Gentle or not, Sebastian's slight movement did cause Ciel discomfort. He winced as Sebastian ever so carefully sunk the tip of his erection into his body. He was still sore from Alois misusing him, and his flesh stung. Ciel did not complain, however, but bit his lip and tried his hardest to relax. Sebastian had known Ciel far too long to ignore his signs of pain. He leaned forward, breathing carefully himself to restrain the innate urge to drive himself forward into the hot flesh. He slipped his long arms under the boy's slim shoulders and laced his hands behind his neck.

"It's alright, it's alright…" Sebastian murmured, kissing Ciel's face and stroking his neck. "You're doing beautifully…"

Ciel felt a small smile tug at the corners of his mouth.

"I'm not really doing anything." He whispered, trying to relax his body even more.

"Details, details…" Sebastian breathed against his temple, kissing him. His hand dropped down between Ciel's legs, and carefully wrapped around his member, which was only half-hard now. He teased it back to life with his fingers, gentle and slow like everything else he was doing this night. Ciel squirmed, his eyes squeezing shut at the pleasure, and his body managing to take in more of Sebastian. Finally, a few long seconds later, Sebastian gave a small groan.

"I'm in, master. I'm sheathed in you at last. Oh, you feel so hot…trying to melt me…"

"Well, you feel like a…a…" Ciel struggled to think, the fullness of the sensation as well as Sebastian's hand on him distracting. "ugn, you just feel huge." Ciel finished simply, tossing his head back as Sebastian began pulling out slowly. Then he eased back in, and the pain was less this time, though it still felt so strange.

"Are you in any pain?" Sebastian asked huskily, letting his free hand stroke Ciel's shoulder.

"Not…really…" Ciel said, as if he wasn't sure himself. "I'm alright. You…you can go faster if you want."

Given free reign, Sebastian obeyed and began to thrust forward with little jerks of his hips. Ciel winced as the head of his member penetrated deeply in his flesh. It was so like what had been done to him before, and yet it was so different at the same time. The sensation was not altogether unpleasant, as opposed to the tearing pain that he remembered from when he was ten. Sebastian's careful preparations had made all the difference. With every quickening thrust within him, Sebastian's cock was beginning to feel very good inside. Ciel was becoming accustomed to its girth, and actually began to like the feeling. Sebastian's hand on his cock helped as well.

"That's…good." Ciel said cautiously, wrapping his trembling legs around Sebastian's waist. The demon sat up on his knees, letting his hand hook one of Ciel's legs and hold it in place. His warm fingers around Ciel's knee made the boy shiver even harder.

"Your skin is soft." Sebastian huffed out, rubbing his fingers against the pale leg a few times. "Inside too, you're so soft and…so warm."

Ciel turned his face to the side in embarrassment of Sebastian's words. His butler watched him fondly, letting his eyes travel down the length of that slim body spread out before him as he stroked it and thrust within it. He was a stunning boy, with his pale skin and the healthy pink flush. His dark hair contrasted so starkly with his skin tone, just as Sebastian's did, and his face was beautiful even while twisted up like this, beneath the pleasure of their tryst. Sebastian thrust even deeper, and felt the clenching around him and saw the widening of Ciel's eyes. Both were signs that he had found what Alois could not; the seat of pleasure buried in the flesh of every man.

"I hate to tell you this," Sebastian said breathlessly, giving a few tight, short thrusts and making Ciel yelp, "but Alois was not lying when he spoke about this spot. He was just unable to reach it as I can."

"I can't believe…" Ciel gasped, then abandoned the sentence when Sebastian began snapping his hips forward repeatedly, hitting that spot so rapidly that it felt like lightning shooting through him and up into his cock. He felt himself throbbing in Sebastian's tight hand, and he groaned loudly, lifting up off the bed to seek more, more, more…

"Lovely master…" Sebastian said, leaning down again, releasing Ciel's leg and letting that hand cup the side of Ciel's face. The boy leaned into his palm, actually giving it a hasty, breathy kiss. His eyes squinted open, and stared right up into Sebastian's. They were narrow with pleasure, shimmering with tears, and entirely…exquisite. "Oh master…" Sebastian repeated, releasing Ciel's cock and throwing himself forward to cover the boy completely, wrapping him up close in his arms and thrusting uncontrollably. That single look had struck his heart, and snapped his tolerance. They were both groaning, Sebastian's deep rumble offsetting Ciel's lighter, panting sounds.

Time seemed to briefly pause for them, as the sheer beauty of what they were sharing together washed over them and coated them in happiness. The next second, Ciel was clamping around Sebastian with his body and his little arms, crying out as he spilled out his violent pleasure hot and wet against them both. Sebastian gave an uncharacteristically high-pitched whimper, and thrust in even faster for another split-second before he too released into Ciel's quivering, tight body.

The time that passed after that could have been long or short. It was hard to gauge when two intimately connected beings lay side by side, kissing gently and stroking fondly, faces soft and words unneeded. Fingers touched cheeks and hair, lips caressed temples, necks, and each other tenderly. Breathing was calm and even, exchanged between loving kisses.

Ciel felt tired, extremely tired, and more content than he had ever been in his life. He responded to Sebastian's touches and kisses like he was in a dream, a wonderful dream where life was soft and kind, wrapping him up in comforts that he had never known. All thought had left him the moment Sebastian laid them in this bed. There was no need to work things out, no mysteries to solve, no enemy to fight. All that was left was Sebastian, and Ciel knew that this would be the last time his butler took him to bed. And he was never more at peace about anything.

After an uncountable amount of time, Sebastian pulled back, leaning up to look down at Ciel. The boy stared up at him with eyes that were heavy with weariness, but filled with a quiet acceptance. Sebastian smiled down at him, and stroked his cheek with the back of his hand.

"Are you prepared, Ciel Phantomhive?"

Ciel gave the softest and dearest of smiles, and closed his eyes, nodding slowly.

"Any last words…or requests to make of me," Sebastian's voice actually broke a little and he found that he had to blink back the first genuine tears he could ever remember, "my young master?"

Ciel lay there for a second or two before he spoke very softly,

"Hold my hand."

Sebastian laced their fingers together, bringing the smaller hand up to his lips and placing a firm kiss to the knuckles, then holding it to his chest.

"I cared for you deeply, my young lord. I wish…I wish for you to know that."

Ciel did not answer, but his gentle smile widened a bit deviously. Sebastian found himself chuckling as well, and decided that the time was ripe; he needed to do this now.

He ran his free hand across Ciel's bare chest, feeling the warmth of his flesh one last time, letting his palm rest against the lively beating of his heart. He leaned down over that hand, and laid his mouth to Ciel's skin, right above his heart. He kissed tenderly, planting the taste of the beloved boy's flesh deep in his memory. Then he exhaled, and then drew in a long, deep breath. Ciel flinched slightly as his soul separated from his heart. The gleaming essence shot upward through the boy's chest into Sebastian's waiting mouth, and the demon's body began to tremble violently as he savored the most sublime meal he had ever tasted. Sweeter than the richest chocolate, bitter like blood and spicy like life, dark as ink and bright as day, smooth like silk or velvet and rough like rock, sad as death and joyful as birth …his master…The sheer pleasure of the boy's soul took Sebastian over and he felt the energy shoot through him like a bullet, chasing away the incredible ache of hunger that had left a deep hollow within him for years. He felt like he was being filled to the brim with liquid brilliance, the emptiness being swallowed by the fullness of a soul that was more vibrant than any words could describe.

Sebastian shed his human form as the soul filled him more and more. He spread out his trembling black wings as he felt the energy rise to the tip of every feather. He kept hold of Ciel's limp hand as his own sprouted long nails and grew. His fangs pierced the skin his lips still clung to against the boy's silent chest, the taste of blood only a passing pleasure in the flood of bliss flowing from Ciel's soul. When every last corner of his being had been filled to the brim, there was still a small amount left swirling around in the demon's mouth. It was so sweet that he was nearly sickened by it. Sebastian felt dizzy with the intensity of it, and found himself choking slightly on that last, sugary mouthful. When he coughed, he felt to his relief the morsel leave his mouth and he jerked back, stunned by the incredible moment and needing to rest. He flattened his wings against his back and laid his body beside Ciel's, feeling the thrumming of power through every fiber from what he had just consumed. He was breathing hard, his hand shaking within Ciel's and his eyes closed. He managed to lean forward and lay his head against Ciel's, careful that his short demon horns did not damage his lovely skin. The world was tilting away, but Sebastian held on to his little master's body, letting it anchor him, even with the life departed from it and thriving within his own.

For several long moments he lay still, panting heavily and catching his breath. When he began to recover, he felt a slight twinge within him. He would have to take care of his master's body. He couldn't just abandon it. He reached up blindly to cup Ciel's face. He could not bring himself to look down and see the lifelessness that he had seen innumerable times before. Not yet. As he let his fingers caress the soft cheek, he heard…a rustle…and a light touch brushed his wrist.

He froze, his entire body stilling. What was…he leaned up slowly, opening his eyes. Two pools of blue paradise gazed back at him, the small familiar hand petting his own slowly. He honed in quickly, and was aware of the heart beating again beneath the small chest. He felt his breath picking back up.

"How can this be..?" He asked breathlessly, sitting up quickly and straddling the boy, taking his face between his clawed hands and lifting it from the pillow to stare into it. Those eyes were clear, his expression trusting and strangely…innocent.

"Ciel?" He asked quietly. The boy smiled, but said nothing. Sebastian laid his head back down and placed one palm to Ciel's chest. His eyes widened as he sensed it; that small, sweet portion of soul that he had spat back out.

Sebastian's mouth stretched slowly into a fond smile. Only the soul of Ciel Phantomhive would fight to the last minute, reattaching the small remaining piece of itself to his heart and lodging there deeply. The master who gazed back at him now was most likely just a personification of that sweetness, which Sebastian judged to be the love he had experienced in his childhood. There he was, Ciel Phantomhive, robbed of the ability of speech, hate, or bitterness, just smiling up at him like the trusting child he had once been.

"Oh, master…" Sebastian said, kissing his small forehead and hearing the boy giggle, "what shall I do with you?"


(I'm thinking about writing a sequel, though, so…maybe not the end)