The night breeze passed through the open bedroom window of Goten and Trunks' room as a snore came from the young raven-haired saiyan. While he was asleep, Trunks was wide-awake, thinking about his life. His eyes met the sleeping figure beside him and smiled. He had everything he could ever want, a successful career, great family and friends, and his soul mate.

A shift of the body next to Trunks took him out of his thoughts. A yawn came from the raven-haired saiyan and then a smile as he buried his face into his piliow. Trunks thought about how adorable he looked just sleeping. It reminded him when they were little. When he had nightmares, he woke up in a cold sweat and would see Goten sleeping peacefully with a smile. Somehow it calmed him to know his best friend was happy and he would be able to sleep the rest of the night without another nightmare.

'I've had just about enough thinking for one day,' Trunks thought as he lied down beside his lover, pulled the covers over his body, and closed his eyes.

During the middle of the night Goten felt Trunks' arms around his waist, his warm breath in his ear. 'Crap! If he keeps this up, I won't be able to sleep.' He was taken out of his thoughts by Trunks' hands moving from around his waist. Goten sighed, 'thank kami,' he said before the hands found their way up his shirt, caressing his torso. 'I shouldn't be so surprised. He's so affectionate when he's awake. Why should I think he isn't the same way in his dreams?'


Goten turned his gaze to see Trunks was still asleep but talking in his sleep. He was curious to see what he might reveal, so he answered, "yes."

"I'm happy."

"Oh," he smiled, "why is that?"

"I don't think I could get through most of the things in my life without you by my side."

"I feel the same way Trunks."

"So, together forever?"

"Always," he said as he kissed Trunks on the cheek.

"Good night chibi," he smirked.

"Go—Hey! You're not asleep," he said as he pushed him.

Trunks laughed. "Nothing gets passed you," he said as he opened his eyes.

"Why didn't you just open your eyes and talk to me?"

"I was having some fun. You're too uptight sometimes," he said as he kissed down Goten's neck. "You need to relax."

"So you thinking ravishing me with your lips, hands, and legs will relax me?"

"Oh," he smirked, "I know it will chibi," he said as his lips stopped at the collar of Goten's shirt and shook his head.


"You wear too many clothes to bed."

"A shirt and boxers is too much?"

"Precisely," he smiled, "now take off your clothes."

"You're not the boss of me Trunks."

"Wrong choice of words chibi," said Trunks as his hand rested on his lover's crotch. Goten could feel his control slipping away from him. Trunks held all the power. And he wasn't about to let go for anything so Goten just closed his eyes and gave in. End.