Good Old PT Ch. 1: Injured

Numero 3 of today. So PT is physical therapy. I had a different title, but I decided to change it. So over the past seventeen weeks, I've had a flurry of medical issues. One of the most recent ones resulted in me having to go to Physical Therapy, PT. So, I decided to write about it. I'm an excellent patient, luckily. But that's no fun to read about. So who would the worst patient be out of team RWBY? That answer, is the surprising, Ruby Rose. I feel like people that are more inclined to say things like "I'm fine," or are out to try and prove themselves are more likely to be just horrendous patients. The injury that you will see be sustained is not my own, but the location will be the same for purposes that I know wheat the fuck happens in PT for that. Really, really excited because I know what I'm writing about for once. Now that I've gone ahead and spoiled all of chapter 1, let's get going.

Ruby had to marvel over her teams luck. They were pinned down, surrounded by Grimm, with dwindling ammo, all because they took a job through a supposedly clear forest. It was the fourth Grimm attack that they had stumbled into, the third time that they weren't expecting Grimm, and the second time that they were pinned down.

"This is just great," Weiss muttered. She plunged her sword into the chest of another diving Beowolf. "Another Grimm attack."

"Just fight," Yang said. She dove to the side of a Boarbatusk, and quickly grabbed it's tusks. She broke one of them off, causing it rear on it's hind legs in pain. Yang quickly thrust the tusk into it's stomach, and the Grimm fell over dead. Yang fired off one more round, and knocked an Ursa back.

"Well that's just great," Yang grumbled. "That's the last shell I have." Yang took a boxers stance, and shuffled a little closer to Blake. Blake quickly shadow'd up into the air, and swung around her blade into the back of a Taijitu. She quickly retracted the blade, and gave a similar treatment to the white head. She dove back, and landed next to her partner.

"What do we do?" Blake asked. "There's too many of them to fight."

"I know that," Ruby grumbled. She quickly fired off another round, and loaded in her last clip. She swept around her eyes, and found something that intrigued. There were only three Beowolves on the east-west side, and there weren't too many Grimm around them.

"I have a plan," Ruby said. She swung around her scythe into the feet of an Ursa, and swung it up into it's stomach. "Weiss, how many crystals do you have left?"

"A few," Weiss replied.

"Any red ones?" Weiss nodded, and tossed over a red crystal.

"What are you doing?" Yang asked, her hands holding off a Beowolf. Blake quickly cut it's head off, relieving her partner of it's resistance.

"I'm going to throw this crystal out there," Ruby said, pointing over at the east-west side. "And then I'm going to shoot it. It should take out those Beowolves, and we run for it."

"Is that it?" Weiss asked. "That's all you have?"

"You have any better plans?" Blake asked.

"Because if you do, we're all ears," Yang contributed. Weiss just went silent, and then nodded to Ruby.

"3," Ruby said. "2, 1, now!" Ruby chucked the crystal as far as she could, and fired off a round. The bullet and crystal made contact with each other, causing a massive explosion around the Grimm. They heard howls, and when the smoke cleared, the Grimm cleared.

"RUN!" Ruby yelled out. She jumped up, and took off in a sprint. Weiss followed up shortly, trailed by Blake, with Yang coming in just behind her. All of the Grimm saw that they had finally left their entrenched position, and took off after them. The girls had several steps on the Grimm, giving them an edge. Weiss and Ruby were firing rounds and sending back dust to delay them, giving them some room to run. Blake and Yang kept their attention forward, trying to find anything.

They were almost out of the way, but something had to go wrong. It was just that kind of day. They all heard a loud screech, and looked up into the air. A Nevermore, it had to be a Nevermore.

"KEEP GOING!" Ruby yelled out. None of them really thought any differently, and kept up their sprint. The Nevermore launched off several feathers, all of them landed nearby the girls. Ruby had to juke a feather to avoid suffering an injury, but kept along her pace. The Nevermore fired off another round of feathers, and this time, one of them went through the top of Ruby's thigh. She howled out in pain, causing the others to pause. Ruby just waved them off, and kept up their sprint.

The four girls finally reached the clearing that signaled that they were just outside of Beacon. Ruby didn't tell anyone, but her vision was slowly getting lighter, and lighter.

"We have to keep going," Ruby said, her voice sounding distant. The other three were too preoccupied with the Grimm to notice it. They just kept running, until they reached out front. The staff and students that stood guard started to take out the Grimm, and the other four gratefully ran inside. One of the staff on hand jogged over to them, and looked at them.

"How are you three doing?" He asked. "What the fuck happened to your leg?" He asked suddenly, looking down at Ruby's leg.

"I'm, fine," Ruby managed. Her leg had blood going down the whole thing, and the feather had never been removed. "I, sweaaaaa." Ruby collapsed to the ground, and lost consciousness from blood loss.

Beacon Medical Bay: The Next Day

Ruby slowly opened up her eyes, and tried to sit up.

"Don't do that," the medic on staff said instantly. "You're still healing, and you have to stay stationary."

"She's awake?" Yang's voice came.

"No, she tried to sit up in her sleep," the medic said boredly. "Yes, of course she's awake." A wild blonde mane became visible from Ruby's grounded position, and it was shortly followed up by a pair of black cat ears an a silver tiara.

"Ruby!" Yang said happily. "I'm so happy you're awake." She extended her arms to hug Ruby, but was cut off by a sharp cough from the medic.

"Don't touch her," she ordered.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" Yang asked.

"I don't need you to like me, I need you to listen to me so that I can heal your sister." She wrote something down on the clipboard, and looked over at Ruby. "How you feeling champ?" Ruby groaned loudly. "Yeah, that's what I expected. Okay, you're tough. You've been here for few years, and it's not often that you're name is left completely off of any medical records. I'm not going to sugar coat this, you're leg is pretty fucked." Ruby let out a whimper of sadness. "That feather wouldn't of have been too terrible, had you been able to pull it out immediately and gotten any form of pressure on it, you'd be in better position now." Ruby groaned again, and the medic just shook her head.

"I understand that that wasn't an option at the time," the medic continued. "But, that doesn't change the damage now. The feather would up slicing a nerve. Honestly, I have no idea how you were able to run for that long. I have managed to use my semblance to heal your leg and get the nerve back in place, but there's still one issue. You're leg is going to need to be retrained." Ruby whimpered again, and this time her team decided to intervene.

"Retrain it to run and flip?" Weiss asked. "I've studied it, I think that I can help her in that regards."

"No, retrain it to walk," the medic explained. "Her leg is in a state right now that makes it almost impossible for her to walk on it. As a matter of fact, almost all of the medicine is out of her. Feel free to try and walk if you want too, but you'll only prove my point."

"I'm fine," Ruby said. She made sure that the robe was covering her, and tried to stand up. She put a little bit of pressure on her left leg, and it immediately buckled out from underneath her. She almost fell to the ground, but the medic was ready. She caught Ruby just off of the ground, and propped her back up on the bed.

"I've already got a wheelchair at the ready," the medic said. "You'll be sent off to your dorm, but you'll need to retrain it."

"We can handle that at our dorm," Yang tried.

"No, you three can't. How many of you are certified physical therapists?" None of them raised their hands, and they just stared at their feet. "That's what I thought," the medic said. "I suggest that you buy yourself a swimsuit if you don't have one already. Tomorrow, you're going into PT."

End: Don't expect this much action. I'm only going to cover a couple of segments for Ruby at PT cause I'm not going to bore you guys that much. Also, I hope to make the chapters longer in the future. Questions, comments, follows, favorites, and feedback is appreciated.