Well, it's done I guess.

Fairy Tail belongs to Mashima-sensei

Please enjoy.

Warning: The prison will be weird. Like really weird.

"So where is she?" Lily asked his companion as they passed the town's gate without anybody stopping them.

Gajeel was thorn between laughing and crying as he realized he had no idea where the prison was. But he wasn't going to give up. "The town isn't that big. We will find her!" he answered without hesitation.

Sometimes, Lily had a hard time to understand how the hell did Gajeel become his best friend, through he never regretted it.

"All the cities are built the same way nowadays. The prisons are always somewhere near the wall, sometimes even inside. I pray for the first." Lily explained.

Gajeel just nodded absentmindedly.

They rode along the wall for a while now, not finding anything. Gajeel begun to wonder how big the city really was as Lily suddenly stopped his horse, pointing to a low building, built with solid stone and bars in front of the small windows. It clearly was the visible part of an underground-prison of the worst kind, standing ironically to one of the city's many churches. Or wasn't it a coincidence at all?

The two men nodded to confirm their plan again. No words were needed.

Gajeel usually wasn't one for fancy, complicated plans but Levy's life was more important to him than having it his way (what meant much blood and destruction), especially if that wouldn't work at all.

He drew his sword and kicked the door in. It was hard and solid wood with metal locks and frame, but as Gajeel was famous in the north as the Iron Dragonslayer because of his legendary strength and ability to overcome even the most solid works out of the material, it wasn't a problem at all.

Gajeel ignored the one poor guard in the room, who was taken out by Lily immediately anyway, and rushed towards the staircase leading to the cells.

Another two guards crossed his way, but didn't stand a chance against the angry dragonslayer.

"Levy?" his voice rang through the long corridor. "Levy!"

The panic rose in Gajeel at the lack of response.

He ran from cell to cell, hoping to be able to catch a glance of blue hair in one of them.

But he didn't have any luck with it. Levy was nowhere to be found.

The dragonslayer slid down the wall, burying his face in his wasn't here! He was too late!

"Gajeel?" Lily slowly approached his friend.

"She isn't here! We are too late!" the man sitting on the ground groaned full of despair.

Lily froze. After a while of heavy silence his eyes widened in sudden realization. "Gajeel, did you check the second basement?" he asked quietly. Lily barely finished the sentence as his friend jumped up and stormed to the trap-door Lily was looking at.

Gajeel ripped it out with one quick movement, jumping down recklessly right afterwards, while Lily took the nearest torch, concern defining his features and followed, climbing down the leader.

Gajeel's eyes adjusted to the darkness around him rather quickly, so he didn't need to wait for his companion to provide him with light.

Down here, the cells were different. The front side was all bars, making the prisoners good visible. If there was enough light to be able to see something, of course.

Gajeel went to the right, watching the pale, thin people on the other side of the bars carefully. Most of them didn't even look up as he passed, not more than shadows of their former selves.

"Gajeel! Come here!" Lily, who went into the opposite direction, shouted suddenly, leaning towards a cell somewhere at the end.

The dragonslayer stood next to his friend in the less than a second, pressing himself against the bars. The relief he felt when he saw Levy's small form curled up in a corner of the cell, shaking in her sleep but seemingly uninjured, couldn't be described in words.

Gajeel was about to try and bend the iron bars separating him from Levy, which would be a hard task even for him, as Lily swung a bundle of keys in front of him face, grinning.

"I through it could be useful."

The dragonslayer grabbed the keys from his friend's hand and opened the heavy door to the cell.

He was surprised that Levy didn't wake up yet, considering how loud they have been. It was concerning.

Gajeel kneeled himself next to levy's shaking body and gently tried to turn her around to face him. Her lips were slightly blue, resembling her hair, and any colour has vanished from her face.

Lily, who was standing behind Gajeel, handed him his black furry cloak without a word.

The dragonslayer wrapped the girl into it carefully, unaware of his watching him full of interest.

"Let's go" he mummbled and the two men started their way back.

It was a challenge to bring the girl to the upper floor, but they managed somehow.

The colour even started slowly returning to her face as they left the building.

Gajeel, who has been carrying Levy bridal-style the whole time frowned as he saw the horses. He didn't think about that. Hell, he didn't think at all if the girl was involved!

But once again, Lily saved the day, advising Gajeel to hand Levy over to him, climb on the horse and than get her onto the horse.

The dragonslayer had Levy barely in his arms again as steps and shouts echoed through the streets. The news of somebody breaking into the prison must have spread.

But to the two men it didn't matter. They accomplished their goal. And it would be an easy task to deal with a bunch of unarmored towsmen if they had to. They were knights of Fairy Tail after all.

But considering the fact that they had an unconscious girl with them, they decide to leave.

The fools of townsmen have left the gate unguarded, making their escape even easier.

They didn't ride long as the bundle in Gajeel's arms shifted, making the dragonslayer look down. He was met with the same big brown eyes as the first day they met, smiling at him softly.

"Thank you, Gajeel." Levy whispered, making him forget everything he ever knew about manners and morals as leaned down and kissed her.

It proved himself to be an extremely bad idea, since it ended up in him lying on hard ground with a giggling girl on top of him. And a Lily shaking his head in disbelief, grinning maniacally.

What the hell had happened in the two weeks they didn't see each other? Not that he complained.. Not at all. It promised to be entertaining.

The man rose from his horse to help Levy stand up again. He was a gentleman after all.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Levy. My name is Lily, called the Panther, and I am a knight of the Fairy Tail Orden, the same way the fool lying on the ground is."

The revelation made Levy gasp. "Fairy Tail? The patrons of Magnolia?" she asked stunned, impressed.

"Exactly, Shorty! Your future home!"


AN: Thank you for reading. Please leave a review and give me some hints.

And of course: Have a nice day everybody :)