Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible. Kim Possible is owned by Disney

Previously on Kim Possible's 'KP, YOU'RE WHAT?' Fan fiction by KPFAN3617

Neither Ron nor Kim could be seen as may step back, not comprehending what was going on. Ron's blue mystical aura surrounded both Kim and Ron, flashing an indescribable flash. When the flashed cleared, Ron laid on top of Kim, with a fresh tear on Ron's face.

Chapter One: The After Math

It was the only thing anybody in the world was talking about. Even the arch-foes Kim and Ron have gained throughout the years couldn't stop talking about the Stoppable wedding…Images and video of the battle that took place at the wedding could be seen on every news channels and websites, and heard on radios around the world. People just couldn't believe how Kim and Ron's magical day turned into a nightmare.

So many questions were left unanswered….Did Kim and the unborn infant survive? Is Ron alive to see the birth of his unborn child he tried desperately to protect along with his mother? And what was that strange flash that occurred when Ron was trying to save Kim?

The Stoppables' and Possibles', with Wade, Felix, Monique and even Shego, were inside the waiting room inside the Middleton hospital waiting for any news of what happened to Team Possible.

Shego touched her shoulder were the blade went through, letting her memory of the event play once more in her head. The pain she felt from the wound was the least of her concerns; the only thing that was on her mind was if Dr. Drakken was still alive…

Everyone inside the waiting room was in their own little world, not saying nor doing anything other than waiting for news. Jim and Tim looked outside the window to see the press surrounding the hospital, James holding on to his mother's arms, Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable taking turns holding Hana, Monique, Wade and Felix flipping through the T.V channels for anything to distract their minds, and Shego lost in her own thoughts away from the rest. This continued until Ann Possible walked inside the room in her surgery attire. Everyone got up at once looking at Ann with hopefulness in their eyes.

"How are they Honey?" Mr. Dr. Possible directed his question to his wife. Ann's face was a sadden one. Everyone in the room could tell she had been crying due to the puffiness of her eyes.

"Ann" Maggie Stoppable said. Ann looked at her blonde friend, seeing the worry in her eyes as she hold Hana."Tell us, how are Kimmie and Ronald?"

All eyes were locked on the brain surgeon…

"Kimmie is going to be just fine" Ann said letting a small smile escape her lips. "Whatever Ron did, it saved Kimmie and the baby. There were no signs of poisons detected in Kim's blood stream when we took the blood test and the baby is in perfect health as far as we can tell. They are going to make a full recovery."

Everyone momentarily sighed in relief.

"She's still weak but she'll be fine in a matter of hours" Ann said standing next to James.

"And Ronald?" Mr. Stoppable said. "How is he?"

Ann's face stiffed a bit, quickly sighing before she continued…

"Ron's still in critical condition I'm afraid" Ann said trying to keep herself composed. "He's heart beat is continuing to be irregular and he lost a fair about of blood. We already did the blood transfusion on him but I don't think it'll be enough…we… we can… can only wait."

James hugged her, letting his own tears fall down his face. Even though Ron wasn't his son, to James Ann, the tweebs, most importantly Kim, he was always a member of their family. Always being there for Kim and the tweebs when they needed him, going on family vacations with them, eating dinner with them most of the time. Ron was, in his own way, a Possible but now it was official. He is now officially part of the Possible family and James, nor anyone, wants a family member to…

As he wiped some tears from his eyes, he glanced around the room. Everyone, besides Shego, had hurt filled expressions on their face. Many fought back tears, trying to console those who couldn't.

"Now we mustn't lose faith" James said making everyone look at him. "Ronald is a strong young man; he'll make it through this."

"I sure hope your right James" Mrs. Stoppable said still holding Hana tighter while Mr. Stoppable has his arm around her.

"James is right" Nana Possible said. "I've seen Kimberly and him beat far worse than this. We mustn't give up that Ronald is going to be okay."

Ann walked towards the Stoppables. "Maggie, Don, We're doing everything we can to save Ron. We're using all our best resources on him."

"We know Ann and we appreciate everything you are doing for Ronald but…" Mr. Stoppable started to say when Mrs. Stoppable stepped in.

"But with everything you told us… it…it seems impossible for Ron to able to make it through this alive."

"Maggie, Ronald is Kim's husband" James said walking towards the Stoppables. "He married a Possible which means…"

"Anything is possible for a Possible" Jim and Tim both said together.

James smiled at his boys before he looked back at Ron's parents. " If there one thing we Possibles know how to do is how defy the odds."

While James and Nana continued to help Ron's parents to not lose faith, Ann spotted Shego staring outside.

"Shego" Ann said making Shego jump a bit. Shego looked at the red-headed Doctor with a nervous expression on her face.

"May I speak to you outside for a few minutes?" Ann said walking towards her. "There is a matter I think you should know about and should be discussed more privately."

Shego gulped as she nodded. "Uh… sure Doc."

Author Note: Here you guys go... the sequel to "KP, YOU'RE WHAT?" I hoped you enjoyed it. Please leave me your thoughts and questions on the chapter. I always love hearing from you guys. :) Was the first chapter what you were expecting it to be?

till the next sitch-KPFAN OUT