Hey, Danielle here \(^0^)/

Long time no see. So sorry I haven't been posting chapters when I'm supposed to. I've been sick with strep and the flu, so that was a big part of the reason I couldn't type up a chapter. Then came the makeup work which took up a lot of my time but I finally have some free time now so I went and worked on this. Anyway, I hope you like the chapter. I tried to give Alyss a creepy kind of feel. They hadn't seen each other for so long and I wanted to show that Alyss had changed from the time they were just kids. Oh and to those of you wondering if Alice will have any B-Rabbit powers, I haven't decided yet so we'll just have to wait and see. Ok enough rambling from me; don't forget to leave a review if you want in and enjoy!

Disclaimer: this fanfiction is based around Pandora Hearts by Jun Mochizuki. I do not own any of the characters just the story line I made up.

~ Chapter 8: White Rose ~

Oz's POV

I gasped. Right here, in front of me stood an exact copy of what seemed to be a white version of Alice. Same hairstyle, with the two plaits on the side (minus the chains), and the same exact striking violet eyes. The only difference between them was that Alyss had white hair while Alice had black.

They obviously are related.

"Hi, I'm Oz, I'm Alice's friend." I put on my warmest smile for her and extended my hand. She looked at my hand and dismissed it. Feeling awkward I put my hands down to my side and wait for one of them to make a move. While waiting I noticed that Alyss seemed a bit…off. Her eyes were empty with what seemed like no emotion. Like it wasn't really her. Suddenly her eye changed and it was happy; gleaming with joy even. I shook my head.

I must be imagining things. It seemed as if a while ago Alyss had two sides to her. Not that nobody doesn't but this is different.

I gazed at Alice to my left.

Alice, I sure do hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

Alyss' POV

"It's been quite some time since we've last seen each other hasn't it? 8 years I believe." I say coolly trying to break the ice. Looking over at Alice I see that she is quite shocked.

Not surprising. She hasn't seen me in forever or even knows who I am. All she knows is that I am her twin sister. I wonder how she'll react when she finds out the real truth behind us.

I giggle out loud causing them to jump a little.

"Oz, I want to talk to Alyss alone." Alice stated trying to ignore the fact of what just happened.

"Fufufu….no, no, no we mustn't have that." Voicing my opinion, "Come Oz, join us…" I turn and start walking towards the center of the garden. Not looking back, I hear their footsteps behind me. One bold yet brave, the other stomping with impatience.

Cocking my brow I remarked "You two sure radiate your personalities…"

"What do you mean?" I hear Oz ask.

"Exactly what it means…" I pause and gaze into the pond at our reflections. I start to remember how we used to look like back then. Alice and I. I remember us being much shorter, our faces less angular and harsh. Our hair much longer than it used to be. Alice's hair still the same jet black from when we were kids, and my hair as white as snow. Our eyes however changed the most. Before we had joy and hope in our eyes…now mine is just a void while hers is still holding onto that joy but sadness creeps on its edges.

How much you've changed sweet Alice. And that young boy with you…his very existence might just ruin us both.

Bringing me out of my thoughts is Alice, "I have a few questions to ask you."

Turning to face her and Oz I utter two words that will hopefully clear the fog in her mind.

"Ask away."

What kind of questions will you ask dearest Alice...

Alice's POV

A million questions were running through my head by this point.

Finally I get the chance to ask her what happened and how.

"What happened that day?" I asked hesitantly.

"I had a mental breakdown. Simple as that; that's why I'm here." She replied rather quickly. Catching me off guard I had to pause and remember what I was going to ask next.

"How come Mom is so worried all the time; more specifically about Jack?"

Oz looked at me confused. "Who's Jack?" He whispered. I mouthed at him "I'll tell you later, not now ok?" He nods his head and listens to Alyss' answer.

"There was bad stuff happening in our family and Jack was the cause of it."

Mom told me he had did something terrible but she never mentioned we ever had any family…I just assumed we always lived by ourselves because we had no other relatives to stay with.

"Family? Do you mean there's more of us? I thought it was just Mom, Jack, and I." I questioned.

"Ahem." Alyss coughed.

"You too of course." Realizing the mistake I had made, I blushed a little.

"Well, of course we have other family. There's Uncle Oswald…" Alyss confessed.

"Where is he?" I asked excitedly. Alyss' face fell a little. She looked sad and confused and angry all rolled into one.

"Should we tell her?" An unknown voice whispered.

Who is that voice? It sounded like Alyss…but different.

"Wha—? Did anyone else hear that?" Oz remarked.

"What are you talking about; you guys must be tired." Alyss announced trying to divert our attention, "There's a bench nearby we can sit at. Come let us go." Leading the way she walked us through a series of paths through the indoor garden. Along the way I noticed that the garden was being well cared for. The flowers and grass seemed to glow with a sense of radiance.

Weird how this place is so clean and nice while the inside of the building is in terrible condition.

Suddenly Oz moved into step with me and whispered, "Did you hear that voice?"

I stole a peek at Alyss to make sure she wasn't listening before I answered, "Yeah, you aren't the only one."

"Let's be careful ok. She is you sister but you heard what the nurse said earlier. Alyss is dangerous." Oz cautioned me, worry in his eyes. Nodding in agreement we went and carried on in following Alyss in silence. Finally reaching the gazebo I see that it is surrounded by a sea of red roses.

Just like back then in my memory.

She motions for us to sit down and takes the seat from across from us. Oz takes the seat to the left of me.

"I have one final question to ask of you." I inquired.

Taking a deep breath I ask her "How come I don't remember anything about us?"

Her eyebrows crease downwards and her mouth turned into a frown.

"How would I know; it is your memory."

"You have something to do with it. Your being here is tied to me not remembering." I asked once again.

She's avoiding the reason. Why isn't she telling me the truth?

My patience was wearing thin with her.

I demand I know the answer. Doesn't she understand that I want to find out more about myself and the truth behind my memory loss?

"Alice, maybe you shouldn't try and agitate her. She is her sister you know…and she is in the hospital—no offense to you of course." Oz commented noticing the tense atmosphere.

"None taken. Besides let's try to get to know each other more. How about you start by introducing me to this friend of yours." Alyss said whilst smiling. Though on the outside she looked fine, as her sister I knew it wasn't sincere. Call it twin telepathy or whatever but I could tell she was hiding something from me.

"Well, I'm Oz—" but before he could get anything else out I yelled out "NO! I demand to know the answer."

"Fine." Agitation clear in her violet eyes. Alyss didn't seem the same way earlier.

She seems different. A while ago she was annoyed but not angry. Now she is but…it seems like her whole self-changed.

"You want to know the whole reason why you can't remember?" Alyss was standing up now and she was shaking with fury. "It's because we aren't even real! Your memories and mine both."

My eyes widened.

What is she talking about? Of course I'm alive. I'm here breathing and my heart is beating.

Alyss continued to ramble on, while I sat in shock. Oz meanwhile was gazing intently into the rose bush.

"A white rose." Oz mumbled.

Both Alyss and I turned to face him. I could feel my heart beat quicken.

He did not just say what I thought he just said.

"A white rose." Oz said again and this time he pulled out a white rose out of the bushes.

Oh no…

Oz's POV

Just as I pulled out the white rose I turned to Alice and Alyss to show them the new discovery I had just made, but when I turned to face them I saw Alyss screaming in agony.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Alyss shrieked.

All thoughts of the white rose fled from my mind, and I dropped the rose. A soft thud could be heard.

"NOT THE WHITE ROSE. ANYTHING BUT THAT—PLEASE DON'T, PLEASE DON'T!" She continued to scream this over and over again. Her voice carried out from the gazebo and into the indoor garden.

What happened? Alyss was yelling about something a while ago but why is she screaming?

I suddenly realized the comment the nurse had made earlier.

"She tends to be a bit…aggressive…"

Alyss was now throwing the chairs in the gazebo around. Her eyes were no longer happy, nor void just filled with crazy. At the same time Alice and I looked over to each other for some sort of indication of what to do.

"What do we do?" I yelled trying to get myself heard over Alyss' screams.

As if someone was answering our prayers nurses showed up and immediately put her to sleep. One of the nurses turned to us and said "I think it's time you left now."

We then found ourselves outside St. Laurence's Mental Hospital sitting on the nearest bench.

"Alice, I, I." I stuttered.

Did I cause that? Did my carelessness of the situation make Alyss do…do that?

"It's not your fault." Alice confessed as if reading my thoughts.

"But it is!" I said bewildered.

She sighed. "No, it's mine. I didn't want to tell you about what my Mom had said earlier."

"What did she say?" I questioned.

"She said don't mention the white rose. I didn't want to trouble you with it." Alice said earnestly, "This is my problem, it's ok if you don't want to talk to me anymore." She made the move to stand up but I grabbed her arm and stopped her.

I knew it. On the outside she may seem tough but she really does care on the inside.

"Alice I promised I would be there for you. Pinky promise, remember?" I held up my pinky.

"Yeah, but…" she was interrupted by someone we had met earlier.

"Having any problems?" Sharon said. Behind her stood a mysterious man with a doll on his shoulder.


WOAH. Alyss went cray cray. In case you didn't notice Alyss has a double sided personality. Reasons as to why this is will of course be revealed later on. And the white rose! Why was she screaming about it? Who knows! Last, but not least, the dynamic duo has shown up. Bet you thought they weren't going to pop up again but they did (or maybe not). BTW Alyss and Alice were 8 when they separated in the flashback. Anyway, that's it for now I hope you like it! See you guys in the next chapter :D