AN: Not sure if I'll leave this as a one shot - let me know if you want to see more.
Disclaimer: I disclaim

Jacob had watched as the love of his life had rejected him for, what he assumed would be, the final time. He had been so shocked to learn that Bella was actually going to go ahead with traditional honeymoon activities that he almost lost control at a wedding he already felt like he was crashing.

He longingly stared after the soft white dragging across the mossy ground, hand-in-hand with that bloodsucker as he pulled her to the dance floor. As he watched her face light up with a smile, staring lovingly into her husband's filthy-yellow eyes, the realisation that she would never be his came crashing into his consciousness, along with the possibility of ever being 'just friends' dashed with his final act.

You can only blame yourself, said a little voice in his head; but Jacob was notorious for ignoring the little voices. In his eyes, it was that bloodsuckers fault for brainwashing Bella into thinking eternal life with his disgusting family would be skipping-through-summery-meadows type of joy.

Jacob didn't both waiting around to see off the happy couple; he couldn't believe his father was standing around as the enemy took away his best friend's daughter. He couldn't believe that any of the boys (or girls) from La Push could clap along happily as Bella swirled around the dance floor, spiralling down a scum-lined drain into the afterlife.

Instead, Jacob quietly slipped out the way he came in (through the forest adjoining the Cullen's death-pit) so as to avoid the judging stares of the rest of his pack. He would have been successful in leaving without anyone knowing, had it not been for Seth's constant need to always know his whereabouts.

Seth. Jacob heaved a sigh as he made his way in human form through the blindingly dark forest.

For quite some time Jacob had adopted Seth as a pseudo-shadow. At first Jacob was alright with it; he kept telling himself how it was a good thing for him to act as an older brother figure for Seth, but in all honesty it was just a giant ego-boost to be admired all day, every day. Whenever they were in the same room, Seth would ask questions and talk to Jacob about pack missions, but mostly he would just watch Jacob out of the corner of his eye, do what he did, talk how he spoke, ate what he ate.

Eventually, the novelty of having a personal confidence-booster (every time Jacob began doubting himself, he'd flash Seth his guns and waited for the flattering "WOW! I wish I was as strong as you!") and Seth became somewhat annoying, however Jacob didn't have the heart to tell him to leave him.

But tonight was different, Jacob was in no mood to entertain some kid when he had problems of his own.

"Seth..." Jacob sighed; he stopped walking and turned to see Seth catching up. Being a smaller boy made Seth somewhat entertaining to watch. Where Jacob had stepped over a fallen log, Seth attempted to leap before catching his leg on the branch and face planting. And while Jacob's muscular chest ploughed through any branches out plants over hanging the path, Seth was being pushed around more than he could push.

A smile cracked over Jacob's face as he watched Seth attempting to catch up to Jacob.

"Yeah!" Seth chirped as he caught up to Jacob, trying to catch his breath as he leant against a nearby tree.

"Just stay close, we don't want you lost," laughed Jacob, realising he didn't want to take his anger out on little Seth. Although he had laughed and smiled at the younger boy's journey, Jacob wasn't close to happy, he was still fuming from the wedding. Just because he was going to let Seth follow him home didn't mean he was going to tell him war stories and assume him that he will one day be a great wolf.

Jacob lay all but passed out on the old, broken lounge in his living room. All the lights were off in the house, except for the kitchen light that Seth was using to look for a beer for Jacob.

The second they walked into the house, Seth reached for the lights but was stopped as Jacob's large hand encompassed his smaller one; the gesture was enough to say he wanted to remain in the dark. Before even kicking of his shoes, Jacob asked Seth if he'd get him a beer; Jacob was not going to sit in misery for the rest of the night and be sober at the same time.

Jacob decided he was not going to bathe in misery for the rest of the night and be sober at the same time, so before even kicking off his shoes, he asked Seth if he'd get him a beer.

"You can get one, too, if you'd like. I won't tell so long as you don't get wasted," Jacob had said.

Guess that's another bonus of Seth's obvious worshipping – personal ego-booster and he'll do what you ask, Jacob thought as he flopped himself on the lounge.

"Are you sure there's beer in here?" Seth yelled from the kitchen.

"There was before we left," Jacob replied and just as the last word left his full, caramel lips he realised he'd hauled it all onto the back of his dad's truck for him to take to the wedding. "Don't worry, come back here."

"Do you know where some is?" Seth rounded the corner with face a mixture of innocent curiosity and excitement; he was clearly salivating at the thought of having a beer with his idol.

Jacob didn't answer, not trusting himself and his frustration if he opened his mouth. Seth took this as a 'no' and sat down on the ground in front of Jacob's lounge.

"Anything else I could get – is there Vodka in the house?"

"No," Jacob pondered the night of sobriety and Seth, "I..." he started by trailed off, hating the situation he was put it.

"What? What do you want me to do?" Seth asked, jumping at the chance to impress Jacob with his devotion. "I can go out and get some beer if you need? Something else?"

Jacob knew what he needed: Bella in his arms. This should be their wedding night, their honeymoon. She should be lying in his arms and he could make love to her.

But it she wasn't in his arms, nor could he make love to her. But he could pretend it was her...

Staring up at the ceiling – hooded eyes from his emotional exhaustion – Jacob analysed the cracks and chips, not looking away as he showed Seth what he wanted – what he need. Jacob raised his hand from its resting position – hanging off the lounge – and slowly unzipped his fly before lowering his hand back to the floor. Jacob remained composed, acting detached and uninterested as he waited to see how far Seth was willing to go.

Jacob sensed Seth's heartbeat drop and then pick up faster than it had been before; as the implication registered, Jacob could almost hear the war raging inside Seth's mind, he knew what was going on as he knew what he would think in the same situation.

One side utterly against the idea; not being strictly against homosexuality, but being homophobic enough to feel uncomfortable being around them – not that that had really been a frequent occurrence in La Push. While the other side dug deep into all the dark spaces in his mind to find reasons and excuses to try and convince him to go along with it, knowing that he'd never said 'no' before and didn't want to test it, lest he potentially lose his fawned after mentor of recent months.

It's not like it makes you gay.

It's just skin on skin really.

Jacob needs this; you'd be doing him a favour.

Slowly, Seth adjusted himself to his knees, slipping his feet underneath to sit on them. For a second he sat there, still unsure, waiting for a sign.

Jacob remained indifferent, lifting his fallen arm to place under his head that remained exploring the white ceiling. He knew this would look like disinterest, smiling internally when Seth had tensed slightly as if he'd missed his chance.

Before rethinking it, Seth reached forward slowly, a shaking hand touching the soft black of Jacob's dress pants. The hand slid across Jacob's upper thigh before the fingertips disappeared into the opening.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jacob could see Seth momentarily tense up as his finger brushed across smooth, soft skin; it had taken Seth by surprise that Jacob hadn't been wearing anything underneath his pants. At first the silky skin had felt like satin boxers, but as Seth placed his whole hand into Jacob's pants, attempting to find the opening to the boxers, he felt the thick muscular entity radiating heat into his palm.

For the first time since walking into the house, Jacob looked at Seth, a smile spreading across his face just before he looked away. Seth could feel Jacob laughing at his innocence, but feared the butterflies would flock from his open mouth if he dared move.

"Foolish me was hoping to get lucky," Jacob confessed in a deep and heavy voice. "I've tried kissing and telling her I love her to convince her to change her mind. I thought maybe showing her passion – unconditional and... warm – would convince her this time. If I got that chance, I wasn't going to waste any time with underwear." Jacob croakily explained to the air, not caring if anyone heard, more telling himself.

Seth remained still, shocked by being pushed off in the deep end. He didn't know what he thought was going to happen – maybe he'd be fully committed by the time he found his way inside the boxers, but that time had been taken away, so he sat in silence. Jacob ignored Seth's pausing; the slight vibrations given off from his quivering hand rest on top of his package was slowly waking his cock.

Jacob shuffled slightly, working his body into the lounge to relax for the long haul. This kicked Seth into action, shaking off the fear and trying to psych himself up; in his mind he gave himself a pep talk as he slowly massaged the whole of Jacob's package, balls and all.

It was at that moment, as Seth awkwardly handled all of Jacob's goods, that Jacob realised asking an amateur would be clumsy enough, but asking a reluctant amateur would be downright horrible. But Jacob couldn't see what he had to lose: he'd either get a good hand job and release some anger from tonight or he'd get a shitty one, in which case he could ditch Seth for the lousy job. And either way, he was getting distracted from that terrible train wreck of a celebration. Win-win-win!

Jacob decided he'd move things along by removing Seth's hand (at which point Seth's face conveyed panic at what he thought was a missed opportunity) and pulling out with it his dick, leaving his balls inside the pants, hoping Seth would get the hint. The panic washed away as he realised he was still in with the chance to impress.

Picking it up gently, Seth began slowly stroking Jacob's cock; Jacob inhaled deeply the first time his head was exposed to the air and held it in as Seth continued to massage Jacob's cock. Quickly, it filled with blood and hardened in little Seth's hand which continued to roll the foreskin down and back over the head, down and back over the head.

The steady rhythm progressed as Jacob closed his eyes with his head resting back on his hands, but soon enough he realised he wasn't getting anything out of it, just a muted feeling on his cock.

Jacob sat up slightly and looked across at Seth whose eyes were fiercely focused on Jacob's pulsing member. "It's as if you've never jacked off before," Jacob stated, he added a smile to make sure he didn't chase off Seth. At this, Seth gripped Jacob a little tighter (difficult with such a small hand around such a thick cock) and began stroking harder and faster and with more vigour; it was like Seth hadn't realised jacking off was the same thing. "Yeah, that's it!" Jacob enthused, hoping to inspire the boy into bigger and better things. "A little bit of lubrication..." Jacob suggested.

Seth slowed slightly as he looked around, hoping to find something within reach. Jacob realised either Seth always had lube present, or he'd never tried this:

Jacob sat up – causing Seth to turn around to watch – and gathered as much saliva in his mouth as possible. He let it form a glob between his plump lips because letting it drop right onto the tip of his upward-pointing cock. The blob spread out over the head and ran down the shaft, leaving behind it a glossy trail over the dark pink head and the rim. Seth stroked his hand up to meet the advancing spit, letting his hand coat in the saliva as he loosely slid his hand over the now-exposed head.

Although Jacob has applied a lot of saliva, his cock had a large surface area to cover such a long and thick piece of meat. Soon the saliva was thinning out and drying up; Seth looked to Jacob who nodded his head toward his pulsing cock.

At this, Seth shuffled closer, gathering saliva just as Jacob had and positioning himself directly above the cock. He spat the glob onto the head and caught it with his stroking hand which had now been joined by the other hand – one working the top half and the other working the bottom.

Jacob was lost in the tempo, so he showed his gratitude with a reassuring pt on the back, which turned into a pat on the head, which left Jacob running his hands through the short hairs on Seth's head.

It was then Jacob had realised he wasn't with Bella, nor had he been imagining it with Bella, and he was just enjoying the sensation. He smiled, there is hoping of forgetting her after all.

As Seth continued to pleasure Jacob, hoping it was worth the internal conflict in his mind, he continued to apply more lubricating saliva as the old batch ran dry. Each time his head moved forward, it was followed by Jacob's hand on the back of his head, slowly massaging his hair.

Jacob was falling deeper into the action; with the blood, his consciousness and sense of anything was rushing to the tip of his cock where Seth twisted and stroked over the ridges of the head, causing Jacob's butt to tense and thrust into Seth's hands.

Seth leant forward to apply more lubrication for the umpteenth time when Jacob decided (out of his right mind) to up the pace. Subconsciously applying slight pressure on the back of Seth's head, Jacob tactilely persuaded Seth to take his aching cock in his mouth. With some resistance – Jacob assumed he wasn't sure what was going on or he realised and didn't want to do it, however with Jacob's persistent and superior strength made it happen – Jacob's tip brushed on Seth's which parted reluctantly, however Jacob had stopped forcing when Seth had moved down to meet the tip halfway of his own accord.

Jacob's back arched off the lounge as he sky rocketed in bliss. The warm wetness of Seth's mouth – that struggled greatly to take the girth of Jacob's beast – sent electric sparks from his tip to his spine, causing all his hair to stand on end. Although Jacob seemed confident to Seth, this was only his second blow job, the other was from Quil back at a sleepover when they were younger.

His body wasn't used to the immense pleasure and was rapidly building for release. Seth had only placed the head in his mouth before spluttering, retracting and trying again, and yet the blow job felt how fireworks look: abso-fucking-lutely amazing. All the while Seth continued to stroke the remained of the cock that didn't fit into his mouth with both hands.

Jacob kept his hand placed on the back of Seth's head, continuing to massage through his hair and assisting slightly with the downward motion. As Jacob was beginning to breathe heavily, panting to keep the juices at bay, all while Seth continued to bob up and down on his hard-to-the-point-of-exploding cock, a noise came from the front door.

"Jacob," it was Billy, "are you home?"

As the front door squeaked open, Jacob's muscles tensed out of shock, causing his cock to erupt its juices. Lost in the mental black out, Jacob's hand grab a fist full of hair and forced Seth's already-overextended mouth an inch and a half lower on his cock. Spluttering and flapping about, Seth tried to remain quiet, hoping beyond hope that Billy couldn't see into the darkened room where his son's spunk seeped from the corners of one of his pack member's mouth a mere six meters away.

The strange mixture of fright and orgasm ebbed from Jacob's system; his muscles quickly relaxed and his let go of Seth's head. Seth silently removed his mouth from Jacob's meat; any cum that wasn't directly injected into his stomach had fallen out onto the crotch of Jacob's dress pants, along with copious amount of saliva that Seth's body produced in an attempt to cough up the invading specimen in his mouth.

Seth quickly sat up from Jacob's lap who also prayed the darkness was enough of a cover to shield what he now realised was a stupid idea. Jacob sneakily tucked his cock back into his pants, ignoring the cum pools on his pants for the time being, and waited for his father's react to his response, "yeah, I'm home."

Although it had been mere seconds since Billy had knocked on the door – everything happening so fast – Jacob knew that his father realised what had transpired.