Hello again! I'm back with a new update for Who Knew. So here is the next chapter. Hope you all enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hiten, Kagome, or anyone else from the Inuyasha series. They all belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

I had never been so tired. This was the third time I had to stop and rest during the day and Mount Hakurei was still a good day and half journey ahead of us. I could feel the groups irritation with me, especially Inuyasha's. Well, everyone except Hiten. He only seemed concerned with how tired I was getting so easily. Inuyasha paced back and forth as I sat on a boulder trying to get some rest.

Hiten sat next to me, gently wiping sweat from my face with a handkerchief. Souten and Shippo sat on my other side looking up at me worriedly.

"What is up with you, Kagome?!" Inuyasha asked. "You've never had problems keeping up with us before. You need to pick up the pace or we'll never reach Mount Hakurei!"

Hiten growled a warning at Inuyasha. I patted Hiten's hand softly to try and calm him before the two of them could get into another fight. Hiten would never finish healing if they kept at it. Inuyasha glanced at Hiten and then turned his attention back to me.

"Seriously Kagome, what's up with you?"

"I don't know, Inuyasha. I have never felt this tired before."

"Well you better figure it out! We can't afford to take any more time stopping."

His words made me feel horrible. I looked around at the tired faces of my friends and felt even worse. Tears welled up in my eyes and I began to bawl, big heaving sobs. I felt Hiten wrap his arms around me and squeeze me to his chest tightly.

"It's ok, Koi. It's ok. Don't listen to the half-breed. He's an idiot," Hiten murmured softly. Inuyasha let out a noise of protest at that last statement. I lifted my head from Hiten's chest and looked up at him. His ruby eyes gazed back down at me softly. Hiten leaned down and kissed me gently on the forehead.

"I'm sorry, Kagome," Inuyasha mumbled.

"It's ok, Inuyasha. You're right. I shouldn't be dragging everyone else down."

"No. I was wrong. I forget that you are human and that you don't have as much energy as me. I was just frustrated and I took it out on you."

I smiled at Inuyasha and he grinned back.

"We should get going," I said as I went to stand up. But no sooner had I got to my feet then I felt a wave of dizziness pass over me and my legs gave out on me. Hiten grabbed me before I could hit the ground and looked down at me a concerned look upon his face.

"Are you alright, Koi?"

"Yes," I mumbled not having the energy to do much else.

"Should we stop for the day, Kagome?" Sango asked, concern staining her voice.


"Kagome-sama, are you sure?" Miroku asked. I didn't even have the energy to reply.

"We'll keep going. I'll carry Kagome. Inuyasha, could you carry her bag?" Hiten asked. Inuyasha nodded and grabbed my bag up off the ground. With that we started back on our trip. Hiten looked down at me and I looked back up at him, my eyes half lidded.

"You can sleep now, Koi. I'll take care of you."

I smiled at him and then drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to the sound of a crackling fire. The night sky twinkled above me and as I looked around I noticed that most of the group was already asleep, the only exceptions being Inuyasha and Hiten. Inuyasha had found a perch up in a nearby tree and his ears twitched on occasion when a noise was heard. I managed to roll over onto my side and came face to face with Hiten. He stared at me for a few seconds before his hand lifted from the sleeping bag and gently rubbed my bottom lip. I smiled at him and bit down softly on his thumb, sucking on it on occasion.

"Don't start something you can't finish, Koi," Hiten growled softly. I giggled at him. He retracted his hand from my face and gently pulled me into his chest. I sighed in contentment.

"We need to talk about what happened to you today, Kagome."

I glanced up at him and was fixing to make a joking reply when I noticed the seriousness of his face. Hiten hardly ever had such an expression on his face. I pulled back from his embrace to look him fully in the face.

"I don't know why I was that way today, Hiten. Maybe it was because I've been stressing about that upcoming Trig test."

"That's not the reason, Kagome," he responded. I felt my irritation flicker at him. I didn't like it when people told me what I was feeling.

"Then why was I so tired, Oh, Hiten-the-All-Knowing."

Instead of getting annoyed with me like I expected him to he just sat up and picked me up bridal style.

"Hey! I can walk on my own!" I said hotly at him.

"Quiet," was all he said as he carried me off into the forest. I gave up trying to get free. Hiten's arms were like steel bands and there was no way I was getting away from him unless I decided to fry him with my miko powers, which was something I really didn't want to do. While Hiten was an asshole he was still my asshole. After he had walked a distance he deemed reasonable away from camp he hopped up on a huge boulder and settled me into his lap.

"Do you mind telling me why you felt it was necessary to carry me way out here?"

"I didn't want Inuyasha hearing what I have to tell you just yet. I doubt he's even noticed and if he has he doesn't yet know what it means."

"Hearing what? Finding out what? Hiten you're making no sense."

Hiten sighed and looked away from me. We sat in silence for what felt like forever before I placed my hand on Hiten's cheek and guided his face back to look at me.

"Hiten, what is happening to me?" I asked softly. He sighed once again.

"Kagome…you're with child."

I stared up at him for a few minutes before I burst into laughter.

"This is no laughing matter, Kagome! This is serious. The danger this puts you in is extreme!"

My laughter died immediately after his statement. Hiten was serious. I was really pregnant. Then the panic kicked in.

"What?! How do you know?! What's going to happen to me?" I asked frantically, clutching the front of his shirt tightly in my hands. His hands rose to cover my own and he squeezed them tightly in his own.

"Even though you're not far along, no more than five days at most, I can still smell it. When a female becomes pregnant her scent changes. It's subtle at first but then grows stronger as she gets farther along. I noticed something off about your scent when we left the village but I didn't pay too much attention to it. It wasn't until after you fell asleep in my arms today that everything connected. The increase in appetite, the mood swings, the loss of energy, and the change in your scent. That's when I realized that you're carrying my child, Koi."

He placed a hand on my stomach and purred softly. I placed my hand over his.

"What's going to happen to me, Hiten? Why am I in danger?"

"Nothing to drastic will happen to you. The only differences between a demon pregnancy and a human one is the time it takes to birth one and the amount of food and energy you'll need to keep the baby satisfied will be increased. Oh, and I'll have to give you small amounts of my demonic aura to keep the baby safe. I fear that you're miko aura might try to purify our child if I don't."

"When you said that the carrying period was different what did you mean by that exactly?"

"Demon pregnancies last about half of a human one and even this differs from species to species. Thunder demon pregnancies tend to last four months give or take a week or two."

I spluttered at this. Four months?! That was crazy! No wonder I was experiencing the symptoms of pregnancy so soon!

"Do not worry, Koi. I will find you the best midwife in Japan and even the world if need be. Though I do not expect any problems that will be to serious. My main concern is you continuing on this journey and the threat of Naraku."

"I can't give up on this quest, Hiten. I have a responsibility that I have to take care of."

Hiten sighed in defeat and leaned his forehead against mine. He gave my nose a quick kiss and opened his eyes to look at me.

"I figured you would say that. Then I guess I need to keep a better eye on you and never let you leave my side. I hope you realize, Koi, that now that you're with child I will be even more territorial and protective of you."

"I already knew that, Hiten."

We basked in each other's embrace for a few more minutes before I asked the question that had been plaguing my mind since I found out about my entrance into motherhood.

"When should we tell the others?"

"As soon as possible. Inuyasha will eventually realize what the change in your scent signifies and he will not be happy to find out you did not feel the need to inform him of your delicate condition."

"You're probably right. We'll tell them in the morning."

Hiten nodded at this and then grabbed me and hopped off the rock so fast I couldn't help but let out a yelp at the sudden movement. Hiten chuckled at me and I pouted up at him.

"Let's get you and the young one to bed. We have a long journey ahead of us."

I smiled at him and leaned up to kiss him.