Shingeki no Kyojin belongs to Hajime Isayama

This piece of fanfiction belongs to me

Unnamed OC belongs to me


You belong to humanity's cleanest Levi Heichou

Ironically, Levi found her much livelier after she died.

He swore that he had never heard her voice before when she was still living. Yet after she died, there she was, giggling, sitting on his bed, swinging her legs back and forth, and staring him with perverted eyes altogether at the same time oh so casually.

She even dared to openly watch him change. It was either she was that shameless or dying had made her forgot that he was her superior and he deserved respect.

It was his day off and Levi thought that he was going to do some cleaning in his already spotless, at least to her, room. Because there could be nothing more productive than dusting a dustless dresser.

But that was normal since this is the famous clean-freak corporal she was referring to. The thing that actually sent her into a fit of uncontrollable giggles was his choice of tool and method of cleaning.

The short man was kneeling in front of the dresser and he had his ass up in the air. His hand was outstretched, trying to reach a spot under the dresser with a toothbrush. A fucking toothbrush. Seems that Levi deemed a regular duster too mainstream for such a hardcore clean freak like him.

Levi was not sure if it was him, or her giggles seemed to get louder and more high-pitched by every second.

Seriously, that giggle was the most annoying giggle he had ever heard.

"Can you sit somewhere else? I just made the bed. You're messing it up again."

"I don't get why people make their beds. You'll just mess it up at night anyway."

"Don't tell me you never make your bed."

She grinned. Levi showed mild disgust in his face. The conversation stopped and it was silent. For a short moment. Then she resumed her giggling.

"What's so funny?" Levi finally asked with a tinge of irritation. Levi had a strong feeling that she was laughing at him; what else was to laugh about in the room?

She suppressed her giggle for a second to blurt out a quick answer. "Nothing."

Of course. Nothing. How could he forget that she was fucking mental?

Levi decided to try to ignore her, which was of course difficult.

"Why a toothbrush?"

"It gets in the crevices easily. It gets the job done better."

"It's not very efficient though…"

"It cleans better. Now shut up, brat."

She giggled some more. Levi felt like he wanted to murder the brat. Too bad it was technically impossible.

After a few minutes of Levi's futile struggle, she decided to intervene since she was breathless from giggling and she was positive she would die a second time if this were to continue.

"Hey, need a hand? I could reach those spots easily, you know."

Levi scoffed. "Your arms aren't any longer than mine."

"But my arms can pass through solid objects."

He withdrew his arm and turned his head to face the girl who was smirking at him. Cheeky.

Levi threw the toothbrush at her direction and she caught it ungracefully, not expecting the man to suddenly fling it at her. She walked over to face the now upright Levi and grinned her trademark mischievous grin.

"What's the magic word?" She sang, twirling around the toothbrush in one hand.

"Go make yourself useful, brat."

"Say please?"

"If you don't want to do it then fine." Levi snatched the toothbrush back. "Stay useless."

"Fine, I'll do it. Geez."

She pulled the toothbrush back from his grip and crouched down, reaching the spots effortlessly. It was a victorious moment for her and it felt kind of strange since she was used to being average and uncompetitive.

The girl stood up and handed the dirty toothbrush back to him.

"And that's how you do it."

"Good. Now continue with the desk and nightstands."


Levi shoved a rag and a bucket of water into her hands.

"Get into every small crevices. Make sure it's clean without a speck of dust left."

"Hey! I never said I—"

Before she could finish, Levi had entered his bathroom, to clean it she assumed, and slammed the door shut.

"Slave driver!"

No response from him.

"I'm not doing it."

She spoke to herself, dumping the bucket along with the rag on the floor before stalking back to his bed to sit on it.

Her arms and legs crossed, eyes darting around aimlessly, bored. She lasted for about a couple of minutes before she finally gave in due to boredom. There was not anything else to do and she found this depressing.

She needed a life.

Snickering dryly at her own joke, she lifted up the bucket and rag from the floor and began scrubbing.

If she was alive, she would have wished death. Ironic.

She had to stop with these jokes. It's more depressing than funny.

Everyday had been pretty much the same after she died. Not that everyday was especially different when she was alive. But when she was alive, she felt that the things she did was productive, as for now, whatever she did seemed unnecessary. Like she did it just for the hell of it. Because there was nothing else to do, which was true.

She wouldn't say it out loud but, truthfully, it wasn't that bad when Levi was around. Not that she liked him or anything; it was just she felt less lonely with him around. And Levi was the only one who could acknowledge her existence. Plus, it was always fun to annoy him.

On the other hand, Levi felt like his life had been more eventful. Not that it was uneventful before. Killing titans and cleaning was far than uneventful.

After her ghost confronted (more like peeped) him that day, he felt like he valued human lives even more. He understood that casualties weren't something that could be completely avoided in expeditions, but every soldier that died had a life and a future. He wanted everyone's death to have a reason. Unlike her.

She had been low profile and there was not really much that he could recall about her. But out of all the little bits he could recall from their rare encounters, he remembered pretty well that despite her efforts to stay transparent, she had always stood out to him.

For what reason, he did not know. Probably because she looked so gloomy. No, lifeless was more fitting.

For the past few weeks Levi had wondered why was she haunting him. Why only her? He suspected that it had something to do with how unfulfilling her life was before death.

Even so, why him?

"Can you stop tailing me?"

"Why? Am I bothering you?"


"I thought you've gotten used to it. It's been a month after all."

Levi stopped in his tracks and turned around to face her. He made sure that the corridor was empty before he eyed the girl with his usual glare.

And as per usual, the girl responded with her playful grin. She did that a lot. Come to think of it, had she even smiled at all when she was still alive?

"I'm going to have a meeting with Erwin. It's confidential. That means you have to leave, in case if you don't get it."

"Come on! It's not like I can tell anyone. Isn't it fine?"

"No. You're distracting."

"How so? You could just ignore me. Isn't that like your talent? Ignoring people."

"You're a special kind of distracting. You're obnoxious."

"Gee, thanks for making me feel special."

Levi pivoted and continued walking, checking if she was still following him out of the corner of his eyes.

She pouted. "I don't have anything else to do other than following you around. You know that, right?"

Levi didn't respond. She stopped and sighed. She loved to annoy Levi but sometimes she thought that she should stop bothering him. She did not want Levi to hate her. He's the only one she had and the thought of him rejecting her presence was seriously scaring her.

She could not remember and understand how she managed to live without anyone before.

Sighing, she spun and headed the opposite direction, not before making funny faces at his back.

Levi noticed her fading presence and relief washed over him.

About that meeting with Erwin, he lied. And that was not the only lie he told her. He lied to her a lot these past few days.

For the past few weeks, Levi had been…researching on her. It was not stalking; he refused to call it that since he was definitely, positively not a stalker.

He had looked through the documents and biographies of all the deceased soldiers. It was a hell lot of papers and files. They should make a special library for it. Like seriously he's not even exaggerating. A lot of people died. Searching for her papers were painstakingly time consuming since he did not know her name, and, in the end, he failed to find her biography.

Imagine it. Hours of swimming through all those papers in secret with no result.

It was frustrating. Levi was so close to ripping all his hair out. He was so tempted to just ask her, what's your name? But no. He was paranoid that she'll know he's researching on her.

He had tried looking around, listening in to his subordinates' conversation, and no one brought up her. It wasn't a shocker, to be honest, since she had no friends. He didn't mean to be offensive though.

So he decided to search her room. But before that, he had to search for her room.

He didn't know what her room was like, but somehow, Levi had a feeling he'll knew when he found it. Her room must not have been cleared out, he assumed.

The headquarters was huge. This had been his third day peeking and listening through doors to check if it was empty. And he had to do it discreetly too. This took a lot of effort. If she somehow found out about his research on her, she better be grateful that he's willing to waste his limited spare time on her.

He took a few flights of stairs, recalling where he left off yesterday. Scanning his surroundings, he made his way through the corridors soundlessly and finally stopped at a door.

First, he placed his head sideways on the door as close as possible to check for any sounds that will indicate that the room wasn't empty. In attempt to focus, he closed his eyes and listened for a few seconds. Once confirmed that there was no noise, he twisted the doorknob in slow motion, wincing mentally every time it squeaked or clicked.

Through the 5 centimeters gap, Levi peeked in. Clear. He opened the door wider and slipped inside.

It was tidy yet dusty. A sign that it was uninhabited. Levi crinkled his nose and tried to ignore the dust, his fingers twitched ever so slightly, itching to grab a duster and clean the shit out of the filthy room.

He looked around for any personal belongings, journals, letter, anything. Opening drawers after drawers, he still found nothing. Must not been her room.

Levi made sure the room looked untouched and left.

The search continued for hours till it was almost lunchtime. It was getting tiresome but Levi was used to being tired. He had lost count of the number of doors he had walked in. It was probably the seventy-third door or something, when he found it.

The room was dusty and generally tidy, except for the bed. It was unmade.

Her words from the other day instantly surfaced in his mind.

"I don't get why people make their beds. You'll just mess it up at night anyway."

Levi was positive that the room was unoccupied because no one could possibly sleep in a room as dusty as this. Must have been a couple of weeks without cleaning.

Overlooking the unmade bed, he began his investigation.

The wardrobe was really disorganized. The uniforms were on the hanger and ironed but the rest, the sleepwear and civilian clothes, were just balled up and shoved at the bottom. Levi saw a skirt and he concluded that it was a female's room, unless someone was a closet cross dresser. The uniforms were about her size too.

He went through all the drawers in the room but found nothing. Just a dictionary and Levi could imagine her reading it on her spare time. She just seemed like the sort of person to do so, because she had no better thing to do. No papers or pens or any writing utensils spotted though.

That was strange. How did she communicate with her relatives? Did she have telepathy powers or something?

Or did she not connect with her relatives at all?

Did she have any relatives?

It made perfect sense if she doesn't. That might be the cause of her unusual behavior.

While pondering, he unconsciously made his way over to the bed and started to tidy it. Damn OCD.

He lifted the duvet roughly and laid it smoothly over the bed, folding and tucking it to fit the bed. And something fell out of the bed.

Levi's eyebrows raised by the tiniest millimeter in interest. He craned his neck to see what it was.

It was a small book.

Finally, a lead.

Levi left the bed half done and crouched down to get the book. It was leather-bound, not bigger than the size of his palms, and the papers were mildly oxidized. It looked pretty old and worn down. A lilac plain bookmark with a badly drawn kitten and flowers on it was slipped right in the middle of the book.

He flipped through the pages. Nothing was written in it.

"What the hell…"

Just when he thought that he got a clue.

Levi rolled his eyes. He decided to pocket the book. Just in case if there were some hidden clues in it. Probably words written with lemon juice or something.

That's very unlikely. What is this? A mystery slash detective story?

Before leaving, Levi decided to mess up the bed again. That girl might return here and when she sees the bed made, he'll get found out for sure.

This took so long, I know. Sorry about that. Had lots of things going on and I'm tired from school and stuff. I wrote like half of this in class secretly by the way haha XD Not during lecture though. Because I'm a good student.

Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for sticking around and to new readers, if any, hello!