Little Lotty all in blue,

Found a horse without a shoe.

Said Little Lotty to the horse:

"Could your day be any worse?"

Said he: "Little girl all dressed in blue,

Could you help me find my shoe?"

Little Lotty looked around,

And there upon the ground,

Not very far away,

She saw a shoe of silver-gray.

But when she brought back the shoe,

She did not know what to do,

For the horse turned into a boy so fair,

So very tall with long blond hair.

He said: "Thank you little maid,

For giving me your aid,

When things had gone amiss."

And gave her then a gentle kiss.

Then he said: "Now I must go away,

Because I will be a king some day.

An evil wizard put on me this spell,

But I will return for you when all is well."

Quickly past the years then flew,

And Little Lotty all in blue,

Grew up and was Lothiriel,

More beautiful than tales can tell.

Then one day a king came knocking,

Wearing one boot and a stocking.

He was tall and fair,

With long blond hair.

He said: "Finally I've come for you,

My lovely lady dressed in blue.

When you returned my shoe,

I lost my heart to you,

And now that I am king,

I have come to offer you a ring."

Came the answer from Lothiriel:

"That is all very well,

But I will not marry a king who comes knocking,

In just one boot and a stocking!

If you want me to marry you,

You'll have to find another shoe."

So of he went into the west,

To find a boot was now his quest.

But when he finally returned,

He thought he had been spurned.

Lothiriel all dressed in blue,

Was about to say "I do",

But when she saw her king,

She threw away the ring,

She ran to him and said:

"Save me from being wed!

He only wants my money

Doesn't love me or call me 'honey',

But I don't have a say.

Please take me far away!"

And so the king with both his boots,

Took her with him to the woods,

And from there very far away,

To distant lands where his kingdom lay.

Lothiriel now dressed in green,

There became his loving queen.