Summery: The final battle changed Usagi. She wasn't a lazy crybaby anymore but instead the wise and strong princess she born to be. Usagi wasn't only one who had changed after the battle, something else had happened, no one could predict. The Golden crystal didn't return Mamoru, it instead went someone else. Tony Stark was the new holder of the crystal even no one knew this including Tony's himself. Usagi/Tony pairing

Warning: possible Citrus content in later chapters, Rated M for a reason, don't like it, don't read it.

Disclaimer: We do not own Sailor moon, Iron Man or Avengers.

Note: English isn't my or my friend's mother language so apologies for mistakes you could find within the story.

Edited by Armywife22079 as of March 11th, 2014 And reread by Rainlily13 for other mistakes I didnt catch or the computer refused to change. (Sorry if i miss a few things, I am human after all)

Chapter 1

You must be joking

Usagi Tsukino, a sixteen year old girl known to be the super hero, Sailor Moon, sat on her bed, looking outside deep in thought. Her usual cheerful face sat in a deep frown, and her ocean blue eyes were so morose that even Luna was hesitant to ask if anything was wrong.

Most people thought that after the final battle with Chaos she would be her normal self once again, but she couldn't. The blonde couldn't find the energy to be that cheerful, whiney girl. Not after her battle with Galaxia. Seeing what Chaos had done for power was an eye-opening experience for Usagi. The Senshi she controlled destroyed planets just so that she could rule the universe.

After destroying everything, there wouldn't be a universe to rule. So many people had died for nothing. Earth was nearly destroyed and Usagi had to view all of it. She saw her home be turned to rubble, the death of her friends and how Chaos took control of an innocent soul. No, Usagi wasn't the same girl, not anymore. She had changed both physically and mentally.

Usagi looked at her hair which was flowing freely on her bed. It wasn't golden blonde anymore but silvery platinum blonde. Her skin was pale and her eyes a deep ocean blue with silver lightly brushed within. She was looking more like her past life as the moon princess Serenity.

Usagi didn't tell anybody, but she had remembered her past life. All of her lessons, her powers, and her knowledge were there within a thoughts reach. Serenity wasn't a lazy woman- she took her lessons seriously and worked hard because she had grown up knowing her responsibilities unlike Usagi. The moon heir had lived her life in a cage, thinking life to be white and black but Usagi knew better- it was in shades of grey. Usagi was a fighter; a sailor senshi; a warrior. The knowledge of her past and current lives had melded together. She didn't want to be a lazy daydreamer or a whiney, klutzy girl. She wanted to be just like her mother, Queen Serenity, a strong women.

Usagi sighed. Once again she was stuck deep within her thoughts; as if she needed to think even more. Usagi looked at the sky- it was so beautiful. The full moon was shining in the darkness and it calmed her. Taking her woes way.

Today hadn't been her day. First she saw off Mamoru at the airport. After the final battle he had decided to return to America without asking her opinion. He had only said that he was going to America and he would call her- no 'I love you', nothing. He hadn't even said anything about Galaxia or asked Usagi how she felt about all of this.

One week!

One week without speaking to her on the phone or seeing her via web cam on the internet. He planned everything while she had been trying overcome the after effects of the horrendous battle. It had hurt. She had watched his and her friends' deaths for God's sake, but he hadn't said anything.

After sending sailor starlights and their princess Kakyuu, he hadn't spoke to her. Mamoru had been her savior, her strength, her lover- but now she wasn't sure about that either.

It was her past life who fell in love with Endymion, but Usagi was not Serenity and Mamoru was not Endymion. She was sure about that after her little chat with Helios in Elysion earlier today -after dropping Mamrou off at the guardian's request.

"Are you okay, Usagi?" Luna asked quietly, while jumping onto the bed so that she could see Usagi. "You know this time it will be different. Mamoru will call you. Everything is safe now."

So Luna thought she was sad because Mamoru left. In the past she might have been, but now after speaking with Helios, she wasn't so sure. Usagi wasn't sure if she should ask the black cat's option, even though Luna was her advisor. She deserved to know. Making a decision, she went with it. "I went to Elysion."

"Why?" asked Luna, ears perked up in curiosity.

"Helios wanted to see me." The blonde voiced.

Helios otherwise known as Pegasus was the guardian of Elysion, the sacred land that protected the Earth from within and the place where the Golden Kingdom used to reside in the times of the Silver Millennium. After Dead Moon Circus had been destroyed, they haven't seen him again.

That is, until a day after the final battle, he entered Usagi's dream and asked her to see him after Mamoru left.

"Why did Helios wish to see you?" Now Luna was suspicious, and treaded carefully. Even though Mamoru was Earth's prince, Helios didn't talk with him other than the one time so why did he wish to talk to the moon princess- unless, of course, something was wrong.

Usagi closed her eyes and the events played in her mind, allowing her thoughts gain control of her voice.


After watching Mamoru's plane take off, Usagi teleported herself to Elysion. The sacred ground was beautiful. Rare flowers and trees were everywhere. She could see little creatures meandering by in the gardens. It was so quiet, Usagi knew she could stay here for the rest of her life without ever becoming bored. While looking around, Usagi didn't realize someone was at her side until she heard a gentle male voice.

"Welcome to Elysion Princess." Helios hadn't changed since she had seen him last. He still wore same gold and white clothes and his eyes were warm and soft.

"Yes, one without a kingdom." She said sardonically. That was what Usagi was. A princess without a kingdom or people.

"You're right. The Moon kingdom will not rise again; but you forget the Moon didn't rule only her people, she was the governmental hub of universe. Other kingdoms came to your kingdom for advice. It kept the peace and balance within the universe. One day you will do just the same, like your ancestors before you have done, princess, and the day could came earlier than you think."

Usagi blushed. She knew this. She had watched her mother attending diplomatic meetings with queens and kings of planets and galaxies unknown to the modern era. Her mother listened to all of their problems and tried to solve every one of them, of course at times there were circumstances where agreements couldn't be found although that was a rare occasion. Usagi smiled wistfully, it was her dream to be like her mother. "Thank you." She spoke serenely Helios helped her remember, her purpose in life.

Helios didn't need to ask, he could see behind her words the worry in her eyes. Usagi felt lost, it could easily be seen in her blue depths. "Come, I prepared tea for us." Perhaps this would take longer than he had thought.

Helios led Usagi into the garden of Elysion. The garden was magnificent, there were flowers only grew on this sacred land with earth's power. It made her remember the moon kingdom's garden. It was said it was the most beautiful garden in universe. People had come from other planets just so they could see it.

Humans believed moon to be lifeless- but with the power of silver crystal, the moon had been center of life.

The table was set near a lake, giving the two a breathtaking view, there were no sounds other than chirping birds and animals rustling in the leaves, Usagi couldn't have asked for a better place. Helios ever gentleman helped Usagi sat then he sat and served her before himself tea and cakes. It was strawberry, Usagi's favorite.

"it's so peaceful here." she breathed and Helios nodded.

"After chaos was once again sealed, Earth was peaceful at last. However, if it will remain that way is another story."

"I know." She slumped into her chair, un-lady like. Even if chaos wasn't a problem for them for a long time, there will always be others who wished to rule earth. After all Earth was one of the weakest planets in the universe and humans couldn't protect themselves from other more advanced planets. While Lunar's were a peaceful race, they still had the strongest soldiers in universe for protection of their kingdom and their allies.

"I see, I don't need to warn you always prepare." He jibed lightly and Usagi smiled. She could understand his worry. In the past she and her inner senshi hadn't taken their jobs seriously. Even now, only outer senshi were the only ones to do so- even if it was to the border of obsession. As a princess the inner senshi were her protectors but in the most battle she had been the only one fighting. They weren't close enough to their full potential. "You look different princess." He observed, leaning back.

"Yes, everyone says that. I didn't know a hair color change could be a drastic effect." Usagi tried to joke while running her fingers through her hair which was shining in the light.

"You my look like your past life, but I wasn't talking about your appearance." Usagi's smile vanished. No one realized that until now. It seemed like Helios saw through her facade. "You look wiser and stronger just like a queen should."

Usagi made a decision after thinking shortly, it was something she hid from everyone. Maybe it was time to reveal that little secret. "I…" Usagi took deep breath. "I remember my past life; all of it. After the battle, it came to me like I lived through it. Two of my lives melded in my head."

"You didn't speak to anyone, did you?" Usagi shook her head. "There is nothing wrong with that. Princess Serenity was your life just as Usagi and Sailor moon. It is your past. Usagi lived a different type life so it's normal you don't feel same as Serenity."

"I don't feel like Serenity. She didn't know what real life was about. She lived in a cage with responsibilities so she thought her freedom was escaping to earth. I think she fall in love with Endymion for the idea of freedom. Earth was a different, forbidden and a faraway place, just like Endymion as a person. I am different than her. I had a normal life until I became sailor moon. I fought against evils of the universe. I watched the deaths of people and destruction of planets." Finally Usagi said everything she had wanted to say, after she remembered her past, out loud.

"Are you saying your feelings for Mamoru have changed?" Helios' voice didn't judging her. He was looking her with soft and understanding eyes, more like he was coming to the same conclusion she was.

"Yes." Usagi choked her cry. Finally, she said it and it felt like a great weight lifted from her shoulders. "Yes, I don't feel same for him as I had. I still love him, but the feeling isn't as strong as it used to be. I can't tell the others. They all wish to have Crystal Tokyo, but I am not so sure, I want to live rest of my life with him." It will be a long life, so it wasn't an easy decision to make.

"That makes things easy." Usagi was confused, why did her feelings for Mamoru make things easy. She thought it made things complicated. "After your fight with Chaos something happened, something that even I couldn't predict."

"What happened?" 'Please not something bad, please!' she thought rapidly, hoping for no more evil.

"It's nothing bad." 'if you looked at the bright side' he added in his mind. Usagi relaxed immediately. "After everyone returned life, the golden crystal didn't return Mamoru." His companion blinked in surprise.

One… two… three seconds past until Usagi reacted. "What!" she all but shouted.

"The Earth herself decided Mamoru wasn't worthy of golden crystal's power, so she decided to take from him, and give it somebody else."

If it was true then Usagi didn't need to marry Mamoru. Usagi shook of these train thought. It was a serious matter. Now, she understand why Helios waited until Mamoru left for America. He wouldn't be happy when he found out the news. They needed to find new holder or earth would be unprotected. "Do you who he is or where he lives?" She asked cautiously.

"Unfortunately no. The new holder isn't quite ready, just yet, so I only know he lives in America due to the power of the crystal of coming from the area."

'What irony? New holder and the previous were in the same country.' her thoughts made Usagi laugh. "You said America!"

(end of flashback)

Usagi looked at Luna, she didn't speak after she finished her story and that was ten minutes ago. Of course Usagi didn't tell her feelings for Mamoru. She wasn't sure how Luna reach the news so left it for now. Luna was in shock, like everyone else she thought Usagi will marry Mamoru and live happily while ruling the earth but now that dream was crushed. "Do you know why it chose different person?"

Usagi nodded. "Helios said that earth found him unworthy because he left Tokyo while he knew the earth was in danger. As guardian of earth he had the power of sensing if earth was danger or not. Before Galaxia came, he knew something was wrong, but, he didn't even tell us about the danger and left without second thought, so when he returned to life earth took the golden crystal."

"What are you going to now?" asked Luna pensively, wanting the girl to make the decision for herself.

Usagi couldn't read Luna. "I am thinking going America."

Luna agreed with her. She had hoped that's what her charge would say. "You need to find this new holder and bring crystal back to Mamoru."

So Luna was still wanted her be with Mamoru. Even knowing he almost caused the Earth's destruction because he hadn't told them of the danger, so he could go to school. If she knew Luna only suggest this because she thought Usagi was in love with him, she wouldn't be so upset. "You're right. Helios said I have two weeks to see if he was still worthy, then it would be impossible." She lied. It wasn't Mamoru's first mistake, so crystal was lost to him forever, but Helios had said 'If you have any doubt in your relationship with Mamoru, go to America in Saturday. You will see something to help your decision.'

"Then we need to tell girls." The feline decided.

"No!" Usagi shouted without thinking first. Luna's eyes opened from shock, she had never heard that tone from her charge before. "I mean I don't want them worry for nothing during summer vacation." She backtracked.

Luna smiled and Usagi sighed in relief. "You cannot go alone Usagi. What would your parents say?"

The cat brought up a valid point. Usagi couldn't go alone but she wasn't going to America to search for new holder; the girls wouldn't understand that, they all loved Mamoru. Then who? Usagi nearly hit her forehead. The answer was clear that she couldn't believe, she didn't think of it before. Haruka and Michiru! The two of them didn't care for Mamoru, they only tolerated him because she loved him. "I will talk about it Haruka and Michiru."

"That is a wise decision, they will let you make your own choices." Luna nodded

Usagi glanced at her clock, it wasn't too late to call them. It was Tuesday, so she didn't have any time to waste. She took her phone and called Haruka.

"Hello!" her voice didn't sound sleepy, so Usagi didn't wake her up.

"Hello Haruka, it is me, Usagi." Usagi could hear Haruka was talking with someone in the background, most likely Michiru.

"What can I do for you at this hour, odango?" The senshi knew something was wrong.

Usagi looked Luna, she couldn't tell them all of it but she knew it wasn't necessary. "I need to get to America before Saturday but cannot go alone. I was wondering if you and Michiru come with me?"

Usagi waited until they finished discussion patiently. "We will make sure everything is ready hime, don't think about anything else but packing." Usagi didn't want this answer. She thought they would ask why, but they didn't. "Thank you!"

"Anything for you hime! Goodnight!"

Hearing this made Usagi sob because she knew Haruka mean it. "Goodnight!" She closed the phone. It was really a goodnight.

Morning came early for Usagi but she prided herself on waking up early without any help. She was changing and she was happy. When the new school year began she wouldn't be a lazy girl anymore. Usagi got ready for the day and went downstairs. Her parents were already eating their breakfast. Shingo was still sleeping so it wasn't hard to believe how shocked her parents felt when they saw her, wake and ready for the day.

"U… Usagi" her mother Ikuko stuttered from shock.

"Yes mamma?" Usagi was acting like everything was normal. She sat and began to eat her food slowly. It was another change, she was eating with the manners a princess should.

"You are up early!" her mother was still in shock but she managed to sit beside her husband.

It was a good way to them ready for more of the changes she would make in the future. "I decided change myself. I am a grown woman, it is time I show it." Her parents looked her with so much pride in their eyes, Usagi knew she said the right thing. She never thought how her parents felt about her lazy behaviors. They wanted her have a great future. That is why they tried to make her study hard. She promised herself she would work hard. They ate their breakfast silently. Usagi watched her father drank his last tea. It was now or never. "Mamma, papa," When they gave their attention to her, she continued. "You know Haruka and Michiru?" They nodded, "They are going America for two weeks and they wish me to go with them. I thought it would be a good way to improve my English."

Her parents shared looks with each other. Usagi bit her lip. If they said no, she couldn't leave. "You can go, but you will call us regularly." Her father announced, Usagi screamed with joy and hugged her parents. She was going America. Her future would finally be clear. She needed to start packing.

Everything was easier than Usagi had thought. Haruka bought tickets, Michiru helped her get ready for the trip and passport, in return she told them everything Helios had said. The two outer senshi agreed that it was right decision, because they supported her even if she chose break up with Mamoru. Now, they were sitting in their first class seat on the plane. Less than five minutes later they would leave for America. She had said goodbyes her parents at the house and Haruka had drove them to the airport, her sport car was parked in airport garage.

"Are you excited?" asked Michiru.

Usagi looked her with forced smile. "Yes." It wasn't a lie but she was also scared. Scared of what her future would be, she felt like nothing would be the same again.

"Everything will be fine odango, don't worry." Haruka smirked.

Usagi leaned back against her seat and closed her eyes. The plane took off and she thought 'Haruka was right. She will face it when the time comes.' before she went to sleep. She slept, ate and watched movies. She talked Haruka and Michiru some of the time trying to calm her nerves. They arrived at the JFK airport in New York, Saturday morning. They left plane, and waited their luggage patiently at baggage claim. Usagi was looked around like kid in a candy store. She couldn't wait to wander around. Tomorrow she would have thirteen days for fun.

"Bags are here!" said Haruka and took theirs bags. "Come on, I'll rent a car."

Of course, the car she rented was a sport car. Michiru sighed and Usagi shook her head fondly. It was so like Haruka. They settled in the car. "Where odango?"

"Mamoru's school, Helios said he will be in a cafe/bookstore, close to his school." He entered her dreams again while she had been sleeping on the flight.

Using the GPS for their route made finding school easy. They traveled in silence, not even the radio was playing for background noise. All of them were thinking along the same line. 'What would they see that would help Usagi make a decision for her relationship in one day.'

Finding the café wasn't as hard as they thought. They asked some for directions from some students and they showed them the way immediately. It seems there was only one popular café/bookstore in this area. Haruka parked her car in front of the shop. Usagi took deep breath and got out of the car. Slowly she walked toward the café and froze. Just like Helios had said Mamoru was in the café. Usagi could see him clearly through the big windows. She heard Haruka curse, and Michiru hugged the moon princess from behind, but she didn't look them. Her eyes couldn't leave Mamoru.

He was there, sitting with a blond women, kissing her like his life depended on it. Her mind finally caught up to what her eyes were seeing. Mamoru was cheating on her. The kiss slowed to a stop and when he raised his head, his eyes met with Usagi's. He was shocked and moved away as if his companion had burned him. He got out from his seat and walked toward the three Sailor Senshi in civilian clothing.

Usagi didn't cry. It wasn't the time. She would let the tears fall freely when she was alone in her hotel room. Betrayal was unforgivable. Now, she understood how she could decide her relationship with Mamoru in just one day. It was over. She wasn't stupid enough to forgive a betrayal like that. She couldn't forgive him. Mamoru finally came outside and she looked at him with disgust. "Hello Mamoru! I could see you are having fun in America." Usagi said with false cheer

"Usako, what are you doing in here?" He couldn't believe his eyes. Usagi was here and she saw everything. And her tone was laced with venom.

"I came here to see you, but now It's become a break up." Usagi was serious, Mamoru knew that. He never thought Usagi could say those words.

"Usako, I'm sorry. It was just one time thing." Denying wouldn't make situation better. After all, Usagi saw it.

"It doesn't matter Mamoru. It. Is. Over." Usagi was calm. With every word her heart felt free.

Mamoru was angry now. He said sorry, so they should kiss and make up. Usagi was overreacting. He was only having a little fun, it wasn't harmful. "You can't leave me. I'm Prince Endymion and your future husband."

So Mamoru loved her because of the throne. He wasn't worthy of her time. "Just like you said, it's the future, and the future can change. Bye Mamoru!"

Mamoru tried to stop her but Haruka punched him in the face. Mamoru hit the ground hard from the force of her punch and blood oozed from his mouth. Haruka was a strong woman, stronger than most men, and she was furious. Their Princess was beautiful inside and out. He didn't deserve her. "Stay away from our Princess or you will regret it."

"I agree with Haruka. You don't deserve her." said Michiru, her face was calm but her eyes told him everything. İf he got near Usagi, death would be a gift from the pain he would receive from the torture they would have him endure. "Let's go."

They settled in Haruka's rented car. Usagi wanted to go to the hotel. She wasn't in the mood for fun right now. She gave herself one day for tears. She would cry until all her tears were gone. The hotel was great. Their room was a master suit. Two rooms, a big bathroom as an en-suite for both, and a living room between the rooms. It was too much but they wouldn't hear anything Usagi had said.

Usagi entered her room and threw herself over the big and soft bed. Before her face hit the pillow, her tears started to fall. She cried for her dreams, her future with Mamoru. For Chibiusa. She never thought Mamoru would be unfaithful. She cried all of her heart. She felt two arms grip her body and gently spun her around. Usagi hugged Michiru tightly.

Michiru petted Usagi's hair lovingly. "Everything will be fine. You are strong woman, Usagi and you said yourself he wasn't the holder of the golden crystal anymore."

"I know! I just…" Usagi didn't know what to say. Even she didn't know why she was crying so much. Her love for him wasn't strong anymore, but the betrayal was hard to overcome.

"You thought you would be happy with him after seeing your future right." Usagi nodded. "My power taught me one thing in this life. The Future isn't set in stone. It changes with our decisions. You showed us that in every battle. You healed peoples' heart so much they changed for good. Mamoru lost your love on his own, not because your heart changed."

Usagi wiped her tears. "Thank you Michiru!"

"Come on, Haruka ordered food, and I know you are hungry"

Usagi smiled. They really did know her very well. Just because she decided to eat with manners, that didn't mean her love for food changed, especially for desserts. "Michiru!"

"Yes?" The aqua haired woman turned.

"I want to change."

"Then you will change."

Usagi smiled happily. She would be a different person both outside and in when she returned to Tokyo, and she knew what she would do for her future.

Michiru was a violinist because she had been one in her past life, on Neptune. Haruka was good at many sports because she had the best training on Uranus. They had remembered their lives and used these talents for their own benefits now. She would do the same. Mercury may have had more advanced technology, it hadn't come close to Lunar technology. The Moon Kingdom wouldn't rise again but it didn't mean her history and her technology should lie to waste. Usagi knew every one of them as it had been her responsibility as future queen. She even had created her own devices back on the moon. She would use this.

"Earth, meet the Lunar technology!" She stated to herself

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