell him I said hi."

The meeting continued, and the focus shifted to the potential attack on Los Angeles, but Nell noticed the change in Kensi. She didn't speak again, not even when they all said goodbye. She just nodded, and Granger made the motion to cut the feed. The screen went black, and so did any hope that Deeks and Kensi could see each other.

Nell sighed and turned to face the rest of the team. Sam and Callen were locked in a rather intense stare-down, but neither said a word. After a long, tense minute, Sam turned away and walked out the door.

Callen just grunted and followed him.

"What was that?" Eric wondered aloud. Nell shook her head, following Callen out the door with her eyes.

"Callen made a mistake, Eric," she said, hoping the senior agent could hear her as he walked away. Eric just nodded, his face clear and understanding.

I wonder if they'll survive this, Nell wondered, thinking of Kensi and Deeks. Deeks's behavior earlier this morning and the look on Kensi's face when she realized he wasn't in the room gave them away. Neither one was doing as well as they let on.

And they won't be good again until they're back together, Nell realized. She just hoped that day would come soon.